Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 106 Still Orange Juice

Chapter 106 Still Orange Juice
"We're here to investigate the disappearance of Katsuhiko Nakamoto. We're here today for a routine interview. That Katsuhiko Nakamoto was almost at 07:30 last night. Well! That's how things are. I don't know what you think, Seiji. "Officer Megure explained, and at the same time told the case again, he can now confirm that Dr. Ye Zi's disappearance is related to Dr. Ye Zi, but he doesn't know how Dr. Ye Zi made a living person disappear without a trace. Without a trace, he has no evidence at all!And Shengsi's reasoning ability is so strong, Police Officer Mumu now wants Shengsi to help him think about it, to see if he can find some clues.

However, Police Officer Meguro found the wrong person this time, and Seiji could be regarded as an accomplice in this case, so Seiji would not tell the truth at all.

Dr. Ye Zi looked at Shengsi nervously when he heard the question from Police Officer Mumu. It can be said that her current fate is completely in the hands of Shengsi. Although she was very puzzled why Nakamoto's body disappeared, but She doesn't care about this issue, because Nakamoto is dead, she knows this is enough!
As if he noticed Dr. Ye Zi's nervousness, Shengsi first smiled at Dr. Ye Zi, and then said: "Officer Mumu, this case can first rule out Dr. Ye Zi's suspicion! Because last night from [-] to [-] o'clock, Bu and I Mei and Dr. Ye Zi have been watching Masked Rider in her clinic, so Dr. Ye Zi is absolutely not suspected! As for Mr. Nakamoto’s disappearance, I’m not very clear about it.”

"Really? I still suspect that Miss Ye Zi is here, so I'm really sorry!" Police Officer Mumu said and bowed to Dr. Ye Zi. He still believes in Shengsi's words. The disappearance case is not a homicide case. That's why Police Officer Megure just started to visit and investigate today, and they have only been here for a short time, and they haven't asked Dr. Yeaf many questions yet, and now Shengsi's words are equivalent to Dr. Yeaf's alibi.

Because they said that Dr. Ye Zi was a suspect when they first came, and now the truth is revealed, the behavior just now was very disrespectful, so Police Officer Megure apologized to Dr. Ye Zi.

Uncle Mao Li also scratched his head in embarrassment, and said haha.

He just said that he was sure to expose Dr. Ye Zi's modus operandi, but now Shengsi's words can be said to be a slap in the face.

Conan looked at Seiji calmly, wondering what was going on in his mind.

"It's okay." Dr. Ye Zi looked at Police Officer Mugure apologizing to her, waved his hands again and again, and said that she couldn't bear this gift. She was the one who killed Nakamoto, but the body suddenly disappeared.

So she was very nervous when she was talking to Police Officer Mumu, in order to relieve the tension, Dr. Ye Zi quickly diverted their attention, so Dr. Ye Zi asked Shengsi: "Right, what are you doing here, Shengsi? "

"I'm here to get the super invincible and delicious orange juice! Ayumi said that the orange juice squeezed by sister Ye Zi is delicious, and Conan and the others also want to drink it, but when we went to the clinic just now, we found that the door was not open, so I guess you I should be at home, so I came over to get some orange juice, don’t you think it’s Conan?!” Shengsi thought of a solution as soon as he turned his head, and pulled Conan beside him into the water.

"Um, yes." Conan was thinking about something just now, and now he came back to answer, but how did Shengsi know Dr. Ye Zi's home address?Could it be that Dr. Ye Zi told him?Forget it, don't think about it, anyway, it's just a trivial matter, and Dr. Ye Zi is no longer suspected, so it's useless for Conan to think about this question.

Fortunately, Conan didn't continue to think about it, otherwise he would have caused a little trouble for Shengsi.

"So that's the case, then I'll squeeze it for you right away. I didn't expect my orange juice to be so popular. By the way, do you want to drink it too, Mr. Mori and Police Officer Megure?" After the topic was changed, Dr. Ye Zi instantly relaxed stand up.

Hearing the 'super invincible and delicious orange juice' from Shengsi's mouth, Uncle Mao Li swallowed hard, and now that Dr. Ye Zi said that he would give them a glass too, Uncle Mao Li hurriedly said: "Give me a glass! No. Come for two Cup!"

"Brother Mumu has long wanted to drink too!" Uncle Mao Li winked at Police Officer Mumu after finishing speaking, with an expression of 'I knew it a long time ago'.

"That's good." In fact, Police Officer Mu Mu also wanted to drink, and originally planned to refuse it out of face, but now Uncle Mao Li's way of doing it is quite to his liking.

"Then wait a moment, I'll go to the kitchen to get ready, and I'll be here right away!" Dr. Ye Zi walked towards the kitchen after speaking.

After Dr. Ye Zi left, Police Officer Mumu chatted with Shengsi.

"Shengsi, it's really thanks to you for providing such important evidence this time. By the way, do you want to think about the job application of your boy detective team?" Police officer Meguro said with a smile, he was still thinking about it. It's about applying for a position for the priest.

"Don't think about it, we won't agree, we're just primary school students, it's really hard for us to be a policeman or something." Shengsi shook his head, he didn't want to waste time on these boring things.

"That's what I said, but working in our Tokyo Police Station doesn't have any impact on my studies." Officer Megure is still trying his best to fight for it.

"Officer Megure, we are all just children, don't make it too difficult for us." Conan said from the side, he didn't want this position either, he still wanted to investigate the black organization, it's so troublesome now that he's getting smaller. I can't have a good date with Xiaolan anymore!
As soon as Conan finished speaking, Uncle Mori also echoed: "That's right, that's just a bunch of brats, where is my detective Mori Kogoro powerful?!"

"Well, that's fine, I won't force it anymore." Police officer Mu Mu couldn't bear to hit Uncle Mao Li when he saw his stern look, and didn't mention it again.

At this moment, Doctor Ye came in with a few glasses of orange juice on a plate.

"Orange juice is here!" Doctor Ye shouted and put the plate on the coffee table.

Shengsi also said in a timely manner: "Everyone, drink orange juice! This orange juice is super invincible and delicious!"

At the same time, Shengsi flicked it with his right hand, adding a small amount of magic power to it.

"Oh? Really?" Conan picked up a glass of orange juice in disbelief.

Seeing this, everyone also picked up a glass of orange juice.

"It's delicious! As expected of the orange juice squeezed by Miss Ye Zi, it's really delicious!" Uncle Mao Li praised it after taking a sip.

The police officer Mu Mu who was on the side rolled his eyes wildly. Although the orange juice is delicious, it is not that exaggerated. It is probably Maori's old problem again.
Conan also nodded secretly after drinking, this orange juice is really delicious, no wonder she admires Ayumi so much.

"Thank you for the compliment!" Dr. Ye Zi said with a smile on his face.

"Haha, it's nothing, Miss Ye Zi is so pretty, she should squeeze out such delicious juice." Uncle Mao Li rubbed the back of his head and said with a smirk.

In this way, after sitting at Dr. Ye Zi's house for a few minutes, Police Officer Mu Mu bid farewell. Their purpose of coming here has been achieved, and they drank such delicious orange juice. It was a worthwhile trip.

(End of this chapter)

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