Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 102 Killing at 7:[-]

Chapter 102 07:30 Murder

After putting Shengsi and Ayumi on the sofa, Dr. Ye Zi went out, as if he was going to do something.

Seeing this, Shengsi followed her with telekinesis.

Under Shengsi's induction, Dr. Ye Zi first came to the living room and took a pair of plastic gloves and a pointed awl for unknown purpose. After putting on the gloves, Dr. Ye Zi walked straight out of the house with the awl in hand. .

After turning left and right after a pause, Dr. Ye Zi walked purposefully to a door and rang the doorbell. At this moment, she was holding tightly the sharp awl she took out from the living room, At the same time, he kept looking around, looking very nervous.

how?The men in the house are scary?What is Dr. Yezi nervous about?Seiji couldn't understand.

After a while, the door opened, and it was a fat middle-aged man who opened the door.

Suddenly, Doctor Ye pierced the man's heart with the sharp awl in his hand!
The speed was so fast that Shengsi didn't react at all, and the man was stabbed in the heart by Doctor Ye with that sharp awl!
It's not that Shengsi didn't react, but he didn't think about Dr. Ye Zi's intention to kill him at all. He felt that Dr. Ye Zi was going to find out what happened to the people in the house, but he didn't expect to kill him!
After the man was stabbed in the heart, he looked at Dr. Ye Zi in disbelief.


But no one answered him.

After the man finished saying this, he fell down in a daze, and he couldn't figure out why he was killed until his death!At this time, the clock on the wall jumped to 07:30.

To kill this fat man, this the purpose of Doctor Ye?Is there any feud between the two?What kind of hatred made such a kind person like Dr. Ye Zi want to kill someone?Shengsi was very curious about this for a while.

Although Shengsi was puzzled here, he was still carefully observing Dr. Ye Zi's next move.

I saw that Dr. Ye Zi did not leave after killing the man, but walked into the living room and turned the volume of the TV to the loudest. After doing this, Dr. Ye Zi closed the door and left.

After a while, Dr. Ye Zi returned to his home, which is the living room of Shengsi's current room. As soon as he came to the living room, Dr. Ye Zi fell to the ground, panting heavily, and at the same time muttering incessantly: "Brother, I finally avenged you! Brother."

elder brother?It seems that Dr. Ye Zi killed his brother to avenge his brother, but Shengsi has never heard that Dr. Ye Zi has an older brother, and Shengsi did not find any clues about her brother in this room.Could it be a long time ago?

While Shengsi was thinking, Dr. Ye Zi had already opened the door and walked in, holding two glasses of orange juice with sleeping pills in it. At that moment, Dr. Ye Zi had already disposed of her plastic gloves.

"Ayumi! Seiji! Hurry up, Kamen Rider is about to start!" Dr. Ye Zi put the orange juice on the coffee table and shook the two of them. At the same time, she turned on the TV and tuned to Kamen Rider. that one.

Ayumi was shaken awake all of a sudden, and she rubbed her eyes in a daze, as if she hadn't figured out the situation. At this moment, the sound of Masked Rider program reached Ayumi's ears, and for a moment, Ayumi I was attracted by the TV, and watched it intently, without thinking about why I fell asleep suddenly just now.

As for Shengsi, he 'woke up' instantly when Dr. Ye Zi touched him, and this action even frightened Dr. Ye Zi.

Although frightened, Dr. Ye Zi quickly came back to his senses and pretended to be calm, "Ayumi, Seiji, here is your favorite orange juice, drink it quickly."

Ayumi immediately saw the orange juice on the coffee table.

"Thank you, Dr. Ye Zi." Ayumi said and picked up the orange juice to drink.

Seeing this, Shengsi first helped Ayumi pick up the cup, and then handed it to Ayumi.

After the glass of orange juice was grabbed by Shengsi just now, the sleeping pills in it were sucked out by Shengsi. It's okay to take sleeping pills once in a while to help you sleep, but you can't take them often or too much, because it's not good for your health.

After finishing all this, Shengsi picked up another glass of orange juice and smiled at Dr. Ye Zi, "Sister Ye Zi, I think the two of us should have a good talk."

"What are you talking about?" Dr. Ye Zi suddenly became a little nervous when he heard Shengsi's words. Shengsi won't find anything. I heard that he is a very good detective. I really took a risk this time, so I can't let him find out. What.

"This orange juice is delicious, drink it quickly!" Doctor Ye Zi pointed to the orange juice in Shengsi's hand.

Ayumi at the side took a sip of the orange juice, then turned around and said, "Brother Shengsi, this orange juice is really delicious, even better than the one just now! You should drink it too!"

Seiji put a little bit of his great magician's magic power into Ayumi's glass of orange juice, of course it would be delicious.

After hearing Ayumi's words, Seiji smiled slightly, put the orange juice on the coffee table, and said: "Don't rush to drink orange juice, Ayumi, just stay here and watch Kamen Rider obediently. If you don't have enough orange juice, you can drink it from me." I'll go out with Sister Yezi to talk about something."

Saying that, Shengsi jumped off the sofa and walked towards the door.

"En!" Ayumi nodded obediently, and turned back to look at Kamen Rider.

When Dr. Ye Zi heard that Shengsi said that he was going out to talk, she was startled. She was a little nervous even more nervous, especially when Shengsi was still walking towards the door. Secretary to hug back.

But at the moment when Dr. Yezi was about to catch Shengsi, Shengsi said a word in a low voice.

"Sister Yezi, let's go out and talk about your brother and Mr. Nakamoto!"

Mr. Nakamoto is the fat man who was killed by Dr. Ye just now. Shengsi saw his surname on the door of his house just now.

As soon as Shengsi finished saying this, fine beads of sweat appeared on Dr. Ye Zi's forehead. She froze in place for a moment, and her outstretched hand also stopped in the air, not knowing what to do.

Looking at Dr. Ye Zi who was stunned in place, Shengsi opened the door of the room and said to her, "Sister Ye Zi, come out quickly, let's have a good talk."

Just now, when Doctor Ye came in with two glasses of orange juice with sleeping pills in it, Shengsi understood the role of the two of them to Dr. Ye, that is, to be witnesses!
Yes, they are witnesses, because the environment here is exactly the same as that in that clinic. Dr. Ye Zi only needs to wake up the two people here, let them know the time, and then use sleeping pills to make Shengsi and Ayumi fall asleep, and then put them Bring them back to the clinic, and finally wake them up in the clinic, so that Seiji and Ayumi will have the illusion that they have been in the clinic all the time.

In this way, under the testimony of Ayumi and Shengsi, Dr. Ye Zi has a perfect alibi, and will not leave any evidence.

I have to say that Dr. Ye Zi's plan was very good, but he met Shengsi
(End of this chapter)

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