Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 99 Sawaki Dental Clinic

Chapter 99 Sawaki Dental Clinic
In an instant, the ball went in!

Shengsi's team cheered enthusiastically, and Ayumi also stood up happily, shouting 'that's amazing'!
"I said Shengsi, do you want to be so fierce?! This kick is ten to zero! Can you still play happily?" Yuan Tai ran to Shengsi and patted him on the shoulder and said, with a full tone of voice. It's complaining.

Because when they were grouped, Genta and Conan were in a group, Seiji and Mitsuhiko were in a group, and the difference between his group and Seiji's group was so big, it's no wonder that Genta was happy.

"Shengsi, you are amazing! It's ten to zero!" Mitsuhiko also ran over.

Shengsi waved his hands helplessly when he heard the words, and then pointed to Conan who was walking towards this side and said, "Where is it, Conan is the best! He almost scored a goal just now, but I snatched it away in the end! Right? Conan!"

Hearing what Seiji said, Mitsuhiko and Genta both turned their attention to Conan.

"That's it! Then Conan is also very powerful, and he was able to break through Shengsi's defense!"

"That's right! Conan is also quite powerful!"

The corners of Conan's mouth couldn't help twitching when he heard this, Shengsi is such a nasty brat!Is this a compliment to me? !This is obviously hurting me!And Yuantai and Mitsuhiko haven't heard it yet, alas
However, Shengsi, the brat's football skills are really good. I managed to break through his defense, but in the end he easily regained the initiative!

"That's right, let's play, I'll take a break." After Conan came over, Shengsi said suddenly that he didn't like playing football, mainly because it was too boring, playing with a group of children was too challenging sex.

"That's it, okay, Genta, Conan, let's continue playing." Mitsuhiko said with a disappointed face. Without the master Shengsi, their team probably has no one to stop Conan.

"Yeah!" Genta responded and then pulled Conan to continue playing football.

But Seiji turned around and walked towards Ayumi. After playing for so long, it's time to accompany Ayumi. In the morning, Ayumi seemed to say that she had a problem with her teeth. Now she needs Seiji to accompany her.

"Brother Shengsi, you were awesome just now!" Seeing Shengsi walking towards her, Ayumi quickly stood up and said happily.

Seeing Ayumi's cute look, Seiji couldn't help pinching Ayumi's little face again.

"It's disgusting, there are so many people here, it's not good to be seen!" Ayumi hurriedly broke away from Shengsi's hand, and said shyly.

After finishing speaking, she secretly glanced around and found that no one was looking here, Ayumi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Seiji laughed, and took Ayumi to sit down, "Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you are known!"

"That's not it, it's related, okay!" Ayumi retorted with a flushed face, Seiji really, it's okay, it's okay to be ashamed to death? !
"Oh? Really?" Seiji suddenly put his forehead on Ayumi's forehead, hugged Ayumi's shoulder, and said softly.

Ayumi was startled by Seiji's sudden action, her face was as red as a ripe apple, very cute.

"What are you going to do?"

Seiji's handsome little face suddenly appeared in front of Ayumi, which made Ayumi nervous and didn't know what to say.

"Hahaha" Seiji looked at Ayumi's nervous look, and let go of Ayumi with a smile, it was really fun to tease Ayumi like this, Seiji would come here once or twice a day.

"By the way, Ayumi, are you going to have your teeth extracted this afternoon?" Seiji asked suddenly, he remembered that Ayumi told him in the morning that he was going to have your teeth extracted after school today.

Ayumi has a deciduous tooth. Her father accompanied her to see a doctor yesterday afternoon. The doctor told Ayumi to go to her place to extract the tooth at 06:30 this afternoon.

"Yeah! Because if the deciduous teeth continue to grow, they will become permanent teeth, so Ayumi will not be cute at all!" Hearing Seiji's question, Ayumi's originally nervous mood eased.

"Then I'll accompany you later! Which hospital are you in?" Shengsi said, since it's just a tooth extraction anyway, it won't take much time.

"It's the Zemu Dental Clinic next to Mihua Park. I originally had to make an appointment a week in advance, but Dr. Ye Zi said that this tooth should be extracted earlier, so she said that she would specially help me extract it after get off work." Ayumi replied.

"It won't be until after get off work, it will be more than six o'clock." Shengsi thought he could go after school, but it doesn't matter, it's the same after dinner.

"Doctor Ye Zi told me to go at 06:30!"

"Well, that's fine, I'll go with you then!"

"En! Thank you, Brother Sheng Si!"

Time passed quickly, and it was already past six o'clock, and Seiji and Ayumi also appeared in front of Zemu Dental Clinic some time earlier.

"Hey, the door is closed!" Shengsi found a closed sign hanging on the door.

"It's okay, Dr. Ye Zi told me to go in through the back door of the underground parking lot next door." Ayumi said, holding Shengsi's hand and walking towards the back door.

"So it is like this!" Shengsi found out, could this be the legendary back door?It looks so advanced.

As she was walking, Ayumi suddenly said nervously, "Brother Shengsi, will tooth extraction hurt?"

"Good boy, it doesn't hurt at all. Doctor Ye Zi will give you anesthesia, and it will pass after you sleep! Besides, with me by your side, what are you afraid of?" Shengsi touched Ayumi comforted her head.

"That's right, Ayumi is not afraid at all with Brother Shengsi accompanying me!" Ayumi raised her small face and clenched her fists.

"Ayumi is so good!" Seiji lovingly pinched Ayumi's little face.

After a while, the two arrived at the back door of the clinic.

After arriving at the back door, Ayumi rang the doorbell directly.

"Which one?" After a while, a female voice came from inside the door, very crisp, it sounded like the woman was still very young.

"I'm Ayumi!" Ayumi responded.

After hearing this sentence, the door was opened, and the person who opened the door was a beautiful woman in white clothes, who looked in her 30s, presumably this was Dr. Ye Zi mentioned by Ayumi.

"Welcome!" These were the first words that Dr. Ye Zi said after opening the door.

After finishing speaking, Dr. Ye Zi turned his gaze to Shengsi, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, as if to say, who is this?
Seeing this, Shengsi quickly introduced himself: "My name is Gongshui Shengsi, please give me your advice."

"It turned out to be Shengsi. I often heard Ayumi talk about you. I also heard that you are a very good detective! You have helped the police solve many difficult cases!" Dr. Ye Zi showed a daze look, and then suddenly praised Shengsi.

"Really? Where?" was suddenly praised, and Shengsi was also a little embarrassed.

"Then you must be careful on the way back!" Dr. Ye Zi said these words suddenly.

kindness?What the hell? !Why do you suddenly want to drive yourself away?
(End of this chapter)

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