Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 113 Chinese Martial Arts

Chapter 113 Chinese Martial Arts
"But, that sister Zhijiazi is so pitiful. If she doesn't get rescued, she might die! Brother Seiji, please help her." Ayumi's heart is very kind. Seeing this kind of thing, she felt that she had If you don't manage it when you have the ability to help, you will feel very uncomfortable.

After hearing Ayumi's request, Seiji nodded slightly, "Yes! Let me help her!"

Just now when everyone heard Shengsi say that he didn't bring the phone, they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. At this moment, they were thinking of other ways to see if they could help Zhijiazi.

On the other hand, Conan couldn't help but twitched his mouth when he heard what Shengsi said, did he come out in a hurry?Obviously came directly after school, okay, what a ghost in a hurry!

Not to mention Conan's complaints, because everyone who can't go down the mountain is anxiously discussing about Tomokako at this time, but no matter what they think, they can't think of a good way.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Shengsi took two steps forward, and then said slowly: "I have a way to keep sister Zhijiazi alive, and can survive until noon the next day!"

After hearing Shengsi's voice, everyone turned their eyes to Shengsi again, with doubts and disbelief in their eyes.

It's just a kid, what can I do?
"Eh?! Shengsi, do you have a solution?" Xiaolan asked suspiciously. In her heart, Shengsi is not a big talker. Now that he says he has a solution, maybe he really has a solution, so she is very curious. What can the company do.

"En!" Shengsi nodded, and then walked towards Zhijiazi, "All of you step aside and give me some space."

"No matter what method you used, let me thank you on behalf of Chikako!" Kakutani was in a hurry at this time, and now he heard Shengsi said that he had a solution, so he quickly expressed his thanks.Although Shengsi was just a child, and he didn't believe that Shengsi could do anything good, but he didn't show it, because they didn't have anything to do at this time, so they just treated dead horses as living horse doctors.

"En!" Seeing this, Shengsi nodded with a smile. He didn't intend to make a move at first, but Ayumi said he wanted him to make a move, so Shengsi did it. However, someone expressed his gratitude to him at this time, Shengsi I also feel very gratified, after all, it is very comforting to be thanked by others for doing good deeds.

Seeing that Shengsi was about to make a move, everyone gave up a space according to their words. Although their eyes revealed deep doubts, and at the same time they expressed serious doubts about Shengsi's words, but at this time they had no better way up.

After everyone stepped aside, Seiji walked up to Chikako's side in a few steps.

I saw that Shengsi first glanced around Zhijiazi's wound, and then quickly poked Zhijiazi's arm a few times. After a few seconds, Shengsi turned around and said to everyone: "Okay , there will be no problem until noon tomorrow!"

"Is that all right?"

Everyone's faces were full of astonishment and inexplicable expressions, and most of them even thought in their hearts: Is this kid playing with us?

"En! It shouldn't be a big problem." Shengsi nodded.

"I said kid, you can just poke it twice like this, and you'll settle the matter? Isn't this a child's game?! It's a human life!" The man named Takahashi said with a look of disbelief, saying that in the end it was all Drink low.

The others nodded secretly when they heard the words, obviously agreeing with Takahashi's statement.

"Sister Xiaolan, take a look at Zhijiazi's situation, and tell them the situation after reading it!" Shengsi ignored everyone's disbelief, but turned to Xiaolan and said.

"Okay!" Xiaolan replied, she actually didn't believe that Shengsi could achieve the effect he said with just a few strokes, but she had a feeling: what Shengsi said was right!

After Seiji finished speaking, he walked towards Ayumi.

After Shengsi left, everyone turned their attention to Xiaolan. After Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, she followed her instructions and began to check.

Ayumi was with Conan at this time, and seeing Seiji approaching, Conan asked suspiciously: "Seiji, you. Are you going to cure that Chikako?"

He also felt that it was impossible for Shengsi to poke like this a few times to achieve the effect he said, just a few pokes, and then he could last until noon tomorrow, how could it be possible!

"Cure? How is it possible? I just tapped her acupuncture points so that she wouldn't bleed." Shengsi said helplessly.

A man with a broken artery could be healed with a few pokes, and he wouldn't believe it, except by magic.

"Acupoint? What is it?" Conan was very puzzled by the name of Acupuncture.

"Didn't you ask me why I'm so good? I'll tell you now, I'm actually practicing Chinese martial arts! Chinese martial arts are extensive and profound, and there's the way of acupoints. I just used acupoints to stop her bleeding. , so that she will not lose blood again." Shengsi explained that he just used acupuncture to seal the arterial blood flow on Chikako's arm so that she would not lose blood, but this method of sealing the acupuncture point cannot continue It's too long, because if the blood doesn't circulate, it will cause the arm to lose consciousness, so Shengsi said that it can only last until noon tomorrow.

"So it's Chinese martial arts! No wonder you are so strong, Shengsi!" Conan nodded suddenly, he had heard of Chinese martial arts. Legend has it that people who practice Chinese martial arts are mysterious and powerful!Shengsi seems to meet these conditions, but when did Shengsi practice martial arts?

Thinking of this, Conan was about to ask Shengsi, but the crowd not far away burst into cheers, which attracted Conan's attention all of a sudden.

It turned out that after Shengsi finished speaking, Xiaolan checked Zhijiazi's body and found that it was exactly as Shengsi said. Go up, and it won't be long before Chikako wakes up from the coma.

Seeing this, Xiaolan was shocked!Chikako, who was still extremely weak just now, was healed so much after being poked by Shengsi casually a few times, it's really unbelievable!
After knowing this, Xiaolan quickly told everyone about Zhijiazi's situation, and when everyone knew Zhijiazi's current situation, they all burst into cheers.

At this moment, Seiji said to Conan: "Conan, Ayumi and I went up to rest first, just call us later when we have dinner."

After finishing speaking, Shengsi took Ayumi away, and Conan nodded after hearing Shengsi's words and ignored him, because Conan's attention was all on the cheers of the crowd, and he was wondering what those people were doing. What are you cheering for?

At this time, after everyone cheered, they remembered that all of this was done by that child just now. When everyone wanted to thank Shengsi again, they found that Shengsi had long since disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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