Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 100 Ayumi Tooth Extraction

Chapter 100 Ayumi Tooth Extraction
Hearing that Dr. Ye Zi's tone meant to drive him away, Shengsi quickly said: "It's okay, I can go together after Ayumi finishes pulling her teeth."

Seeing this, Ayumi also said aside: "Yes, Doctor Ye Zi, if brother Shengsi is with me, tooth extraction won't be scary at all!"

"Extracting teeth won't hurt. If you take anesthesia, you'll pass after a night's sleep. Don't worry, Seiji. I'll take Ayumi home then! It's already late, so you should go back early." Dr. Ye Zi walked in holding Ayumi's hand while talking, "Ayumi, let's go in quickly!"

The intention expressed by Dr. Yezi's actions is already obvious, which is to let Shengsi leave.

But why did Doctor Ye insist on letting him leave?It's just a tooth extraction, there is no danger, and there is nothing shameful, so why should you drive yourself away?Thinking of this, Seiji was very puzzled.

At this moment, Ayumi suddenly broke free from Dr. Ye Zi's hands, and hugged Shengsi, "No, I don't want brother Shengsi to go!"

Shengsi quickly hugged Ayumi and spread his hands towards Dr. Ye Zi, the meaning was very clear: I don't even want to leave.

Dr. Ye Zi was taken aback when he saw this scene. It was like this. It was impossible for Ayumi to let Shengsi go. Dr. Ye Zi was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, you two come in."

After Dr. Ye Zi said this, he turned around and walked towards the clinic. Seeing this, Sheng Si hurriedly pulled Ayumi to follow.

Shengsi and the two followed Dr. Ye Zi and turned a corner, and found that Dr. Ye Zi stopped in front of a wooden door. He opened the door, and then turned back to Sheng Si and said, "I'll go get ready, you guys The two of you can rest in this room!"

"En! Thank you so much!" Shengsi bowed to Dr. Ye Zi and thanked him. Although Dr. Ye Zi's behavior was very strange in Sheng Si's eyes, she still deserves Shengsi's thanks for helping Ayumi pull out her tooth.

Seeing this, Doctor Ye just smiled and didn't answer.

After Shengsi and Ayumi walked into the room, Dr. Ye Zi closed the door and prepared for the tooth extraction operation.

After Doctor Ye Zi left, Shengsi's attention shifted to this room.

This is a square room, with a coffee table in the middle, two sofas and several chairs beside the coffee table, and a calendar, a hanging air conditioner and a clock on the wall, and a TV and a clock under the clock. a refrigerator.

Well, this is a very ordinary living room. After Shengsi's observation, he came to this conclusion.

After looking at the living room, Seiji led Ayumi and walked straight towards the sofa.

"Brother Shengsi, won't it really hurt to pull out the tooth later?" After sitting on the sofa, Ayumi suddenly said to Shengsi with a worried expression on her face.

This girl is still afraid now, seeing this, Shengsi could only comfort him: "Ayumi, don't be afraid, Brother Shengsi will accompany you by your side later!"

"En!" Ayumi nodded, with Seiji's words, Ayumi felt that tooth extraction was not so scary.

"Wow! Brother Seiji, look quickly! It's Kamen Rider's poker card!" Ayumi was nervous just now, so she didn't have the mood to pay attention to her surroundings. Now that she was relaxed, she immediately noticed that it was printed on the coffee table. Kamen Rider playing cards.

"Oh, it's true." Shengsi also found this deck of playing cards, and picked them up with great interest. Two small heads of Masked Superman are printed on each card, which is very delicate.

"That's right, in the Masked Superman broadcast at 07:30, there will be a shocking battle between the Green Star Man and Batra!" Ayumi said suddenly, at school today, Genta and the others have been discussing today's Masked Man The Superman show is great!What is it that the Green Stars and Batra are going to fight to the death today, so Ayumi really wants to watch today's show!

"Oh yeah" Hearing that Ayumi was discussing Kamen Rider again, Seiji couldn't help but rolled his eyes, Seiji has never watched Kamen Rider or something, okay? Seiji accompanied her because Ayumi was going, otherwise he wouldn't have gone to see that boring stuff!
"It's only 06:30, it should take less than an hour to pull out my tooth, and then I can watch Kamen Rider! It's great!" Ayumi didn't notice Seiji's strangeness, but was excited by herself.

After finishing speaking, Ayumi looked at Shengsi again, "Brother Shengsi will accompany me to watch Rider, right?"

"This, this?" Shengsi didn't know how to answer.

"Right?!" Seeing Seiji's hesitant refusal to make a statement, Ayumi repeated it with an emphatic tone.

"Okay!" Seeing this, the saint had no choice but to agree.

After agreeing to this matter, the two chatted in the room, and after a while, the door of the guest room was opened.

Dr. Ye Zi walked in and said to Ayumi: "Ayumi, things are ready, we can start tooth extraction, let's go!"

"En!" Ayumi nodded, and then walked towards the door.

Shengsi hurriedly followed behind, but he promised Ayumi to be by her side, Shengsi kept his word!

A few minutes later, Ayumi, who had been given anesthesia and was lying on the operating chair, slowly fell asleep under Shengsi's gentle gaze.

"Doctor Ye Zi, let's start. I'll just wait here." After Ayumi fell asleep, Shengsi said to Dr. Ye Zi who was about to have the tooth extraction operation. Ayumi fell asleep when it was almost finished, which was really embarrassing for him.

Dr. Ye Zi nodded upon hearing this, and began to extract the tooth.

The tooth extraction process was very fast, and after half an hour, Ayumi's deciduous tooth came out.

"What? Shengsi, you want this tooth?!" Dr. Ye Zi asked in surprise.

"En!" Shengsi told Dr. Ye Zi just now that he wanted Ayumi's tooth, and he wanted to give it to her as a birthday present as a souvenir.

"I originally gave it to Ayumi after she woke up. Now that you want it, I will give it to you." Dr. Ye Zi didn't say anything except the initial surprise. She put the cleaned teeth in a bottle Then it was handed over to the saint.

"Doctor Ye Zi, thank you!" Shengsi thanked after receiving it.

Doctor Ye Zi heard Sheng Si thanking him, and nodded with a smile.

"Then, Ayumi and I will leave first!" Seiji saw that the tooth was pulled out, and said goodbye in a timely manner.

kindness?just leave? !Doctor Ye Zi, who was still smiling just now, suddenly changed his face when he heard the words.

"Just leave?! But Ayumi is still asleep! How do you go?"

"It's okay, I'm strong enough to carry her back, and it's past seven o'clock, and Ayumi still has to watch Kamen Rider at 07:30!" Shengsi always felt that Dr. Yezi was weird, so It's better to leave quickly.

"Kamen Rider can be watched here, and it's so late now, it's too dangerous for you two children to go back. I'll send you back after you finish watching Kamen Rider." To hold Ayumi away, said quickly.

PS: Ask for a wave of votes.

(End of this chapter)

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