Chapter 92 Weird
Thinking of this, Shengsi once again covered the ball of light with his thoughts.

This time, Shengsi was very careful, instead of covering it recklessly, but touched it lightly, but a strange thing happened, the moment Shengsi touched the light ball with his thoughts, the light ball suddenly disappeared!

Yes, it just disappeared out of thin air!Shengsi didn't even react, the ball of light was still spinning around in the last second, but in the next second, the ball of light disappeared suddenly, without any warning, with the disappearance of the ball of light there was still that ancient breath!

This is how the same thing?Why did it suddenly disappear?Shengsi looked at the shining stone platform, and a lot of doubts appeared in his mind.

Was that mysterious white ball of light just now a secret treasure of time and space?What's with that ancient atmosphere?Seiji really had no idea about this.

Shengsi wanted to ask Grandma Ye to see what she knew, but Grandma Ye was not here at all, so Shengsi had to explore by himself.

Shengsi first sensed it with his mind, and there was no change, and then he touched it with his hand, and there was no problem. Could it be that this stone platform has become an ordinary stone?But where did the white ball of light go?
Shengsi is now very interested in that white light ball, because Shengsi feels a familiar atmosphere on it, and maybe he can find the secret of why he came to this world in it, so Shengsi is now very interested in this white light ball. focus on.

"Boom!" Shengsi directly moved the stone platform away with his mental power, and then threw it aside. Except for this stone platform, Shengsi used his mental power to find the entire shrine just now, and did not find the light ball.

"No?!" Shengsi looked at the empty stone slab under the stone platform and said doubtfully, it shouldn't be.

Did this ball of light really disappear suddenly? !Originally, Shengsi watched the ball of light disappear and just thought that the ball of light was moved somewhere by the magic circle, but after Shengsi searched the entire range of the magic circle with his mind, he really didn't know where the ball of light went .

ten minutes later.

Shengsi had given up on searching, and instead devoted himself to learning magic.

Because he knew that he couldn't find that thing at all, and he didn't know anything about the mysterious ball of light, so fortunately, Shengsi didn't look for it. He would ask Grandma Ye after reading the book, and Grandma Ye should know something.

Therefore, Shengsi began to study the magic books in this cave. He wanted to see how the books of this magic family that controlled time and space were different from those of the Koizumi family. If there were any unique insights, Shengsi might be able to learn from them What did you realize.

After more than an hour, Shengsi disappointedly put a book in his hand back on the shelf, and sighed helplessly, "I was thinking too much, except for some special methods and some family documents, the Gongshui family The magic book from the Koizumi family is not much different, or even worse!"

For example, there is an intermediate magic, the wind control technique, which Shengsi did not see here, but it is in the book given to him by the Koizumi family. There are many other examples, and Shengsi will not list them one by one.

As for the secrets hidden in the book?Shengsi no longer has any thoughts about this. No matter how Shengsi checks, he finds that it is just an ordinary magic book. It seems that there is no so-called secret treasure of time and space here!
But what was that white ball of light just now?Now Shengsi just wants to understand this matter, he needs to ask Grandma Ye to see if she knows about it.

There is nothing more for the cave saint to see, so the saint is planning to go back now.

After restoring the contents of the cave to their original state with his mind power, Shengsi walked out of the cave calmly. As soon as he got out of the cave, the golden gate closed automatically, so there was no need for Shengsi to worry about the safety of the cave.

Originally, Shengsi was troubled because Grandma Ye didn't tell him how to close the door, but he didn't expect this door to be so advanced that it would close it by itself.

Seeing this, Seiji shook his head slightly, and then walked out of the shrine.

The moment the stone gate was just closed, on the stone platform in the cave, the small white ball of light appeared again, still in the original place, spinning around, as if it would never stop, flashing and flashing, It is very eye-catching, and the white ripples are also rippling in the cave in circles.

After more than a minute, the ball of light suddenly stopped its rotating body, and the rippling white ripples also stopped in the air strangely, and the drop of water that was about to fall on the edge of the stone platform also stopped in midair The body shape, the original sunlight from the top of the head also froze on the ground and stopped shaking, and even the dust in the cave stopped floating in the air.

For a moment, the time of the entire cave stopped, as if the movie screen was paused, which was very strange.

In this way, the state of the cave lasted for a period of time. This period of time may be an instant, a century, or infinitely long. Anyway, it is a period of time that is not clear. In this state of the cave, time can no longer represent what.

After a period of time, the white ball of light suddenly released a dazzling light, and the light flashed away. When I looked at the stone platform again, there was nothing there, and the time in the cave also followed the light. The departure of the ball returned to normal.

The white ripples disappeared, the water droplets fell normally, the sun also sprayed wantonly on the ground, and the air began to circulate. It was normal, just like before, no difference at all.

At the same time, the white ball of light suddenly appeared in Shengsi's mind, and it was spinning around, but it didn't emit that white ripple, it was very quiet, and the position was right in the middle of the mind force, but it was weird What's more, the thought power in Shengsi's brain can pass through the middle of the light ball when it is circulating!

That ball of light didn't seem to exist in Shengsi's mind, and Shengsi didn't notice it, was here!
And Shengsi, who was closing the gate of the shrine, suddenly froze for some reason, and stopped closing the door in his hands. He suddenly felt that he had forgotten something important, and it was a very important thing!But he couldn't remember what it was.

So, he recalled his itinerary just now.

First, I followed Grandma Ye to the shrine, met Sanye's father, and after saying hello, the two entered the shrine together, and finally stopped in front of the cave where the Miyamizu family kept books. The door was very strange, Grandma Ye opened the door and left first.

After Grandma Ye left, Shengsi walked into the cave alone. As soon as he entered the cave, Shengsi was shocked by the style of the cave, but then he calmed down and started reading. After more than an hour, Shengsi He didn't find any secrets in the cave, so he went out of the cave, and then spent more than a minute walking around the temple, and finally came to the gate and was about to close it.

That's right, the whole thing happened like this, but Seiji always felt that he had forgotten something very important.

(End of this chapter)

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