Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 107 Go to the villa to play

Chapter 107 Go to the villa to play
In front of Doctor Ye Zi's house.

Uncle Mao Li and Police Officer Mu Mu said goodbye to Dr. Ye Zi one after another. They still have to continue to investigate other suspects. They can't delay too much time here, so they want to leave, and Conan also left together.

"Shengsi, what's the matter? Aren't you going with us?" After walking two steps, Conan found that Shengsi hadn't followed, so he couldn't help turning around and questioning.

"Well, you guys go first, I still need to learn how to make orange juice from sister Ye Zi, so I don't have to come here every time." He just had something to say to Dr. Ye Zi, and Shengsi found a random one excuses.

"So that's the case, then let's go first! Goodbye!" Conan said goodbye and left without doubting him.

Watching Conan walk away, Shengsi turned to Doctor Ye Zi and said, "Okay, Sister Ye Zi, you should be fine in the future!"

Dr. Ye Zi didn't speak when he heard the words, but suddenly hugged Shengsi.

"Ah!" Shengsi couldn't help but exclaimed when he was hugged by Dr. Ye Zi just after he finished speaking.

"Thank you! Shengsi! Thank you so much!" Dr. Ye Zi said in Shengsi's ear. She didn't know how to thank Shengsi now. His kindness was too great.

"Sister Ye Zi, you're welcome, that Nakamoto is a bad person, he deserves to die! And Sister Ye Zi, you are a good person and you won't be arrested." Shengsi expressed it seriously with words that should be spoken at his age.

Hearing what Shengsi said, Dr. Ye Zi hugged Shengsi even tighter, "Shengsi, I am really happy today! Thank you so much!"

After a while, Dr. Ye Zi seemed to think of something suddenly, she let go of Seiji and said to him: "Yes, Seiji, I will leave Tokyo and go back to Obuchi Village, originally I came to Tokyo The purpose is to kill that hateful Nakamoto Katsuhiko, now I have finished, so I should go back, my parents are waiting for me!"

"Ah? Sister Ye Zi, are you leaving? Ayumi will be sad when she hears it." Shengsi was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

"There's nothing I can do about it. I was ready to leave a long time ago, and I sneaked out to Tokyo. I haven't seen my family for so long. I should go back. But, Seiji, I will remember you." Yes!" Doctor Ye Zi looked at Sheng Si's small eyes and said seriously.

"Then, sister Ye Zi, will you come back?" Shengsi didn't know what to say to persuade him to stay, all he could say was this.

"Of course, I will come back to see you and Ayumi!" Dr. Ye Zi pinched Seiji's little face and said with a smile.

Usually Seiji pinches Ayumi's face, but now Seiji finally tastes what it feels like to be pinched.

Ten minutes later, Shengsi returned home with a large bottle of orange juice.

Because Dr. Yezi was leaving, but she didn't know what gift to give Shengsi, but she saw that Shengsi loved drinking orange juice so much, so she squeezed all the oranges in the house into juice and gave it to Shengsi. So I really don't know what to say.

After leaving some orange juice at home, Seiji gave some to Mitsuhiko, Ayumi, Genta, and Conan.

They all seemed more happy after receiving the orange juice from Shengsi, especially Yuantai, who jumped up excitedly on the spot.

But Conan was a little surprised, because when Seiji went to the Mori Detective Agency, Conan and Uncle Mori were not there, and only Xiaolan was at home alone.

"Sister Xiaolan, where are Conan and Uncle Maoli? Haven't come back yet?" After entering the door, Shengsi found that Xiaolan was alone here, and couldn't help but wondered.

"Well, they went to investigate a case and haven't come back yet. Shinichi is really, he left me alone at home!" After the two sat down, Xiaolan explained, and even complained later.

After finishing speaking, Xiaolan seemed to suddenly think of something, and said excitedly: "Yes, Shengsi, Yuanzi said that she invited me to her villa tomorrow afternoon, and she specially reminded me to invite you too. !"

"Go to the villa to play? That's fine, but can I take Ayumi with me?" Seiji actually wanted to take Xiaoxi out to play, but Xiaoxi said that she had gone out recently (playing in Itomoricho) all morning), so now she plans to work hard to practice magic, and strive to be promoted to a senior magician as soon as possible!

"Well, I think Yuanzi will definitely agree!" Xiaolan thought for a while and then said, she knew Yuanzi's temper very well, so this trivial matter should not matter.

"That's really great, thank you Sister Sonoko for me, by the way, when are we going to leave tomorrow afternoon?" Shengsi said with a smile, wouldn't it be nice to go out with Ayumi for nothing?
"How about this, you can come to our house with Conan after school, and then we will go together again." Xiaolan said.

"Okay!" Shengsi nodded. If you go in the afternoon, you will have plenty of time to play. It is estimated that you should have dinner at the villa by then.

Just like that, Shengsi left after hearing the news.

It was already the afternoon of the second day when Seiji came to Mori Detective Agency again.

"Ayumi, Seiji, you are here!" Xiaolan said to them excitedly as soon as Shengsi entered the door.

"Sister Xiaolan, when are we leaving?" Ayumi couldn't wait any longer. This morning, after Shengsi told her to go to the villa to play in the afternoon, she was excited all morning. In her impression, there must be an entertainment room in the villa. , In this way, she can play happily with Shengsi. Originally, Mitsuhiko and Genta were also going to come, and they were very interested in it, but they seemed to have something at home, so they didn't come.

"We can leave after Conan puts away his schoolbag, eh? Where's your schoolbag?" Xiaolan replied with a smile after hearing Ayumi's question, and found out that neither Seiji nor Ayumi had a schoolbag on their backs.

"Oh, I'll put the schoolbag." Ayumi suddenly thought of something in the middle of her words, quickly covered her small mouth, and then looked at Shengsi with some guilt.

I almost slipped my mouth just now, but I promised Shengsi not to say anything, but luckily I stopped in the end.

Seeing Ayumi's cute look, Seiji shook his head and said it's no big deal, Ayumi couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, thinking that Seiji would talk about her, but she didn't expect Seiji to be so good.
After finishing all this, Shengsi smiled and explained to Xiaolan: "Sister Xiaolan, our schoolbags have already been left at home, right, where is Uncle Maori?"

It's rare for Shengsi to find that Uncle Mao Li is not here!So he asked a question, and at the same time diverted Xiaolan's attention.

This trick was very successful, and Xiaolan's attention was immediately diverted.

"You said Dad, he is still running errands for the disappearance case, and he probably won't come back for dinner tonight!"

"So that's the case!" Shengsi nodded. Uncle Maori is so pitiful, he went to investigate a case that was destined to have no results.

Just then, Conan came over.

"Sister Xiaolan, I'm ready!"

"Then let's go!" Seeing Conan put away his things, Xiaolan nodded, and after speaking, Xiaolan picked up the backpack she had prepared and got up and walked outside.


Shengsi and the others quickly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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