Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 94 Great Magician!

Chapter 94 Great Magician!

In just over ten seconds, Shengsi flew to the basin that Grandma Ye mentioned.

Originally hearing the basin, Shengsi thought it was on a plain, but unexpectedly it was on this high mountain!The basin on the mountain is really strange!
Standing on the top of the mountain, Shengsi took a rough look at the mountain and got a clue in his heart.

This is a very high mountain. How high is it? About 2000 meters, because standing on this mountain, Seiji can see the floating clouds beside him.

The top of the mountain is not pointed, but concave. The whole mountain looks like a round platform. This basin is very big, and it seems to be about the same size as the lake in Itomori Town. Seeing this, Seiji couldn't help thinking. Is this basin also a meteorite? It was smashed out, no, the ground here is very flat, not that kind of circular concave ground, definitely not smashed out by meteorites.

Then this basin was formed naturally or man-made. After Shengsi observed carefully for a while again, he could already determine that it was definitely man-made, because the distribution of the whole basin was extremely symmetrical, with the outer square and inner circle, implying the way of gossip. The grassland in the basin is used as a gossip disk, dotted with big trees, streams, and ponds, and there is a Tai Chi picture in the middle, with two points of protection, acting in the middle!The people who built this basin are definitely proficient in the way of gossip, and they are very powerful!
The whole basin is surrounded by a kind of large pebbles, which are piled up into mountains, which is very eye-catching, but if you look from the bottom of the mountain, you can only see the top of the mountain, which is very strange.

After thinking about it for a while, Shengsi walked along the cobblestones towards the center of the basin. For some reason, Shengsi couldn't arouse the desire to fly over here, and only wanted to walk slowly, as if there was something here. The feeling of being banned.

Shengsi walked very slowly. He was observing every plant, tree, flower and stone in the basin, and occasionally touched the flowing water in the stream with his hands. He always felt that everything here was very strange, containing a faint magic, and indeed it is.

Ten minutes later, Shengsi walked to the cave Grandma Ye mentioned.

This is a huge square stone. There is an old tree next to the stone. It is very tall and covers the stone. Under the stone is the cave.

It was a horizontal crack, which was suitable for Shengsi's height. Looking inside the gap, Shengsi could find an artificial stone staircase extending from the gap to the depths of the cave. Because of the light, Shengsi couldn't see clearly from the opening.

So Shengsi began to walk in along the gap. After walking down the stone steps, Shengsi found a pond next to him, and water was dripping from the rock wall from time to time. This is the reason why this pond was formed. Yes, generally speaking, the air in the cave is relatively humid and very cool.

After walking here, Shengsi could already see the depths of the cave, and the situation of the whole cave was also seen clearly by Shengsi. At the end of the cave, there was a small stone platform, and there was a shrine on the stone platform. Two white bottles that looked like wine.Because of the dim light, Shengsi couldn't see very clearly, so he threw a white light spell casually, illuminating the entire cave.


He didn't realize it just now, but now the situation of the entire cave was presented in front of Shengsi's eyes, and he was stunned by this scene.

I saw that the walls of the cave were full of colorful murals, including stars, the moon, people, buildings, etc., the most conspicuous of which was the mural directly above the shrine.

Those are two long comet tails, which extend upwards in a cross shape. The tails are surrounded by many blue and yellow star-shaped shining patterns, which are vividly illuminated by the white light technique, as if they are alive, very beautiful !

Looking at this beautiful mural of comet, Shengsi couldn't help being fascinated for a while, and entered a mysterious and mysterious realm. He didn't realize that the white light technique had faded, but the mural still exuded a soft light, and at the same time , the spinning speed of the white ball in his mind also gradually increased, as if echoing the glowing mural.

I don't know how long it took, the rotation speed of the white ball of light in Shengsi's mind gradually slowed down, and the light from the mural gradually dimmed, and finally both returned to their original state, as if nothing happened before, no , there is a little change, that is, the light emitted by the white ball in Shengsi's brain is slightly stronger than before.

When the light from the murals dissipated, Shengsi also withdrew from that mysterious and mysterious realm.

"What happened?" Shengsi murmured looking at the cave that had completely lost its light.

After looking at the mural just now, he was suddenly attracted by the comet on the mural, as if he saw the entire universe, the sky was full of stars, as if he was flowing in the galaxy of the universe, and in front of him appeared the image of himself from The picture from birth to the present flashed like a slide show. When the picture stopped until he released the white light technique in the cave, Shengsi suddenly woke up.

After waking up, Shengsi was still confused about what happened just now, shaking his head slightly, Shengsi suddenly found that he had reached the realm of a great magician at some point!The magic power in the brain is like waves, every move contains boundless magic power, and the coverage of the power of thought can directly reach a radius of five miles!This improvement in strength made Shengsi very happy, he felt that he could blow anything up with one punch now!any!
A few minutes later, Shengsi calmed down his excitement a little bit, and also got acquainted with his soaring power.

After doing this, Shengsi continued to observe these murals. He knew that the surge in his magic power was definitely related to the murals in front of him, so he wanted to see if he could find the reason.

However, Shengsi took a look at all the murals and found nothing unusual about them, as if the previous scenes were all dreams.

Could it be that only the comet mural is useful?And is it a one-off?

After exploring the cave again for a while, Shengsi still didn't find anything special, and he didn't see the mountain god that Grandma Ye mentioned. The range of Shengsi's current mind power is about five miles, that is to say, mind power The coverage radius is more than 1000 meters!However, Shengsi did not find a special animal or item within the range covered by his thought power.

Unless this mountain god can escape the detection of a great magician or there is no so-called mountain god here, everything is caused by this gossip magic circle.

Shengsi saw it, the gossip magic circle on this basin is used to gather energy, and the center point of collecting energy is the comet mural that Shengsi saw just now!As for the use, Seiji guessed that it was used by the Miyamizu family to improve people's magic cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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