Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 111: Bandage Monster Hurts!

Chapter 111: Bandage Monster Hurts!

"Brother Shengsi, what happened to sister Zhijiazi? She shed so much blood! Do you think she will die?" Looking at the busy crowd, Ayumi asked Shengsi innocently.

Upon hearing this, Shengsi glanced at Zhijiazi, and he could tell what kind of injury she suffered just by looking at Shengsi. This kind of wound should be cut by a sharp weapon like an axe, but judging from the traces of the wound , The blow to Zhijiazi should be able to cut off the whole arm at once, but for some reason, now Zhijiazi is only cut through the artery, although it is also a serious injury, but it will not die.

"Of course I won't die, you little idiot!" Seiji poked Ayumi's forehead and said.

"That's good, that's good." Ayumi breathed out, she just saw Zhi Jiazi bleeding so much, and thought she would die!Dead people or something, it's too scary!

Just then, Conan leaned over.

"Seiji, just now that Ota said that someone attacked Tomokako, what do you think of this situation?"

After hearing this question, Seiji gave Conan a slight sideways glance.

"do not know!"

Conan, the brat, knows how to meddle in his own business!so annoying!

have no idea? !Conan seemed very dissatisfied with Shengsi's answer, he could tell that Shengsi was prevaricating him.

"You must know something! Don't you?!" Conan asked. Every time something happened, Conan felt that Shengsi knew something, but Shengsi didn't say anything every time, which made Conan extremely uncomfortable.

Regarding Conan's question, Seiji said: I won't tell you.

Seeing Conan's anxious little face, Seiji made a face at him, and said, "I don't know, I don't know, I just don't know."

"Hehehehe." Seeing Shengsi making a funny face, Ayumi burst into laughter, but she rarely saw Shengsi's pose, and seeing it now, it really amused her.

Maybe Ayumi's laughter was too loud, and everyone's eyes were focused on Ayumi for a while.

Under everyone's gaze, Ayumi seemed to have discovered something, the silver bell-like laughter stopped abruptly, and then hid behind Shengsi in fear.

Seiji laughed when he saw this, took Ayumi's hand and walked to the side.

"I told you to laugh at me, now I know I was wrong. Hahaha"

When Ayumi and Seiji came to the side, they still looked scared, which made Seiji laugh heartily.

"Brother Shengsi bullied Ayumi again, Ayumi ignored you!" Seeing that Shengsi was still laughing at her, Ayumi stomped her feet angrily, and then left.

Just when Seiji wanted to chase after him, Conan stuck to him like brown sugar.

"Shengsi, I know you must know something, tell me quickly!" Conan started stalking Dafa, he will annoy Shengsi forever, and he will definitely tell him in the end.

Seiji was upset because Ayumi suddenly ignored him, and now Conan touched his brow.

"I told you I don't know anything, so don't ask any more! If you ask again, I won't tell you that Chikako was wounded by an axe!" Shengsi said irritably before turning around and leaving. After chasing Ayumi, he has already seen that Conan will definitely keep asking, so he told him a little clue and sent him away.

Seeing the figure of Shengsi running away, Conan smiled slightly, and thought to himself: After all, he is just a child, and he can get out of it with a little trick, but, an axe?Chopped?Could it be a premeditated murder?Or are there gangsters nearby?There are so few clues now, Conan can't think of any useful information at all, so he can only see if Kakutani can tell some useful information later.

Conan thought for a while, Seiji had already caught up with Ayumi, at this moment, the two were talking and laughing together, Ayumi lost his temper or something, Seiji took out a lollipop from the dimension space to solve it Yes, there are a lot of Ubumi's utensils on Shengsi's body, such as lollipops, plush toys, game consoles, etc., everything that one expects to find.

Seeing Seiji coaxing Ayumi to be happy in no time, Conan couldn't help being envious. If Ayumi is angry, coaxing Ayumi will be fine, but if Xiaolan is angry.
Thinking of this, Conan touched his little face, he was beaten just this afternoon, but his memory is still fresh, so don't make Xiaolan angry!Never mess with it!

A few minutes later, Zhijiazi's blood has been stopped by Xiaolan, and the wound on his arm has also been treated urgently. At least there will be no serious problems in a short time, but if he is not sent to the hospital for treatment, it will be serious. Leave unmentionable ones.

Seeing this scene, Seiji and Ayumi hurried back to the crowd.

"Call an ambulance, this kind of wound can't be treated with such a simple treatment!" Xiao Lan said to everyone.

"Also, call the police immediately!" Kakutani said with a strange expression on his face.

"En! Okay!" Ayako replied in a daze.

When Ayako went to make a call, Takahashi asked, "Kakutani, tell everyone what happened just now!"

Kakutani nodded when he heard the words, and then began to tell: "Just now a weird man in black clothes with a bandage on his face and holding a huge ax attacked Zhijiazi. If Zhijiazi hadn't heard the sound and quickly hid behind a tree, I'm afraid Just now when the ax fell from that man, Zhi Jiazi might have died! However, although Zhi Jiazi hid in time, he was still injured. Because of the man's great strength, the ax fell on the tree all at once, deeply I cut deeply into the tree, and at the same time, because of the angle, the corner of the ax also cut the artery on Zhijiazi's arm. I took advantage of the gap when the man pulled the ax from the tree and escaped with Zhijiazi in my arms. Ota has already mentioned the situation, so I won’t say more.”

"The bandage monster you mentioned, I saw it when I came! He was on the suspension bridge at the time, and he ran away when I called him. I thought he was someone nearby, so I didn't care, and I asked at the beginning Sonoko." After listening to Kakutani's description, Xiaolan remembered the bandaged man she met on the bridge when she first came here.

"If you say that, I seem to have seen it before."

After hearing what Xiaolan said, Takahashi and Ota also said that they had seen it when they came to the villa.

While the two were talking, Yuanzi quietly approached Xiaolan and said, "Have you asked me?"

"I know, well, forget it, it's useless to discuss these things now." Xiaolan didn't want to argue with Yuanzi in the middle of her sentence. She knew Yuanzi's memory and couldn't remember things at all. It would be a waste of words to argue with her. , because what happened just now in Yuanzi's mind never happened!
At this moment, Ayako who had just run to make a phone call came back.

"I don't know why, but suddenly I can't make calls!" Ayako brought bad news to everyone when she first arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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