Chapter 21 Talk
"Mom, it's like this. Didn't I take a piano training class before? It's not that your son is talented. He was selected to participate in some competition. The teacher Miyai who was in charge of registering for the competition asked me to take a day off to go to her place." , I accidentally asked for a day of sick leave, and that's it." After finishing speaking, Shengsi blinked his big innocent eyes.

"Brother Shengsi has agreed? That's great!" Ayumi cheered when she heard Shengsi say that she agreed to participate in the competition.

Conan was a little surprised, he didn't expect Seiji to be able to play the piano, and he seemed to be playing the piano well.

Genta and Mitsuhiko also looked pleasantly surprised. Seiji was invited to participate in the piano competition. Ayumi had already told them. Now that Seiji seems to have agreed, he is also happy for him.

And my mother believed what Ayumi said, but she was still a little angry that Shengsi kept this matter from her and didn't tell her, so she put her hands on her hips and said, "Then you shouldn't tell me! "

"I'm sorry, I promise I won't do it next time, mom, please forgive me~" Shengsi grabbed his mother's arm and said coquettishly. Alright.

Everyone sitting on the sofa was stunned, they didn't expect Shengsi to act like a baby!Especially Conan, he can hardly close his mouth, he was scared
My mother also found it funny seeing Shengsi acting like a baby, she smiled and rubbed Shengsi's head and said, "Okay, okay, Mom forgives you, go wash your hands and get ready to eat."

After speaking to Shengsi, my mother turned her head and shouted to everyone on the sofa: "And you, go wash your hands!"

Just now Aunt Yexiang came to ask them to eat, but Shengsi just came back, so when this scene happened, they who had already been hooked by the smell of food hurriedly ran to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, it is natural for everyone to laugh and play.

The dinner table.

Conan was full of praise for Aunt Yexiang's craftsmanship, "Aunt Yexiang, the Chinese food you cook is really delicious!"

"Then eat more! This is fried pork with carrots. Eating more carrots is good for the eyes, and this." Mom smiled and picked up a bunch of dishes for Conan, and carefully explained the benefits of each dish.

"Mom, you are biased, I want you to bring me food." Shengsi's coquettish practice has reached a small level, and he can act coquettishly with his mother anytime and anywhere. In fact, he is a little jealous of Conan.

Seeing Shengsi like this, Ayumi, Genta, Mitsuhiko and the others acted coquettishly, "We want to too."

"Good! Good! Good! I'll clip each of you, hahahaha." My mother was amused by a group of children and couldn't stop laughing.

Seeing this joyful scene, Shengsi hurriedly fetched the camera from the room with his thoughts.


This happy picture freezes here.

It would be great if dad was here, because there are guests today, so mom cooks early, and dad hasn't got off work at this time, what a pity, Shengsi thought.

Soon, the time for a meal passed.

After eating, everyone bid farewell. After playing and eating, it was time to go. If they didn't go home, their parents would be worried.

"Come play again next time! And Xiao Si, you have to be careful!" Mom waved her hand at the door.

"Okay!" Everyone responded.

Shengsi walked with them, of course, to send them home.

Along the way, the topics of everyone have not stopped, what Kamen Rider anime, which restaurant's eel rice is delicious, what and what
Anyway, I just kept talking, I really don’t know where the energy came from, I don’t feel tired no matter what.Even Conan took the initiative to participate in the discussion, although most of it was answered.
"Student Shengsi, you can send them back, I will go back alone." After everyone reached a fork in the intersection, Conan walked to the left and said to Shengsi.

Just as Ayumi was about to speak, Seiji said, "Okay, bye then!"


As soon as Conan left, Ayumi said: "Brother Seiji, let's go with Conan. The teacher said that elementary school students should go together when they go home. It will be much safer!"

"Don't worry about him, he's smart!" Shengsi walked to the right with his hands on the back of his head.

Ayumi and the others quickly followed.

"Is Conan smarter than Shengsi?" Mitsuhiko ran to Shengsi and asked.

"Of course Brother Shengsi is smart!"

"Ayumi is right!" Yuan Tai echoed.

Shengsi was silent, but from the slightly upturned corners of his mouth, it could be seen that he was in a very happy mood at the moment.

Xiaolan already knows that Conan is Shinichi. When Conan returns home, she will face a completely different Xiaolan. Seiji, a little butterfly, has already flapped his wings. I don’t know what will happen in the following story?

Seeing Ayumi and the others who were having fun beside him, Seiji stopped thinking and joined them with a smile.Let's talk about it later, it's enough to be happy now.

By the time Shengsi got home, Dad had already returned.

Seeing his father and mother sitting in a row in the living room, Shengsi panicked a little. It seems that the two of them have been waiting for this for a long time.

Presumably, Dad already knew what happened to Shengsi today, and now they must not be sitting in a row and eating fruit.

"Xiao Si, come here and sit here." Dad waved and pointed to a cushion in front of him.

Hearing this, Shengsi used to kneel and sit on it obediently. After so many years in Japan, Shengsi has also learned how to sit. Although he was not used to it at first, it is much better now.

After watching Sheng Si sit down, the mother said earnestly: "Xiao Si, you are already six years old. In the past six years, we know that you are completely different from other children. Don't let us worry about it since you were a child. You are smart and sensible, and you can learn everything at once. You have always been a perfect child in our eyes!"

As my mother talked, she remembered every detail of Shengsi's past six years, and tears flashed in her eyes.

Dad patted Mom on the shoulder and continued: "Maybe you are too perfect. Your perfection makes us feel a little strange. When you were three years old, you started to be independent. We are very happy and think you are a genius! [-] When you were [-] years old, you started to like to go out to play, and you played for a day and a half! Although we didn't ask you what you were doing, we know that you have your own ideas and will do the right thing!"

Dad seemed to recall something, paused and continued: "We know that you love us very much, and of course we parents love you too! We know your character very well, you are an upright, kind, and brave child! But you lied to us today and it breaks our hearts!"

"Mom knows that there is a reason for you to do this, but you have to tell your parents about this, at least don't worry us, do you know how worried I am when I heard Ayumi say that you didn't go to class? If you hadn't used to go out and play for a day and a half before returning safely, I would have called the police a long time ago!"

My mother hugged Shengsi in her arms at some point, and murmured: "I remember the last time I hugged you like this, it seemed to be your fourth birthday."

PS: This book has been signed, everyone can rest assured to enter the pit, it is absolutely finished, and Fengyun is here to ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection!Friends who support Fengyun, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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