Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 96 Accidentally Blasts a Tsunami

Chapter 96 Accidentally Exploded a Tsunami

On the way back to Tokyo, Seiji flew very quickly, and within a few minutes, Seiji came to the sky above Mihua Town.

Because of the darkness, Shengsi was not afraid of being seen, so he flew in directly from his bedroom.

After entering the room, Seiji gently put Ayumi on the bed first, and then took off her shoes, but when Seiji helped Ayumi take off her shoes, she seemed to wake up Ayumi, and saw Ayumi hugged Seiji fiercely.

"Brother Shengsi, don't leave Ayumi, don't you want Ayumi anymore?!" The voice was very soft, but it made Shengsi's heart ache.

"Little fool, why would I not want you anymore?! You are my little Ayumi for the rest of my life!" Seiji patted Ayumi on the back and comforted him, all he can do now is this,

But when Shengsi finished speaking, he heard the sound of even breathing beside his ears, it turned out to be talking in sleep.

Shengsi reluctantly took Ayumi's hand away from her body, then took off her shoes, and finally put her on the bed and covered her with the quilt.

After finishing these, Seiji breathed out lightly, looking at Ayumi's cute little face, Seiji couldn't help pinching it.

Seiji's action caused the sleeping Ayumi to frown. Seeing Ayumi's frown, Shengsi shook his head and kissed her on the forehead.

"Ayumi, sleep well!" Seiji's words contained a trace of magic, and Ayumi's slightly frowning brows were slowly relaxed, and the corners of her mouth were slightly curved. It seemed that this was a good dream!
After finishing all this, Seiji opened the bedroom door.

"Xiaosi?! When did you come back?!" Shengsi who had just left the house met his father passing by the bedroom corridor.

"I just came back." Shengsi said to his father.

"What?! Xiaosi is back? Have you had dinner yet?" The mother in the living room heard what the father said, and shouted towards this side.

"Not yet!" Shengsi and his father said as they walked towards the living room.

"Then I'll do it right away! What does Xiaosi want to eat?" His mother got up and walked towards the kitchen, and at the same time asked Shengsi what he wanted to eat.

Shengsi thought for a while and then said: "I want to eat braised eggplant, stir-fried shredded potatoes, and fried pork with peppers. These three dishes are enough."

If you want to eat the dishes made by your mother, you can eat the dishes made by your mother. If you want to eat the dishes made by your father, etc., forget about your father's dishes.

After hearing Shengsi's words, my mother happily responded, "Good! I'll make it for you right away!"

After saying this, my mother went to the kitchen.

Listening to the noise in the living room, Xiao Xi knew that Shengsi should be back, so she walked out of her bedroom.

"Is it fun? Xiao Si." These were Xiao Xi's first words after going out.

Shengsi knew what Xiao Xi was asking, and her mother had told Xiao Xi about her going to the Gongshui family, and Xiao Xi also knew about the Gongshui family, so what she asked was how to gain from going there.

"Of course it's fun! It's so fun!" Shengsi said excitedly when he heard the words, and he went there to directly advance to the great magician!The strength has soared by a large amount, and this harvest is simply out of the box!
At this moment, my mother suddenly stuck out her head from the kitchen and shouted to Seiji: "Xiaosi, Ayumi's father called just now. He asked where Ayumi was. I'll tell him." What’s more, Ayumi is having dinner at our house, and I’ll be back later.”

"Oh! I see!" Seiji gestured an OK gesture to his mother.

That's right, there is still Ayumi's matter that has not been resolved, but she is asleep now, what if I wake her up when I send her home, why don't I sleep with him tonight, hehehe!Shengsi thought evilly.

"Xiao Si, where's Ayumi?" Xiao Xi asked Sheng Si after hearing what her mother said.

"I've fallen asleep in the bedroom." Shengsi pointed to his bedroom and said.

"That's it, why don't you let Bumei sleep at our house today!" Xiao Xi said.

Shengsi was overjoyed when he heard this, "Really?!"

There are only three bedrooms in the house, one for herself, another for Xiao Xi, and a master bedroom for her parents, so Ayumi will sleep with him!Hey hey hey.
Seeing Shengsi's surprised look, Xiaoxi knew what he was thinking, so Xiaoxi knocked on Shengsi and said, "You think beautifully, Ayumi will sleep with me tonight!"

"Is that so?" Shengsi said disappointedly.

Dad watched from the sidelines and laughed, "I said Xiao Si, you don't learn well at such a young age, what's going on in your mind?"

Seeing this, Shengsi had no choice but to stick out his tongue, and the idea of ​​sleeping with Ayumi fell through.

After Xiaoxi said something to Shengsi, she called Ayumi's house, and after explaining the situation, the other party readily agreed to Ayumi's proposal to spend the night at Shengsi's house.

Seiji didn't know what to say about this, Ayumi's parents are really big-hearted, they agreed without asking anything.
After finishing the phone call, Xiao Xi dragged Shengsi to her bedroom, and she wanted to ask Shengsi what kind of gameplay is "too fun to explode".

Ten minutes later, Xiao Xi walked out of the bedroom with Shengsi in shock. He didn't know what to say about Shengsi's promotion from intermediate magician to great magician in one day. Magician, in the blink of an eye, he was promoted again in the afternoon, and there was no one else in Shengsi's adventure. Apart from being shocked, Xiao Xi could only feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

She originally planned to try her best to catch up with Shengsi, but now she should be a gentle big sister.

Also, Xiao Xi was more interested in the affairs of Gongshui's house, so she heard Shengsi said that she would visit again tomorrow and she would go with her, and Shengsi agreed.

After Shengsi and Xiaoxi finished chatting, mom's meal was ready, and after a delicious meal, Shengsi went to the Pacific Ocean to continue to familiarize himself with his surged strength, while Xiaoxi carried Ayumi to the After entering his own room, he continued to practice magic.

the next morning.

On the table.

Ayumi was blushing and eating breakfast with her head down. It was the first time she stayed at Shengsi's house. Although she slept with sister Xiaoxi, it was really embarrassing. She was too shy to raise her head now. .

"Ayumi, let's go play with Sanye later, shall we?" Seiji asked Ayumi, he was very puzzled, Ayumi came together in a strange way this morning, and he didn't even dare to look at him.

"En!" Ayumi responded softly.

Just then, the news on the TV rang.

"Chiba Prefecture is expected to have a tsunami at ten o'clock this morning. The exact magnitude is still to be determined. It is expected to have a slight impact on Tokyo. Please be prepared!"

tsunami?wakaka! ! !When I was familiar with my strength last night, I seemed to have punched the sea a few times. This tsunami...couldn't be blown out by me, could it?

Chiba Prefecture?Isn't this the county on the right side of Tokyo?Last night, I seemed to be flying in that direction. Speaking of which, the tsunami seemed to be really blown out by myself.

Thinking of this, Shengsi was not calm for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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