Chapter 103

"Ern!" Dr. Ye Zi heard Sheng Si said that he wanted to go out to talk with him, and immediately came to his senses, and quickly followed Sheng Si out of the room.

"Ayumi, just watch Kamen Rider obediently, we'll go back later!" Seiji still said to Ayumi who was in the room when he went out.

After finishing speaking, Shengsi brought Dr. Ye Zi into the living room.

"You know everything?" After the two arrived in the living room, Dr. Ye Zi finally couldn't help but ask. She wanted to ask just now, but because Ayumi was beside her, she didn't want Ayumi to know about it, so she didn't ask.

"Oh? What do I know? I don't know anything!" Shengsi turned around and said with a half-smile.

What Shengsi said was actually the truth, he really didn't know anything, he just 'saw' it.

Unexpectedly, Shengsi's answer would be like this, Dr. Ye Zi was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say next, Shengsi doesn't play cards according to routine at all!
"I'm a detective, but I'm not a detective, so...can you tell me about your brother?" Shengsi tilted his head and looked at Dr. Ye Zi, he was a little curious about this brother.

Shengsi's appearance is very cute, but Dr. Ye Zi is not in the mood to sigh at this time.

"How did you know that I have an older brother?! I never said that I have an older brother, did you know Mr. Nakamoto?!" Dr. Ye Zi seemed to have organized his words, and said so in one breath Chatty.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled, walked to a chair and sat down, and then said slowly: "Brother, I heard it. As for Nakamoto, I saw it."

"Did you see it?!" Hearing this key word, Ye Zi suddenly widened his eyes, then seemed to be thinking about something, and asked in a trembling voice: "You were awake just now? So, you just followed Me? So you saw it all?"

"Well, you can understand it this way." Shengsi didn't expect Dr. Ye Zi to explain everything he wanted to explain, so that he didn't have to explain it anymore. It was really troublesome for her.

"So... will you call the police?" Dr. Ye Zi murmured, she didn't expect her carefully laid out plan to be discovered all of a sudden, and she looked extremely disappointed.

"Uh, can you put aside the issue of calling the police for a while? I want to hear about your brother first." Compared with going to the police, Shengsi was more curious about Dr. Ye Zi's brother. As for calling the police, he would not say anything after hearing the story. late.

Hearing Shengsi's words, Dr. Ye Zi couldn't think about it for a while, is it time to discuss this?You are facing a murderer!
But seeing Shengsi's sincere eyes, Dr. Ye Zi was stunned for a moment, "My brother?"

"En! I want to hear it!" Shengsi nodded.

"Okay then." Doctor Ye Zi thought for a while and began to speak.

"My brother's name is Sawaki Muramasa. Like me, he is from Obuchi Village in Hokuto City (Hokuto City belongs to Yamanashi Prefecture). 26 years ago, I was seven years old and my brother was nine years old. Our family belonged to The richer ones, but because of the word 'wealthy', our family was targeted! One day, my brother was kidnapped!"

"The kidnapper is called Katsuhiko Nakamoto, the one I killed just now. He wants us to collect 1000 million and send it over within three days, otherwise we will tear up the ticket! Although our family is rich, we can't get 1000 million within three days. Three days later, we tried our best to borrow money and borrow money, but in the end we only managed to get 600 million, because of this, that hateful Nakamoto Katsuhiko actually killed my brother!"

"He was only nine years old at the time! Nine years old!" Dr. Ye Zi shouted at this point!His tone was full of grief, and his emotions were a little out of control.

Because Seiji had set up a sound-proof enchantment here long ago, the conversation between the two of them was not worried about being heard by Ayumi.

When Shengsi heard Dr. Ye Zi say that the man named Nakamoto actually attacked a nine-year-old child, he clenched his fist. At the same time, a few rooms away, Mr. Nakamoto's body exploded into a ball of air, dead. Not even scum!
Shengsi hated cruel people the most in his life, especially people who would attack children, Shengsi hated the most, if Nakamoto was still alive at this time, Shengsi would let him know what life is better than death.But now Nakamoto is dead, so all Shengsi can do now is to make him die so that there is no scum left!
After doing this, Shengsi looked at Ye Zi's grief, walked over and patted her on the shoulder to comfort her, that's all Shengsi can do now.

A person like Mr. Nakamoto really deserves to die!Even if Dr. Ye Zi didn't kill him, Shengsi would!
"Later, Katsuhiko Nakamoto was acquitted because of insufficient evidence! At that time, the seeds of revenge were planted in my heart. When I grew up, I found out that he came to Tokyo after many inquiries. Followed here, looking for an opportunity to kill him, but today is the day I planned to kill him, I originally planned to return to Xiaoyuan after killing him, but I didn't expect it."

Speaking of this, Ye Zi paused, and after a while, she suddenly said with a face of resignation: "You call the police to arrest me, I don't regret killing Nakamoto now, but my perfect plan was still defeated by you. In the hands of a famous detective, hehehe. Seiji, you are really good! If there were a detective as good as you back then, I think that bastard Katsuhiko Nakamoto would not have been acquitted!"

There was a hint of relief in Dr. Ye Zi's tone.

"Hehe. Did I say that I want to call the police?" Shengsi waved his hand and said with a puzzled face. Shengsi no longer intends to call the police, and at the same time he has to help Dr. Yezi deal with the traces there.

"Ah?!" Doctor Ye Zi's face was filled with grief and confusion on the other half. She was very puzzled by Sheng Si's words. Does this mean that she won't call the police?
Seiji didn't continue to explain, but got up and walked towards Ayumi's room.

Seeing this, Doctor Ye hurriedly followed, "Shengsi! Shengsi, what do you mean?"

Hearing Dr. Ye Zi's questioning, Shengsi finally stopped, then turned around and raised a finger and said, "Sister Ye Zi, now! I'm not a detective, and I didn't see anything just now. Ayumi and I have always been together. Watching Kamen Rider in the clinic, no? Doctor Leaf!"

After finishing speaking, Seiji walked into the room to accompany Ayumi to see Masked Rider, leaving only Dr. Ye Zi who was in a daze and at a loss.

After being stunned for a while, Dr. Ye Zi came to his senses. After regaining consciousness, she also walked into the room and wanted to say something to Shengsi, but before she could speak, Sheng Si turned to her and said, "Sister Ye Zi, what are you doing?" Come on, watch Kamen Rider with me and Ayumi, and I will trouble you to send us there later!"

"Oh?! En? Okay. Okay" Dr. Ye Zi was startled by Shengsi's jumping thinking, and he was a little incoherent.

(End of this chapter)

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