Chapter 112 Dilemma
Hearing that the call could not be made, Kakutani asked quickly: "What's wrong? The phone is broken?"

"En! But I can still make calls this morning. Now I don't know why, but suddenly I can't make calls. Could it be because of the thunder just now?" Ayako said with some uncertainty. It is still possible.

At this moment, Takahashi suddenly said with a terrified expression: "It must be that bandage weirdo. He cut the phone line, the purpose is to make us lose contact with the outside world, and then kill us!"

After speaking, he yelled and ran out of the villa.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly followed, and when they caught up, they found Takahashi standing beside the suspension bridge with a terrified expression.

Because of the rainy weather, everyone's line of sight was not very far away. They were puzzled when they found that Takahashi didn't move suddenly, but when everyone came to the bridge, they found that the suspension bridge was actually broken!

"The suspension bridge is broken!" Kakutani said in a panic when he found that the suspension bridge was broken.

If the suspension bridge is broken, they will not be able to get out, because the exit of the villa is only this suspension bridge, otherwise they have to go around the mountain behind the villa, not to mention how far the mountain is, just in the deep mountains and old forests. Walking through it is a particularly difficult thing!Especially on this rainy day, that's even more impossible!

The sudden break of the suspension bridge made everyone nervous for a moment, and Takahashi said just now that the bandaged man was going to kill them one by one. For a while, a terrifying atmosphere permeated among the people.

Seemingly aware of the nervousness of the crowd, Ota suppressed the panic in his heart, pretending to be relaxed and said: "This suspension bridge is very old, it must have fallen down by itself!"

But Conan didn't buy his account, and said quietly from the side: "You are wrong, this suspension bridge was cut off artificially, if you don't believe me, you can look at the marks on it, it was obviously cut off by a sharp weapon!"

"It must be him! It must have been cut off by the bandage monster, with the purpose of killing us one by one!" Hearing Conan's words, Takahashi said with a horrified expression.

After hearing what Takahashi said, the horror atmosphere in the world became more intense. The main reason was that this incident was too terrifying. Everyone didn't even know where the bandaged man was. People are always afraid of the unknown!
Just when everyone was panicked and at a loss, Shengsi who was standing at the entrance of the villa shouted to them: "Conan! Come in and play, what are you doing there in the rain?"

Shengsi wouldn't foolishly run into the rain like Conan. When everyone went out just now, Shengsi didn't go out with him, but sat in the room and listened to what they said with telekinesis. Playing with Ayumi, isn't it flattering?

Hearing Shengsi's call, Conan was taken aback, what?Now everyone is going to be trapped here, you still go to play?playing what?Playing with Pippi Shrimp?

Although Conan thought so much in his mind, he still replied, "Come on, I'll be right there!"

Although what Shengsi said was very nonsensical, he said that he was right to stand here in the rain, and he would catch a cold if he was exposed to too much rain. He didn't want to catch a cold, so Conan hurriedly walked towards the villa.

Seeing this, everyone by the bridge rushed to the villa one after another. They also realized that standing there in the rain is simply a big idiot!

"Although Zhijiazi's bleeding has stopped, this is only an emergency measure. If you don't send it to the hospital for treatment, the situation will become more and more serious!" After everyone returned to the villa, Kakuya was still in a coma Tomokako said with a worried face.

"That's it, that's really nerve-wracking!" Ayako said, she didn't know what to do anymore, she didn't have a mobile phone here, and now she couldn't contact the outside world, and now the sky was dark and it was still raining, so she just I can wait until dawn tomorrow before going down the mountain.

"Yes, Miss Zhijiazi's injury is very serious. If you don't treat it quickly, one arm may be useless!" Xiaolan and Yuanzi didn't go out just now, but took care of Zhijiazi in the room, and now I heard everyone discussing Tomokako's injury, said quickly.

"It's so serious, what should we do now?" Kakutani knew that Tomokako was seriously injured, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

Ayako was also very anxious at this time, but she had nothing to do, so she had no choice but to say: "We have nothing to do now, it's already this time, and no one will come here, and we have no way to contact the outside world now, so we have to wait The person who will deliver the ingredients tomorrow can only leave."

Because this villa is far away from the county and city, the ingredients here are specially delivered by someone, and the delivery time is eight o'clock in the morning, so they can leave as long as they wait until eight o'clock tomorrow morning.

"Although what I said is correct, I'm afraid Miss Zhijiazi won't be able to last until that time. Because of the excessive blood loss just now, Miss Zhijiazi is very weak now. In addition, the wound cannot completely stop the bleeding. If it is delayed At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, Ms. Zhijiazi may never wake up." Xiaolan said, she has some knowledge of medicine, so she can roughly see Zhijiazi's physical condition.

"That's it, then we have to send Zhijiazi down the mountain today! But we can't get out at all." Kakutani said with some despair. By this time, everyone could clearly see that the relationship between Kakuya and Zhijiazi was a bit unusual , It should be a lover relationship, but judging from Tomokako's performance against Kakutani before, the two should break up.

Looking at Kakuya's desperate look, Xiaolan seemed to think of something, and then said, "That's right, Shengsi, don't you have a mobile phone?"

In this day and age, mobile phones are something that only rich people can afford, and in Suzuki's house, only Sonoko's father can afford to use them.

Hearing what Xiaolan said, everyone immediately focused their attention on Shengsi.

Because Ayumi was right next to Shengsi, and being stared at by so many people all of a sudden, Ayumi hid behind Shengsi in fear.

And Shengsi didn't care about these gazes at all, and said with a smile: "I'm really sorry, because I came out in a hurry, I didn't bring the phone with me."

Hearing what Shengsi said, Ayumi who hid behind Shengsi whispered: "Brother Shengsi, isn't the phone in your dimension? Why do you say you didn't bring it?"

"Because I can't take it out, I don't have anything with me, it's really unusual to suddenly take out a phone!" Shengsi responded in a low voice.

The mobile phone of this era is not the touch-screen machine that can be controlled with one hand in the previous life, but a big brother like a brick!When Shengsi came to the villa, he didn't take anything, but now he suddenly took out such a big thing, it's no wonder it doesn't arouse people's suspicion.

(End of this chapter)

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