Chapter 95 Back to Tokyo

Shengsi guessed that the usage method and instructions of this formation have been lost, at least Grandma Ye didn't know it at all, if she knew, the abundant energy would not be cheap to Shengsi, and the time of loss should be 200 years ago look!The huge energy gathered in those 200 years turned Shengsi from a newly promoted senior magician into a great magician!From this we can see how huge the energy is!

But another question came to Shengsi's mind, how did he trigger that formation?Are you special?He believed that he was definitely not the only magician who came to this cave, and there might even be magicians who came here, but why was he the only one who successfully activated the magic circle?

At this point, someone will ask, how did Shengsi know that he was the only one who activated the magic circle? Could it be that in the past 200 years, no one had activated it before Shengsi?
In fact, this question is easy to answer.

First, Shengsi carefully observed the speed at which the magic circle gathers energy just now, and found that if the total amount of energy gathered in 200 years is just a little more than the energy absorbed by Shengsi's promotion, and this extra point should be the formation The energy consumed by the method's own operation, so this formation has not been used for almost 200 years.

Second, there are no other magic items in the cave and its vicinity except the gossip magic array. If the use of this array is discovered, it will be protected, but there is no magic item that can directly increase the magic cultivation. The magic circle, that is a peerless treasure, in today's dwindling magic resources, this magic circle can trigger a great war in the magic world!

In addition to these two points, there are many other clues, so I won't list them one by one.

Now the energy of this magic circle has been used up by Shengsi at once, and it is useless to stay here, so Shengsi plans to go back, and by the way, he has to tell Grandma Ye about this, after all, this is a mansion. As the magician of the Miyamizu family, Grandma Ye should have the right to know about the things of the Shui family!
Thinking of this, Shengsi got up and walked out of the cave, but when Shengsi came outside the cave, he froze in place. Why is it suddenly dark this day?

Shengsi remembered clearly that he never entered the cave for more than two o'clock, but why was it dark when he came out after going in for a while?Did it cross? !Seeing this, Shengsi quickly took out his watch from the dimensional space and looked at the time. After reading the time, Shengsi heaved a sigh of relief. Dancing for more than three hours, oops!Ayumi must be waiting anxiously at this time!
Thinking of this, Shengsi hurriedly ran towards Sanye's house. After leaving the range of the basin, Shengsi flew up directly. In the sky, surrounded by magic power, and flying very fast, it was like a shooting star in the dark night sky, flashing away, very bright, attracting people in the small town to make wishes.

In an instant, Seiji came to Sanye's house.

"Ayumi!" Seiji didn't go through the main entrance, but flew in directly from the living room. As soon as he entered, Seiji shouted at Ayumi.

But Ayumi didn't respond to him, because Ayumi had already fallen asleep, she was lying in Grandma Ye's arms, there were still traces of tears in the corners of her eyes, by the looks of it, Ayumi must have cried just now, and it wasn't too long !
Shengsi scanned the living room and found that there were only Grandma Ye and Ayumi in the living room, and everyone else was at the shrine according to Shengsi's induction.

"Xiao Si, shh! Come here!" Grandma Ye gestured to Sheng Si, and then waved to him.

Shengsi nodded and walked over.

"Grandma Ye, Ayumi her?."

"Xiao Si, why have you been there for so long?! Do you know how worrying it is?! Ayumi cried and wanted to find you before dinner. I persuaded her for a while and told her that you will wait later She will be back soon, she just ate, but after eating, she still kept crying, no, just now she was tired from crying, and fell asleep." Grandma Ye said to Shengsi slightly, if she didn't know Shengsi is very powerful. She is going to find him this afternoon. In her eyes, Shengsi is now like her own grandson. He is smart and cute. It is hard to like him or not, so Grandma Ye is very worried about Shengsi.

Hearing Grandma Ye say that Ayumi just fell asleep, Seiji let out a deep breath, but Ayumi cried so much that she was tired from crying, which made Seiji a little distressed. Thinking about that scene, Seiji I feel sorry for Ayumi.

"I'm really sorry, but the facts in that cave are a bit special, so there was a delay." Shengsi said with an apologetic face. He originally planned to come back within half an hour, but he didn't expect this to happen. Hours had passed, and the timing of his return was so wrong.

"Special? Isn't that just an ordinary cave?" The word "special" Shengsi said aroused Grandma Ye's curiosity.

"Yes, I became a great magician there!" Seiji said and mobilized his magic power to form a special field, which filled the entire living room. Grandma Ye and Ayumi were like The spring breeze was blowing on the face, and the whole body was warm and comfortable. Ayumi's slightly frowning brows were relaxed.

"What?! Shengsi, have you become a great magician?" Grandma Ye screamed at first, and then she found Ayumi who was sleeping in her arms, and said in a low voice.

"Yes, I am this afternoon." Shengsi didn't go around the corner, and directly spoke out his experience and guesses selectively. Most of the things happened, but he didn't say some things, such as the power of thought. The secrets of his previous life, he usually wouldn't tell them, and if he said it, he would cover it with a layer of skin.

"Xiao Si, your guess is correct! I have never heard of this incident at all, and there is no record in the books. In my impression, no one has mentioned this matter. I think, a long time ago, this magic The array should be a secret in the clan, right?" Grandma Ye was also surprised after hearing the story of Sheng Si, she only knew that there was a mountain god there, and she would go there to worship there every year, as for the magic array that can enhance its strength?She has never heard of it!
"I think so too. How about it, Grandma Ye, it's so late now, Ayumi and I will go back first, and I will visit you again tomorrow!" Shengsi bowed to Grandma Ye. After talking so much, more than ten minutes have passed, mom, sister and the others should be waiting, Shengsi is planning to go back.

"That's fine, go back quickly, your family should be waiting, right, we saved your dinner, do you want to leave after dinner?" Grandma Ye said, handing Ayumi in her arms Gave it to the saint.

Shengsi took Ayumi, held her firmly and said with a smile: "No, we'll go first! Bye!"

"Goodbye!" Grandma Ye sat there and waved to Shengsi.

Shengsi gave Grandma Ye one last look, and then flew towards Tokyo.

Looking at Shengsi's leaving back, Grandma Ye murmured: "A six-year-old great magician! Our Gongshui family has produced an incredible talent! Hehe. Hahaha."

(End of this chapter)

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