Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 97 Calming the Tsunami

Chapter 97 Calming the Tsunami
"That... I have something to do. You guys eat first, and I'll go back!" Shengsi said to the crowd. Before they could answer, Shengsi ran out, leaving everyone with puzzled faces behind. .

Seiji remembered that he didn't conduct an experiment in the sea last night because he was afraid that his power would cause a tsunami. Instead, he went directly to the North Pacific Ocean, two to three hundred kilometers away from Japan, where no matter how he used his abilities, there would be no disaster. And every time the movement and stillness caused by it, the priest will try his best to restore it.

But yesterday, because Shengsi himself didn't have a good grasp of power, there would always be some small waves left when repairing. Under the surge of the waves, those waves were normal, and Shengsi didn't care.

However, it was because of this slight indifference that caused the butterfly effect!For example, if there is a small wave on the sea hundreds of kilometers away from Japan, but due to the collision of waves one after another, plus some other factors and wind force, that small wave will gradually increase, and in the end, wait When that small wave comes to Japan, it will turn into a huge wave and a tsunami!

And the small wave that Shengsi missed last night became this kind of tsunami, but it hasn't formed yet.

An unformed tsunami is just a splash in Shengsi's eyes. Of course, even a formed tsunami is just a bigger splash in Shengsi's eyes.

After Shengsi left the house, he used an invisibility spell and flew towards the Pacific Ocean.

Invisibility, as the name suggests, is a magic that can make people invisible. This is a very practical advanced magic that Shengsi just learned.

Sheng Si flies extremely fast. It is worth mentioning that after being promoted to the great magician, Sheng Si's mind power and body have been strengthened. Now the limit of Sheng Si's flying speed is Mach 4600!What is the concept of Mach 10? It is about [-] kilometers from New York to San Francisco, and it only takes about [-] minutes for Shengsi to fly from New York to San Francisco!
In just 4 minutes, Seiji came to the sky above the tumbling waves. This place is only a few dozen miles away from Japan. The waves are not very big now, about three meters. According to this posture, it is almost as far as Japan. It will rise to five or six meters. A tsunami of this scale is already very destructive.

But now, Shengsi can wipe out this wave casually, but because this place has been paid attention to by the satellite of the Meteorological Bureau, Shengsi can't blatantly wipe out the wave, so Shengsi plans to use the wind technique to destroy the wave. The waves were slowly blown away. In order not to appear abrupt, Shengsi flew with the waves for more than ten minutes before blowing them away with the wind.

After finishing these, Shengsi returned home and continued to eat breakfast.

At this time, the news rang again.

"Because of the influence of the cold current in the Arctic Ocean, a strong wind suddenly rose on the sea and formed convection currents with the tsunami that was about to reach Chiba Prefecture, and finally made the tsunami disappear. Therefore, the tsunami warning for Chiba Prefecture has been lifted!"

"Such good luck! Thank you so much for the cold snap!" My mother sighed while watching the news.

"That's right, I didn't expect the cold current that brought cold air to be useful in this way." Xiao Xi said with a sigh.

After hearing what the two said, the corners of Seiji's mouth turned up slightly.

If you do good deeds without leaving your name, you are simply living a life!But this wave seems to be caused by itself, which is a bit embarrassing.

After dinner, Seiji is going to take Xiaoxi and Ayumi to Itomoricho. Today, he promised Grandma Ye that he would accompany her to see the magical gossip magic circle!

So, after saying goodbye to their mother, the three of them flew towards Itomori under the leadership of Seiji.

Ten minutes later, the three of them landed in front of the gate of Sanye's house. Shengsi removed the invisibility technique, knocked on the door, and looked at his watch. It was past nine o'clock, and it was almost ten o'clock. It was not early Not too late just right.

After a while, the door was opened, and it was Sanye who opened the door.

"Ayumi! And Brother Shengsi!" Sanye said happily after finding out that it was Shengsi and the others.

"Where's Grandma Ye?" Shengsi patted Sanye's head, and then led everyone inside.

"Grandma is in the living room, waiting for you, Brother Shengsi!" Sanye pointed to the living room, and said with her small face up.

Shengsi nodded, and then said to Xiao Xi who was looking left and right behind her, "Sister, let's go to the living room!"

"En!" Since Xiao Xi was here for the first time, she was looking around curiously at this time. Hearing Shengsi's words, Xiao Xi was stunned for a moment before returning to her senses.

When Sanye heard Shengsi call Xiaoxi her sister, she couldn't help looking at Xiaoxi curiously, but when Xiaoxi found that Sanye was looking at her, she smiled and nodded to Sanye, causing Sanye to turn her head away in a hurry.

Yep, peeking was spotted.

"Hehe." Xiao Xi laughed when she saw this, the child is really cute.

After a while, everyone came to the living room together.

"Xiao Si, Ayumi, you're here! Who is this?" Grandma Ye greeted everyone as she watched the crowd approaching her, and then asked a question when she spotted Xiao Xi, whom she had never seen before.

"My name is Gongshui Xiaoxi, and I'm Shengsi's older sister, please give me your advice!" Xiaoxi hurriedly saluted upon hearing this.

"Oh! You are the elder sister that Xiao Si told me yesterday. My name is Ichiyo Miyamizu, please give me your advice." Grandma Ye also nodded slightly in response.

After they met each other, Sanye and Ayumi went out to play. There were only Shengsi, Xiaoxi, and Grandma Ye in the living room. For the next half an hour, the three of them discussed the issue of the magic circle.

Half an hour later, the three of them ended their discussion and agreed to go to the basin together after lunch. Why did they go after dinner?Because Shengsi also went there after eating yesterday, so the error value of time can be reduced.

And now it's only past ten o'clock, and there is still more than an hour before dinner, so Seiji and the others started playing in Itomoricho, taking advantage of this gap, Seiji took Xiao Xi to play in Itomoricho!

Time passed quickly, and after a while, it was time to eat, and everyone set off directly after eating.

This time Shengsi still didn't bring Ayumi with her, and asked her to play with Sanye. Ayumi was also very sensible, she didn't cry, and went to play with Sanye obediently.

After finishing all this, Shengsi used an invisibility technique, and took Xiao Xi and Grandma Ye to fly into the distance.

A few minutes later, a group of people came to the cave. Along the way, Shengsi was talking about his views on the gossip magic circle. At the same time, he was also asking Grandma Ye about the glory days of the Gongshui family, but Grandma Ye Don't know much about that either.

And Xiao Xi looked at the scenery all the way, very happy. Apart from some curiosity, she followed along to see the scenery of the countryside. Now it seems that this trip is really worthwhile!

After Xiao Xi observed carefully in front of the cave for a while, the three of them walked into the cave together.

(End of this chapter)

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