Chapter 98
After entering the cave, Shengsi directly threw a white light spell. For a moment, the cave was as bright as daylight, and the murals were undoubtedly revealed in front of everyone.

"What a beautiful mural!" Looking at the mural, Xiao Xi sighed.

"That's right! This picture of the comet is still the eye of the formation!" Shengsi pointed to the mural of the comet and said to Xiao Xi. After finishing speaking, Shengsi rolled his eyes and saw the two white bottles.

"Grandma Ye, are those two white bottles filled with wine?" Shengsi asked, pointing to those two bottles. He saw them yesterday and guessed that they were filled with wine, but he didn't go into details. Asked out the doubts in my heart.

Grandma Ye stared blankly at the two bottles that Shengsi was pointing at, and then said with a nostalgic face, "That's chewing wine, which is used for sacrifices at Gongshui Shrine." Grandma Ye paused at this point, Then he said: "This is a very ancient inheritance! It has been passed down hundreds of years ago!"

"Chewing wine?" Shengsi had never heard of this kind of wine, chewing?Is it a place name or a brand name, or is it chewing with your mouth? !
Just as Shengsi was thinking wildly, Xiao Xi's voice suddenly came over.

"Xiao Si, come and see, these murals all have the same small white ball of light!" Just now, Xiao Xi has been observing these murals since she heard Shengsi say that the comet mural is an eye. Now she found a detail, that That is, each mural has the same small white light ball. After discovering this detail, Xiao Xi immediately notified Shengsi.

Upon hearing this, Shengsi quickly looked at the mural.

really!Shengsi also discovered this. There must be something special about this small white ball of light, otherwise it would not be on every mural. Yesterday, Shengsi did not notice it because he did not pay attention to the pattern of the mural. Today in With Xiao Xi's help, she immediately saw the key point.

"Grandma Ye, have you ever seen this little white ball of light?" Shengsi pointed to these little white balls of light and asked Grandma Ye.

Grandma Ye grabbed her glasses and looked carefully, then shook her head and said, "No, I've never seen it before! I don't know what these little white light balls are for."

"Really." Shengsi was thinking about the use of this little white ball of light in his mind, but... no matter what Shengsi thought, he didn't know what this little white light ball was, mainly because there were too few clues for him. So he had no way of finding out.

Ten minutes later, the three of them still didn't find anything special in the cave, and Shengsi found that his mind power had no effect on it.

"Forget it, let's go back, we won't find anything if we continue, and Xiao Si, it's your luck to have an adventure here! That's it!" Grandma Ye said to Shengsi, she no longer wanted to After searching, she could see that no matter how long they searched here, it would be in vain, and they would never find anything.

"En!" Shengsi nodded. He guessed that the triggering of the magic circle has a cooldown time. If the energy does not reach a critical point, it cannot be triggered, so his thought power has no effect, and the magic circle should still be there now. Gather energy, so it's closed.

It's useless to waste time here now, Shengsi actually planned to leave, and now Grandma Ye proposed, of course Shengsi readily agreed!

Xiao Xi didn't have any objections anymore, she was originally here to accompany Shengsi, and she followed Shengsi when he wanted to leave.

So, the three set foot on the way home.

After everyone returned to Sanye's house, Shengsi directly bid farewell. The purpose of Shengsi's visit today was to visit the cave with Grandma Ye and see what he could find. Itomoricho also played for a while, so it's time to go back now.

Before leaving, Seiji also gave Mitsuha a gift, a color hairpin of the same style as Ayumi, which could be regarded as a return gift from Mitsuba for sending him a wreath.

Shengsi had already noticed it. When Sanye was playing with Ayumi yesterday, she kept staring at the hairpin on her head. She must want one, so Shengsi bought one last night and gave it to Sanye as a gift today. leaf.

Sanye expressed her love for this, and kept saying thank you to Shengsi, her whole face burst into smiles.

Seeing this, Shengsi was also very happy, after all, he was very relieved after the gift he gave was accepted with joy.

After bidding farewell to Mitsuha and the others, Seiji took Ayumi and Xiaoxi back to Tokyo directly.

Ayumi didn't go home for a whole day and a half, one day yesterday plus half a day today, and her parents would be worried if she didn't go home, so Seiji sent Ayumi home directly after arriving in Tokyo.

After sending Ayumi home, Seiji found another place where there was no one and started to practice his magic power. Because the power of the great magician is too powerful, Seiji has not yet fully mastered this power, and Xiao Xi went home to continue practicing magic.

Time passed quickly, and it was time for dinner. Shengsi was able to fully control his power at this time, and at the same time, he also clearly realized his own strength!There are a lot of magic in the book that Diwen gave him, and Shengsi is also very diligent, and he has learned more than half of it. With Shengsi's abnormal learning ability, he has learned most of the magic that he can learn. , even the Holy Master of the Forbidden Curse has learned a few.

Just now Shengsi experimented with the power of the forbidden spell on an uninhabited island. The name of the forbidden spell was called "Tianyun", which is very literary, but its power is very unartistic!
The principle of this forbidden spell is to condense a large amount of earth element in the air to form a huge stone, and then squeeze a small amount of fire element into the earth element, so that the stone becomes an extremely unstable element burst ball!This forbidden spell was formed at this time.

As for the specific power, Shengsi said that after the elemental ball came into contact with the island, the trees on the entire island disappeared!Even the entire island has been sliced ​​off a layer!You must know that this small island is not small, it is as big as a rice flower town!From this we can see how terrifying the power of the forbidden spell is!
After dinner, Shengsi and Xiao Xi went to the base again. Shengsi took time out of training to give Xiao Xi some advice, and the day passed quickly.

The next morning, physical education class.

On the playground, Shengsi and Yuantai are playing football.

And under the big tree in the corner of the playground, Ayumi was sitting there watching Shengsi play football.


Shengsi kicked the football lightly, but he didn't dare to use too much force for fear of blowing the football.However, even if Shengsi kicked lightly, he was a force not to be underestimated!
I saw that the football kicked by Shengsi was like an explosive meteor!Fly towards the ball frame not far away.

"call out!."

The speed of the ball is extremely fast, and there are bursts of breaking through the air, which attracts attention!

Even Ayumi, who was not far away, clenched her small fists tightly, with a nervous expression on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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