Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 93 Special place

Chapter 93 Special place

Shengsi knows that his memory has almost reached the point where he can't forget, so as long as he has done or seen things, Shengsi will definitely have an impression, and he will not forget it for a long time. The feeling that matters.

However, now Shengsi always feels that he has forgotten something very important, which is very weird, so Shengsi is very puzzled by this.

Just when Shengsi was puzzled, the ball of light in his mind flickered slightly.

Shengsi suddenly froze in place again.

"Huh? Illusion."

A few seconds later, Seiji let out a little sigh, then shook his head, closed the door of the shrine, turned around and left, without remembering what he was thinking just now.

On a piece of grass not far from Sanye's house.

"Ayumi!" Seiji opened his arms and shouted to Ayumi who was playing with Mitsuha on the grass in the distance. He came to Ayumi directly after coming from the shrine just now.

Ayumi heard Shengsi's call, and hurriedly ran over from a distance with a happy face, and then threw herself into Shengsi's arms, smiling coquettishly, which made Shengsi very happy.

"Brother Shengsi! The wreaths made by sister Sanye are much prettier than mine!"

"Oh?! Really?" Shengsi glanced at Sanye in the distance, and found that she was holding a beautiful wreath in her hand, standing there pretty, looking at Shengsi with her small eyes, showing a longing look.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled slightly, hugged Ayumi with one hand, stretched out the other hand and shouted to Sanye in the distance: "Sanye!"

He saw a trace of desire to be loved in Sanye's eyes.

Sanye shuddered when she heard Shengsi's cry, really?Can I really run to the warm embrace of Brother Shengsi like Ayumi?I really envy Ayumi, Seiji loves her so much, wears such beautiful clothes, and wears a colorful hairpin, and lives in such a bustling place in Tokyo, and I don't have the love of my brother, and the clothes I wear are not at all Good looking, with that troublesome hair tie, and still living in this boring town.

Thinking of this, Sanye felt a sense of inferiority in her heart, and she didn't dare to look into Shengsi's eyes.

Seiji noticed Mitsuha's strangeness, and he ran over directly holding Ayumi.

"Sister Sanye, what's wrong with you?" Shengsi asked.

"It's nothing." Sanye said nervously, as if Shengsi had discovered some little secret, and seemed a little flustered.

Seeing Sanye's flustered look, Seiji immediately picked her up and walked towards home.

"Ah!" Sanye yelled in shock when she was picked up by Shengsi, and then hugged Shengsi's neck. She was not prepared at all, and was suddenly hugged by Shengsi. It's no wonder that she didn't panic.

"How is it? Sister Sanye, isn't it comfortable to be hugged by Brother Shengsi?" Ayumi said excitedly, like a child sharing a toy with others, and Shengsi is her toy.
"Don't be afraid, take it easy." Shengsi also comforted him. He also loves Sanye very much. Live close, of course. Except for Toshiki.

Hearing Shengsi's words, Sanye responded in a low voice: "Well, thank you Brother Shengsi, this is a wreath for you."

As she said that, she blushed and put the wreath she had just woven on Shengsi's head.

"I like it very much, thank you Sanye!"

"You're welcome." Sanye replied shyly, this was the first time she gave someone something.

There is still some distance from the grassland here to Sanye's house. Shengsi, Sanye and Ayumi chatted to enhance their relationship. When they arrived at the door, Shengsi and Sanye were no longer as unfamiliar as before. feeling.

"Xiao Si, how are you doing?" Grandma Ye was already standing at the door of the house, and now seeing Sheng Si walking over with the two of them in her arms, she was stunned for a moment, but she still asked.

Shengsi also knew that Grandma Ye was asking about the shrine, so he replied, "Very well, thank you Grandma Ye."

Seiji put Ayumi and Mitsuha down after saying that, and the two ran into the house together as soon as they were put down, laughing like silver bells while running, which was very sweet.

"It looks like you and Mitsuha are having a good time!" Grandma Ye smiled at Shengsi after seeing Ayumi and Mitsuha running into the room.

"Yes, Sister Sanye is very cute!" Seiji smiled. He wanted to pick up Sanye to play in Tokyo this week, but there was only one day left, so he couldn't play well at all. I'd better pick her up next week on the weekend. Let her have fun.

After saying this, Shengsi seemed to think of something again, "By the way, Grandma Ye, is there anything special here?"

Seiji didn't believe that the former top family of the Miyamizu family had left nothing behind.

"You said a special place, we really have one here." Grandma Ye replied after thinking.

"Where is it?" Shengsi was very excited, sure enough!Something must have been left behind.

Grandma Ye pointed to a big mountain on the other side of the round lake and said: "Just over the mountain, there is a big basin, and there is a small cave in the middle, where our Gongshui Shrine has been worshiping for a long time. where one of the mountain gods lives."

"Mountain God?!" Shengsi said in surprise, in fact, Shengsi didn't believe in the existence of gods in the world before he came into contact with magic. Now since he became a magician, he also knows a lot of things that he didn't know before, such as mountain gods!
Mountain gods are not actually gods, they are generally some kind of friendly monsters. In Japan, there are monsters and monsters in many places. They also absorb the energy between the heaven and the earth to cultivate mana. Because he never eats people and has a friendly relationship, he is respected as a mountain god by people, but there are very few mountain gods known to people. With the development of technology, the original mountain gods are no longer visible in the world.

So Shengsi was surprised when he heard Grandma Ye said that there is a mountain god here.

"Yes, if you are talking about a special place, the place where the mountain god lives should be regarded as one, but I have never seen a mountain god there. It is also a custom that the shrine worships the mountain god from a long time ago. It is said that It was handed down by the first head of the family, and there are even legends that the secret treasure of time and space was obtained from that mountain god, but it is impossible to know whether it is true or not." Grandma Ye explained that in fact, she did not believe that there was a mountain god there. She has to go up the mountain to worship the mountain god, but she hasn't seen the mountain god once in decades.

"Is it in that direction?" Shengsi pointed to a direction and said, he planned to have a look.

"En!" Grandma Ye nodded.

"Then please Grandma Ye take care of Ayumi for me, I'll come as soon as I go." Shengsi said and flew towards the direction just now.

Seeing the back of Shengsi leaving, Grandma Ye shook her head, then turned and walked towards the house.

PS: I suddenly discovered that the timeline in Conan is completely chaotic. I will only write the following plots according to the needs of this book, but they will not be staggered too much, and Xiao Ai will appear soon.

(End of this chapter)

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