Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 101 Doctor Ye's Strange Behavior

Chapter 101 Doctor Ye's Strange Behavior

Hearing what Dr. Ye Zi said, Shengsi can be 100% sure that there is definitely something wrong with Dr. Ye Zi!Stop them from going back like this for no reason, if there is no problem, there will be ghosts!But what is Dr. Yezi doing?In Ayumi's impression, Dr. Ye Zi is a very good person, but now forget it, let's go back quickly, as long as he goes back, no matter what Dr. Ye Zi wants to do, it will be in vain.

However, when Seiji was about to refuse, Ayumi suddenly woke up. Although she woke up, she was still very dazed, and she was rubbing her little eyes, which was very cute.

Seeing Ayumi wake up, Dr. Ye Zi hurriedly said to Ayumi: "Ayumi, it's already past seven o'clock, can you stay here and watch Kamen Rider?"

There was a slight urgency in his tone, which made Shengsi slightly frown.

"Wow! Wow!" Ayumi said happily when she heard that Kamen Rider could be seen immediately, without any confusion at all.

Seeing this, Shengsi didn't say anything, just stay, he just wanted to see what kind of tricks Dr. Yezi was going to play!

So, the two of them came to the meeting room just now under the guidance of Dr. Ye Zi.

"Kamen Rider will start in ten minutes. What do you want to drink? I'll get it for you." After Seiji and Ayumi sat down, Dr. Ye Zi said to them.

"Two glasses of orange juice will be fine." Ayumi usually likes to drink orange juice, but Shengsi, everything is fine, so Shengsi directly ordered two glasses of orange juice.

"Okay, I'll be here right away." Doctor Ye Zi replied and went out to prepare.

After Dr. Yezi left, Ayumi and Seiji discussed the plot of Kamen Rider to be played today.

On the surface, Shengsi was talking to Ayumi, but in fact he was secretly observing Dr. Ye Zi with telekinesis.

Shengsi knew that there was something wrong with Dr. Ye Zi, so Shengsi had been watching her when she went out, and now she really found out that she was doing tricks!

I saw that Dr. Ye was adding something to their orange juice, because no one saw it, so Dr. Ye's actions were undisguised, and Shengsi discovered it all at once.

After a while, Doctor Ye opened the door of the living room with two glasses of orange juice.

"Ayumi, Shengsi, your orange juice is here!" Dr. Ye Zi put the drink on the coffee table.

Seeing this, Shengsi didn't take apart Doctor Leaf, but calmly picked up the glass of orange juice.

It's sleeping pills!Shengsi smelled it immediately, the amount of this glass of orange juice is enough for a child of Shengsi's age to sleep for several hours.

Could it be that Dr. Yezi is going to kidnap?If you think about it, you really have this motivation, after all, Ayumi's family is relatively rich, no!Dr. Ye Zi is not short of money. Opening this dental clinic should make a lot of money, and many people know about Ayumi's tooth extraction. If Ayumi didn't go back, she would find out right away.

Is it to kill Ayumi? !That's not right, Dr. Ye Zi didn't have a trace of killing intent in her eyes, and if she wanted to kill two children, she wouldn't have to go to such trouble.

It's not about kidnapping or killing, so what exactly is Dr. Ye Zi going to do?Shengsi was immediately confused. At the same time, Shengsi was very curious about what the purpose of Dr. Yezi was.

Since he can't figure it out, then Shengsi will use his tricks!
Without even thinking about it, Shengsi drank the orange juice in the glass. He wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in Dr. Yezi's gourd!

"It's delicious! Thank you!" Shengsi thanked Dr. Ye Zi after finishing drinking.

Seeing Shengsi finished drinking the glass of orange juice, the corners of Dr. Ye Zi's mouth widened slightly, obviously she was very happy.

"Shengsi, do you want another drink? And, Ayumi, don't you want to drink?" Dr. Ye Zi said to Ayumi with a smile.

"Brother Shengsi said it's delicious, so it must be delicious." Ayumi finished the other glass as she said.

"Drink it well! Doctor Ye Zi, I want another cup." Ayumi said with a smile on her face.

I have to say that Seiji thinks this orange juice is really delicious, and for Ayumi who likes to drink orange juice, it is a big killer!

Seeing that both Ayumi and Shengsi had finished their orange juice, Dr. Ye Zi smiled even more happily.

"I'll pour you another glass right now." Dr. Ye Zi walked out with two empty glasses with a smile on his face.

Looking at the back of Dr. Yezi, the corners of Shengsi's mouth turned up slightly.

Sleeping pills have no effect on him at all. As for Ayumi, in order not to be exposed, let her sleep. As for the episode of Masked Superman on TV.

Hmm. Let Xiao Xi record it and show it to Ayumi tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Shengsi used a communication technique to convey what he wanted to say to Xiao Xi.

This communication technique is a very common high-level magic. You can directly tell someone what you want to express. The magic structure is very simple, and even junior magicians can use it. However, because using this magic requires a relatively powerful soul, elementary and Intermediate magicians will hurt themselves if they use it, so it is classified as high-level magic, and only high-level magicians can learn it. Saints only learned it today.

"Brother Seiji, I'm suddenly so sleepy, I really want to sleep, but Kamen Rider is about to start" Ayumi said to Seiji while rubbing her small eyes and yawning.

"It's okay, I've got someone to record it and I'll show it to you tomorrow!" Shengsi said in a low voice.

"Really?" Ayumi yawned and said these words, then fell asleep on the sofa.

Seeing this, Seiji smiled slightly, stroked Ayumi's hair, then pretended to be asleep, and fell down on the sofa.

More than a minute later, Doctor Ye's shout sounded outside the door.

"Ayumi? Seiji? Your orange juice is ready! Ayumi?" After shouting, no one in the room answered.

Doctor Ye Zi walked in directly.

"Ha ha."

Looking at the two people lying on the sofa, Dr. Ye Zi chuckled a few times, then directly picked up Seiji and Ayumi and walked out.

Seeing this, Shengsi did not resist, but kept pretending to be asleep. He was very curious about what Dr. Yezi was going to do, and he wanted to go and see. Anyway, there would be no danger with him in Ayumi.

Although Shengsi closed his eyes, all the actions of Dr. Yezi were in Shengsi's mind!His telekinesis is always on.

I saw Dr. Ye Zi carrying the two of them into a car. Twenty minutes later, Dr. Ye Zi stopped at a construction site.

After getting out of the car, Dr. Yezi directly carried them up a staircase, and walked into an apartment building from behind. After Dr. Yezi entered the apartment building, he opened a door and walked in, and then carried them to the in a room.

And this exactly the same as the one in the hospital just now!
What was Dr. Yezi doing by throwing the two of them into this identical house?Is there any purpose?There is for sure, but Shengsi has not seen it yet.

(End of this chapter)

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