Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 108 The Bandaged Freak

Chapter 108 The Bandaged Freak
The villa everyone was going to was a little far away from Tokyo. It seemed that the location of this villa was still in a deep mountain, and it looked very secluded.

Because of the remoteness, Yuanzi also gave Xiaolan a map in case she would get lost.

After sitting in the car for more than an hour, everyone came to this deep mountain.

"Sister Xiaolan, why haven't we arrived yet?" After walking in the mountains for more than ten minutes, Conan couldn't help asking when he found that Xiaolan who was leading the way hadn't found the place yet.

Could it be lost?Xiaolan seems quite unreliable.

When asked by Conan, Xiaolan froze. She was really lost. She doesn't have a good sense of direction. How could Xiaolan succeed in leading the way at the first time?

But this can't be shown in front of Shinichi. After hearing Conan's words, Xiaolan said in a panic: "Probably. It will take a while. The map shows that the villa is nearby, and it should be there soon!"

Conan couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw this, Xiaolan's reaction was really lost!That's right, let Xiao Lan, a road idiot, lead the way without making mistakes!

"Sister Xiaolan, I think it should be over there! I think we should turn right at the fork just now." Shengsi pointed to a direction and said, he just used telekinesis to scan around , found a villa not far away.

What Xiaolan said was right, the villa is nearby, but the road they took would never reach the villa, because Xiaolan simply took the wrong way!

Fortunately, Shengsi just checked with telekinesis, otherwise they would have to go until tomorrow!

"Really?" Xiaolan smiled awkwardly. It was so embarrassing to be ashamed in front of a group of children, especially in front of Conan, a 'kid'. Xiaolan wanted to dig a hole in place and get in.

Hearing this, Conan snatched the map from Xiaolan's hand to look at it, and then said loudly: "Ah! That's true, sister Xiaolan, you are such an elm head! I just said that"

Conan was mocking Xiaolan mercilessly at this time, and he didn't notice that Xiaolan's face became more and more gloomy because of his ridicule.

"Conan. You. Just. Just. Said. I. Stupid. Stupid?!"

Xiaolan realized that Conan dared to continue talking, so she couldn't help clenching her fists and saying every word.

Shengsi could see the nameless flame burning behind Xiaolan, which was three feet high. He had already noticed that Xiaolan was brewing anger, but he didn't remind Conan at all, because he wanted to see Conan be beaten!
At this time, Shengsi just wanted to say a word to Conan: the old friend in the past is like a lover, but now the grave is full of green grass.

"Sister Xiaolan. Me." After hearing Xiaolan's words, Conan finally realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere. He felt a breath of death.

"Stop talking, just die!" Xiaolan interrupted Conan's explanation, and rushed up to beat Conan madly.

Seeing this 'bloody' scene, Seiji directly turned Ayumi's head away, telling her not to look at it, and at the same time, he kept encouraging Xiaolan in his heart: Bian!Give me a smoky flat!

A few minutes later, a swollen face like a pig's head appeared in front of Shengsi, "Shengsi, I hate you!"

"Ha ha."

In this regard, Shengsi had no choice but to hehe twice to express his comfort.

Ten minutes later, everyone finally saw a villa on the other side of the mountain at a corner. Seeing this, Shengsi also had to convince the person who built the villa. This place is really remote, and there are only a few families in a five-mile radius. , the family closest to this villa is on the other side of the mountain.

It is worth mentioning that Conan's swollen pig-like face has now recovered. This recovery ability is really terrifying, eh!As expected of an existence that was used to being beaten by Uncle Maori!

The villa is separated from here by a river, which is a canyon river, very deep, so a wooden bridge is built on it for walking.

When everyone came to the edge of the bridge, they found that there was someone on the bridge. The man was walking towards the other side of the bridge. He was dressed in black and even wore a black hat on his head. He looked very mysterious.

The moment Shengsi saw this person, he felt very confused, because he seemed to have seen this person somewhere, no, it was this figure!
That's right, when Shengsi swept across this area with his mind just now, he found such a person not far in front of the villa, but at that time he was squatting there motionless, Shengsi thought it was a scarecrow, so he didn't pay attention. Now he saw this person again, and he could move, so Shengsi was a little puzzled.

"That. How are you?! Excuse me?" After seeing the figure, Xiaolan shouted towards the person.

The man turned his head slowly before Xiaolan finished speaking, and when he turned his head, I gave a big smack!
I saw that the man's face was covered with bandages, coupled with the sharp eyes, and being in this deep mountain and old forest, it gave people a creepy feeling.

This feeling lasted for a short time, because the man looked back at everyone and quickly ran away.However, the aftertaste still exists!

Conan and Xiaolan were so frightened that they had goosebumps and trembled all over, and Xiaolan was too frightened to ask what she said.

"Brother Shengsi, I'm afraid!" Ayumi yelled even more frightened by the man, and then hugged Shengsi tightly.

Seeing this, Shengsi quickly comforted Ayumi, feeling a little unhappy, really, this bandage weirdo dared to scare Ayumi!

Therefore, Shengsi intends to teach him a lesson!
With a slight movement of Nian Li, the bandage man suddenly fell to the ground, but he got up immediately, and then ran towards the woods next to the villa.

He was tripped by Shengsi with his mind power just now, so it is considered a vent for Ayumi!
And the bandaged man should be some people's prank or the weird residents nearby, Shengsi didn't take it seriously, anyway, Shengsi would not investigate things that are not dangerous to them, unless they caused a stir interest, apparently this bandage freak doesn't
Because of the sudden fall of the bandaged man, most of Conan and Xiaolan's sense of fear disappeared!

Seeing this, Ayumi also smiled, "Brother Shengsi, that man is so stupid, he will fall down whenever he walks!"

"Yes, my Ayumi is the smartest!" Seiji smiled and pinched Ayumi's little face.

Skipping this episode, Xiaolan took Shengsi and the others across the bridge, and then came to the gate of the villa.

As soon as the group arrived at the entrance of the villa, the gate of the villa opened.

"Xiaolan! Shengsi! You are here! But why are you so slow?" Yuanzi opened the door, and she said happily when she saw everyone.

"I'm really sorry. Something happened just now." Xiaolan said with some embarrassment. This situation means that she got lost.

After Sonoko finished speaking, she found that besides Seiji and Xiao Ran, there were Ayumi and Conan.

"Ayumi is here too? Welcome, welcome!" Ayumi Sonoko greeted with a smile.

As for Conan, Sonoko bent over and stared at Conan with an unhappy face and said, "Conan, why are you here? Don't you feel embarrassed?"

Conan was embarrassed in an instant. He could only smile awkwardly and listen to Sonoko's nagging, but Conan was roaring in his heart: Sonoko, wait for me. I must teach me a good lesson when my body changes back. You have a meal!
(End of this chapter)

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