Chapter 110 Emergencies
Seeing this, Tomokako was about to say something, but before she could say anything, Ayako who was beside her spoke first: "That's right, that is indeed Tomokako's work when she was a student, and now, finally, she has the opportunity to make it public. .”

"Don't mention the past again." Zhijiazi turned around and said to Ayako when she heard the words, her face looked a little unnatural.

As soon as Zhijiazi finished speaking, the handsome Ota who sat opposite Shengsi answered, "I heard that you are going to write the next movie soon, right?"

Just like that, the topic of the crowd turned to Zhi Jiazi, Yuanzi who was about to introduce Xiaolan and the others couldn't be interrupted seeing this, so he had to slap haha, then sat down, intending to introduce Xiaolan and the others after they finished speaking .

But Xiaolan and the others saw this group of people discussing other things and couldn't talk for a while, so they could only listen quietly to their chatting there.

And Seiji was whispering to Ayumi, and he didn't go to the crowd at all. His purpose of coming here was to accompany Ayumi to relax, so he didn't care about other things, as long as Ayumi was happy.

A group of people discussed for about half a minute, at this moment, Ayako suddenly mentioned a person named 'Atsuko'.

After hearing this name, the faces of the people who were chatting and laughing just now changed instantly, making Xiaolan and Conan who were listening with gusto startled, what happened?Also, who is Atsuko?

Just when the two were wondering, Zhi Jiazi stood up suddenly with a face of horror, then slammed the table and shouted: "Enough! Don't mention Dunzi anymore, okay?!"

The emotion seemed very agitated, and her yell made everyone look at her with astonished expressions, and the room fell silent for a while.

After shouting, she also realized that she was rude, so she lowered her head and sat down slowly.

"It's hard for me to take time out of my busy schedule to come here to relax. I don't want to talk about a person who died two years ago." Zhi Jiazi whispered.

"I'm sorry," Ayako said. After all, it was the name that made Tomokako like this, so she felt very embarrassed.

"When people become famous, their tone of voice has changed!" At this moment, that handsome Ota said from the side, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"What did you say?!" Upon hearing this, Tomokako immediately raised her head and stared at Ota and shouted.

"Okay, okay, both of you don't talk anymore." Ayako got up and persuaded at this time, the current atmosphere is no longer suitable for a good conversation, so she wants to divert everyone's attention now, so Ayako said: " I'm going to make dinner now, and you guys can rest here."

Hearing Ayako's words, the fat Mr. Takahashi also got up and said, "I'm going outside to repair the broken roof. It looks like it's going to rain later, so I'm going to repair it now."

"Well, okay, you have to be careful!" Ayako nodded.

Takahashi turned and left after speaking.

After Takahashi and Ayako left, Kakutani, who was in charge of photography, suggested, "Then the rest of us can play poker together."

"Yes!" Sonoko was the first to respond.

"Boring!" Zhi Jiazi said and got up and left. Because of what happened just now, she didn't want to stay here for a moment, so she planned to go out for a walk to relax.

Seeing this, Kakutani quickly asked: "Why are you going? Tomokako!"

"I'll go out for a walk, you guys can play!" Zhi Jiazi waved his hand and said.

Seeing Zhijiazi walking towards the door, Kakutani hurriedly chased after her.
At this time, only the four Seiji and that handsome Ota and Sonoko were left in the living room.

"Okay, let's play poker together!" Sonoko suggested, she really wanted to play poker, and she was the first to respond to Kakuya just now, but Kakuya is gone now, so she had to propose again by herself.

"You guys play, I'll go out for a walk too." Ota left after saying a word.

"Ah, that's it." Yuanzi said disappointedly, she has a good impression of such a handsome guy.

After Ota left, Sonoko turned to look at Xiaolan pitifully, "Xiaolan, let's play poker."

"Uh, okay." Xiaolan didn't really want to play, but seeing Yuanzi's pitiful appearance, Xiaolan still planned to play with her.

"Conan, Seiji, Ayumi, come and play together." Xiaolan said, it would be boring if she was alone with Sonoko, so she wanted to drag Shinichi and the others into the water.

"Wow!" Ayumi was also a little interested in poker.

And Seiji and Conan saw that Xiaolan and Ayumi both agreed, so they had to agree.

In this way, the group of them played poker.

After more than an hour, Yuanzi and the others got tired of playing poker. At this time, there was already a light rain in the sky, accompanied by thunder and thunder. Looking at it like this, it must be pouring rain later.

After Sonoko and the others got tired of playing poker, they chatted boringly in the living room.

After a while, the door of the villa was suddenly opened, and the voice sounded very hasty. It must be that something special happened, otherwise the door wouldn't be opened so quickly.

Sure enough, along with the sound of the door being opened, there was a hurried shout.

"Come on, Chikako is injured!"

Shengsi and the others immediately ran to the door upon hearing this.

Because of the loud shouting, even Ayako who was cooking and Takahashi who was repairing the roof rushed over.

When a group of people ran to the door, they found Kakutani standing at the door holding Tomokako covered in blood, and Ota was standing next to him collecting an umbrella.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with Zhijiazi?" Ayako who just arrived looked at Zhijiazi who was covered in blood and asked anxiously.

"She was cut in an artery in her arm, and she is now in a coma due to excessive blood loss. Hurry up and bring the first-aid kit!" Kakutani explained, with a very urgent tone.

After hearing Kakuya's words, Sonoko turned around and went to get the first-aid kit, while Kakuya carried Chikako to the sofa, and everyone followed immediately.

Soon, Sonoko came over with the first aid kit. Kakutani grabbed the first aid kit, took out the contents of the first aid kit and bandaged Zhi Jiazi. Seeing this, Xiao Lan hurried over to help.

"Ota, what's going on?" Looking at Tomokako who was being bandaged, Ayako asked Ota beside him, because Ota came in with them just now, so he must know something.

"Zhijiazi was attacked. I was walking on the edge of the woods just now. After a while, I suddenly heard Zhijiazi's screams. After hearing the sound, I quickly followed the sound and rushed over, but when I rushed over, Kakutani was rushing back with Chikako, who was bleeding profusely. Seeing this, I quickly followed, and then the two of us entered the villa. That's all I know. I'll ask Kakiya about the specific situation. Ota explained, he was also taken aback by the sudden situation.

At this time, Kakutani was eagerly bandaging Zhijiazi's wound, so it was difficult for everyone to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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