Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 104 Teleportation

Chapter 104 Teleportation
For a while, the three of them were silent, without speaking, only the sound of the Masked Rider program echoed in the whole room, and Mei was attracted by the content on the TV, so she didn't speak, and Shengsi was helping Dr. Ye Zi with his thoughts. Cleaning up the traces of Nakamoto, Dr. Ye Zi didn't know what to say, and was in a daze and thinking.

Ten minutes later, Kamen Rider finally finished broadcasting. Dr. Ye Zi wanted to ask Shengsi many times during the broadcast, but every time Shengsi would take the lead in making a silent gesture to her, signaling her not to speak. Don't ask, but really went to see Kamen Rider with Ayumi, and cheered with Ayumi for the plot on TV from time to time.
Uh. This holy priest didn't know what to say when he looked at the two people who were cheering. This doctor Ye Zi really has a big heart.

"Sister Ye Zi, please send us back quickly." After the show was over, Shengsi said to Dr. Ye Zi who was still staring at the TV.

"Enhao..." Dr. Ye Zi was taken aback when he heard the words, and then nodded with a strange expression. He is at his home now, so Ayumi would have noticed it as soon as he went out?
"What's the matter? Sister Ye Zi?" Ayumi noticed the strangeness of Dr. Ye Zi, and couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing." Dr. Ye Zi waved her hand quickly, and walked out of the door bravely. At the same time, she also secretly wondered why Bu Mei didn't fall asleep after drinking the glass of orange juice?She put sleeping pills in it.

But this is not what puzzled her the most. What puzzled her the most was that when she opened the door, she found her dentist's office outside!

You must know that she had been watching TV at home just now and hadn't moved at all, but now why did the three of them suddenly come to the clinic thousands of meters away?This is really incredible!
Of course, these were all done by Shengsi. When the two of them were watching TV, he used a magic that can only be used by a great magician - teleportation. At the same time, he instantly turned on the TV in the clinic with his mind. It was completed within a few tenths of a second, so Ayumi and Dr. Ye Zi didn't notice it at all.

This magic is also learned by Shengsi recently, and it is very powerful. As long as he has been to the place, he can communicate with the space there and carry out space transmission.

Generally speaking, apart from the magicians of the space department, only those who have reached the level of a great magician can contact and start learning space magic, and this teleportation technique is one of the space magic.

And the teleportation ability and teleportation distance of this kind of teleportation are somewhat closely related to the strength of the magician's soul. The stronger the magician's soul, the stronger the teleportation will be!Of course, the teleportation technique is no match for the teleportation array.

Also, Shengsi discovered that the opportunity for a great magician to advance to a wizard is to touch the time!right!It is time, as long as you learn a little bit of time, you can become a powerful mage, which is why mages can resurrect people who have died soon!
And Shengsi also found that his learning ability is extremely terrifying!It took him ten minutes to learn a forbidden spell and he could use it. This kind of space teleportation only took him twenty minutes to learn. You must know that a new forbidden spell can be learned by a great magician. It would take at least a few months or even a year to learn, but Shengsi's speed is simply inhuman! ! !

"How is this possible?!" Dr. Ye Zi looked at the scene in front of him and said in shock.

"What's the matter? Dr. Ye Zi?" Ayumi asked Dr. Ye Zi who was stunned at the door.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled and said to Ayumi: "Sister Yezi must be tired after pulling your tooth just now, we can go back by ourselves, don't bother her to send it, okay Ayumi?"

"Oh, so that's the case, sister Ye Zi needs to rest well, I'll go back with brother Shengsi." Ayumi said to the surprised Doctor Ye Zi.

Dr. Ye Zi wanted to say something after hearing Ayumi's words, but she found that Seiji was blinking at her. Seeing this, she quickly changed her words: "That...Okay, be careful on the road."

"Well! Goodbye!" Ayumi waved her hand.

"Goodbye!" Dr. Ye Zi replied, she still hadn't figured out the situation yet, several people suddenly appeared in her clinic, which made her a little confused, and she was still thinking about what was going on.

After Ayumi finished speaking, she followed Shengsi to the back door. At this time, Dr. Ye Zi suddenly thought of something, and shouted at Shengsi: "Shengsi, that"

Before Dr. Ye Zi finished speaking, Shengsi turned around and said, "Sister Ye Zi, Ayumi and I watched Kamen Rider with you for so long today. We are really happy, but you are also very tired now, and you can Hurry up and go home and rest.”

After finishing speaking, Seiji led Ayumi, who was a little dazed, out of the clinic.

"Miyashui Shengsi, I remember this name!" Looking at Shengsi's back, Dr. Ye Zi murmured.

After leaving the clinic, Shengsi looked at his watch and found that it was already past eight o'clock, which was already very late, so Shengsi sent Ayumi home directly.

After sending Ayumi home, Seiji walked towards his home, while still thinking about what happened just now. Seiji had already cleaned up Katsuhiko Nakamoto's body just now, and the traces of the scene were also covered by him. Erased, resulting in the effect of Katsuhiko Nakamoto disappearing out of thin air. When Seiji cleaned up the traces, he also found that Katsuhiko Nakamoto was the owner of a real estate company. If this is the case, I believe that the headline of tomorrow's newspaper should be "Real Estate Katsuhiko Nakamoto, the boss of the company, mysteriously disappeared at home'.

Thinking of this, Seiji chuckled lightly, "Hehe", this man named Nakamoto deserves to die!The ghost knows how many people he has killed over the years. Dr. Ye Zi's killing him now can be regarded as extermination, so not only will Shengsi not call the police, but he will also help her clean up the traces!

After a while, Shengsi arrived home.

After arriving home, Shengsi discussed magic with Xiaoxi again. Now Shengsi is struggling to learn all kinds of magic and expand his own strength. He still remembers that this week and weekend he will go to the Koizumi family to accompany Diwen to the magician The conference is over, so he is constantly strengthening his strength. At the same time, he also reminds Xiao Xi from time to time, teaching her many principles of magic, so that she can quickly comprehend.

With the help of Shengsi, Xiao Xi is about to be promoted to a senior magician.

It is worth mentioning that Xiao Xi threw a camera to Shengsi as soon as he entered the house. At first Shengsi was puzzled by this, but he immediately remembered that this was a fake photo he asked Xiao Xi to take just now. Superman, originally thought that Ayumi couldn't see it, so it was prepared for her, but Ayumi has already watched it, and it is useless now.

But it is still possible to stay, Seiji thought about it, and planned to give Ayumi that tooth and this video as a gift when she celebrates her birthday
In this way, while Shengsi and Xiao Xi were discussing magic, one night passed quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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