Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 105 Orange Juice

Chapter 105 Orange Juice
The next morning.

During recess, Seiji and his group were discussing yesterday's Kamen Rider.

Suddenly, Yuantai seemed to think of something, and then said: "Do you know? A man suddenly disappeared at home on Yejinghu Street yesterday! It's still the kind without a trace. Do you think he has done too many bad things and was arrested?" The ghost took it?"

"I've seen what you said in the newspaper. The missing person is the owner of a real estate company. He was found missing by the administrator of the same apartment building and a woman. As for being taken away by ghosts, Mrs. Yuan You are thinking too much, how can there be ghosts in this world?" Conan continued after hearing the words, and rolled his eyes at Yuantai after speaking.

"Well, that woman seems to be the doctor Ayumi went to see her teeth yesterday, and Seiji has seen it too, right?" Mitsuhiko said and looked at Seiji.

After Mitsuhiko said this, everyone's eyes were on Shengsi.

"Well, Elder Sister Ye Zi is very kind, not only invited us to drink orange juice, but also left us to watch Kamen Rider in the clinic!" Shengsi said with a smile.

Ayumi also echoed the words: "Yes, yes, that orange juice is delicious, I drank a few glasses!"

"Really? I really want to drink it too!" Yuan Taiyi's saliva almost flowed out when he heard that there was something delicious to drink.

"Please, Yuantai, isn't this what we are discussing?" Conan said helplessly when he saw this, Yuantai is really, when it comes to food, he is so virtuous.
"Oh? Really? But the orange juice Ayumi said is really delicious." Motota whispered, he still couldn't forget that orange juice, and obviously wanted to have a drink.

"Well, it's up to you." Conan shook his head, and didn't want to talk to Yuanta anymore. Conan really doesn't understand children's thinking, especially Yuantai's.
"Why don't we go to Sister Ye Zi to play together at noon, and drink that orange juice by the way." Shengsi suggested that he also wanted to see the situation of Dr. Ye Zi. Some people suspected that Dr. Ye Zi couldn't produce evidence, so there should be no problem, but Shengsi still wanted to go and see.

"Okay! I can drink delicious orange juice again!" Ayumi was the first to respond when she heard that, but she was thinking about yesterday's delicious orange juice.

"I agree!" Yuan Tai said excitedly.

Conan looked at the excitement of the two and couldn't help asking: "Is orange juice so delicious?"

It's just a glass of orange juice, this look is too exaggerated, Mitsuhiko also looked at Shengsi with a puzzled face, wanting to know the answer.

"Whether it's good or not, we'll know when we go. Besides, it's useless for you to discuss it like this now." Shengsi said, he was also very puzzled, is orange juice so delicious?

"Yes, Shengsi, you are so smart!" Yuan Tai gave Shengsi a thumbs up after hearing this sentence.

The corners of Conan's mouth twitched seeing this, is this considered smart?Then the whole world is a genius!

In this way, Yuan Tai successfully shifted the topic to orange juice
Soon, the morning time passed.

After school, Shengsi and his team went directly to Dr. Ye Zi's clinic. It was past two o'clock, and the clinic should be open.

The dentist's clinic is not very far from Mihua Primary School, just next to Mihua Park. Shengsi and the others came to the clinic after a few minutes of walking.

"Eh?! Why isn't the door open?" When Shengsi and the others came to the clinic, they found that it was closed!

It says on the side of the door, isn't the door open at two o'clock?It's not a holiday now, why isn't it open?

"Shengsi, why isn't the door open here?" Yuan Tai asked, he was thinking, could he not be able to drink orange juice?
Others are thinking the same way.

"Let's go through the back door, maybe Sister Yezi didn't open the front door because she was busy." Shengsi said to Yuan Tai.

After speaking, he led people to the underground parking lot next to him.

After a while, everyone came to the back door of the clinic.

However, after Shengsi rang the doorbell, no one came to answer the door.

What's wrong?Is there no one in there?The Holy Master's telekinesis is not always on. Generally, it is only turned on when it is needed, such as now.
Seeing this, Shengsi quickly swept inside with his thoughts, hey!Really no one!Is Dr. Ye Zi not going to work today?
Thinking of this, Shengsi turned his head and said to the crowd: "Doctor Ye Zi should not be at home, let's go back first, and come back next time." Then he led the crowd back.

"Ah, that's it! It's really disappointing." Yuan Tai looked disappointed. He came with great expectations, but he didn't expect that no one would be there. He was really disappointed.

"Okay, let's go back, it's the same next time we come to drink." Ayumi comforted.

Hearing Ayumi's words, Genta stopped complaining and quickly followed the crowd.

No way, I didn't finish the orange juice today, so I had to go home. Seiji sent Ayumi back and returned to his own home.

After staying at home for an hour, Shengsi went out again.

He planned to go directly to Dr. Ye Zi's house to check on the situation of Nakamoto's house and see if there were any policemen there.

Doctor Ye Zi's house was not far from Shengsi's house, and Shengsi arrived in front of her house after walking for a few minutes.

"Eh? Is someone here?" Looking at the opened door, Shengsi said suspiciously, since the door is still closed, it looks like someone has come.

"Sister Yezi, are you there?!" After thanking Shengsi, he shouted and walked towards the house.

"Is Shengsi here?" Shengsi had just finished shouting when a voice came from inside the room.

Shengsi recognized that it was Doctor Ye's voice, coming from the living room.So, Shengsi followed the voice and walked towards Dr. Ye Zi.

"Shengsi?! Why are you here?!" As soon as he opened the door of the living room, Shengsi heard a familiar voice.

"Conan?! And Uncle Mori and Police Officer Megure?! Why are you here?" Shengsi heard someone call out his name, and it was not a female voice. There is also the chubby police officer Mumu, as for Xiaolan, she doesn't seem to come.

"Isn't this Shengsi? Why are you here?" Uncle Maori asked.

Police officer Mu Mu also looked at Shengsi, waiting for Shengsi's answer.

"I came to play with Elder Sister Ye Zi, but you guys, why did you come here too?" Shengsi asked back, thinking at the same time, was he suspected of having sex?That's right, Dr. Ye Zi and Mr. Nakamoto's enmity can be found out at once, and Dr. Ye Zi was the first to find out that Nakamoto was missing, so everyone who is the first suspect will think of Dr. Ye Zi!However, Shengsi has already removed the traces, and no matter how much he checks, he can't find them out.

PS: Please recommend!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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