Chapter 114
In the room on the second floor.

Because Seiji didn't like crowded environments, so Seiji took Ayumi directly to the room on the second floor.

"Brother Shengsi, you were so powerful just now, you just poked him a few times and healed the person!" Ayumi now has no doubts about what Shengsi said and did, because the countless previous examples have already It proved that Shengsi never lied, and kept what he said, of course, except that he was a little late sometimes, but he was never late after that.

"That's not true! Of course your big brother Seiji is amazing!" Seiji said proudly after pinching Ayumi's little nose.

For Shengsi's gesture of pinching his nose, Ayumi snorted to express her dissatisfaction, and then said: "Brother Shengsi, I finished eating the lollipop just now, give me another one!"

"Wow! Wow! Wow!" Hearing Ayumi asking for candy, Seiji exaggeratedly yelled three times, then hugged Ayumi's shoulder and said softly: "Ayumi forgot what I said before?"

Ayumi's expression darkened when she heard the words, and said in a low voice: "You can't eat two candies a day, because eating too much will cause tooth decay!"

"So Ayumi still eats candy?"

"Don't eat." Ayumi's voice was even lower, like a child who did something wrong.

Seeing Ayumi like this, Seiji was suddenly amused, "It's impossible to eat sugar, but you can eat a piece of cake!"

Because during the last tooth extraction, Dr. Ye Zi told Shengsi that if Ayumi ate too much candy, she would develop tooth decay, so Shengsi made a rule of eating only one candy at most every day.

"Really?" After hearing Seiji's words, Ayumi, who had lowered her head and was sullen just now, raised her head happily and asked expectantly.

"It's true! You little greedy cat!" Shengsi smiled and took out a piece of cake from behind and handed it to Ayumi. The cake contained much less sugar than simple sugar, and Ayumi also liked it, so Also bought a lot.

"Thank you Brother Shengsi!" Ayumi narrowed her eyes after taking the cake, she was very cute.

Just like that, the two started playing around in the room, during which Xiaolan came in once and asked Shengsi how he did it. Shengsi's answer to Xiaolan was the same as Conan's Chinese martial arts. After hearing this answer, Xiaolan remembered that Conan had told him that Shengsi's strength was terrifying, several times stronger than her!
Thinking of this, Xiaolan challenged Shengsi, saying that she would use her karate to learn Shengsi's Chinese martial arts. Xiaolan also heard that Chinese martial arts are very powerful, so she wanted to learn.

Before the challenge started, Xiaolan was still worried that a high school student would bully Shengsi, a primary school student, but her worries were obviously unnecessary.

There were only three people in the room, so Ayumi had to be the referee.

Ayumi stood aside and said in that pleasant child's voice: "3, 2, 1, let's go!"

The moment Ayumi said the beginning, Seiji moved!
Sensi is extremely fast!In an instant, Shengsi came to Xiaolan's side, and then Xiaolan was thrown on the bed by Shengsi.

After Shengsi finished a set of movements, Xiaolan, who was lying on the bed, just realized it!
"It's really amazing!"

At this point, Xiaolan finally knew how terrifying the horror Conan was talking about!It's not at the same level as myself!

In fact, Shengsi only used one-tenth of his strength to fight Xiaolan. Although it was only one-tenth of his strength, it was also very terrifying. You must know that Shengsi's current strength has been strengthened by magic power. A stone of about one meter can be kicked and cracked directly!Even a tenth of the strength can easily break a small tree.

And in this tenth of the power, Shengsi also used a lot of ingenuity, otherwise Xiaolan would not fall on the bed but on the cold floor, and Xiaolan didn't hurt at all when she was thrown on the bed, The bed was not damaged at all, which shows how perverted Shengsi's ingenuity is.

When it was decided between the two, Ayumi immediately shouted happily: "Brother Shengsi wins! Wins!"

"Shengsi, you are amazing!" Xiaolan also got up from the bed and praised, she was really convinced by Shengsi.

"Where is it?" Shengsi touched the back of his head modestly, looking shy.

Just then, Conan opened the door.

"Dinner is ready, let's go down and eat!"

After saying this, Conan noticed that the atmosphere in the room was a bit different. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, we were discussing. Discussing. That was discussing about Zhijiazi, didn't you say? Shengsi?" Xiaolan said quickly, she didn't want to let Conan be the one who was 'insta-killed' by Shengsi. I know, so she hurriedly tried to cover up.

After hearing Xiaolan's words, Shengsi was slightly taken aback, and then said with a smile: "En! Sister Xiaolan is right!"

"That's it, let's go to eat now, everyone is waiting for us, and sister Tomokako has just woken up." Conan didn't think about it, but talked about Tomokako's situation.

"What? Zhijiazi woke up, let's go down!" Xiaolan said in surprise when she heard Zhijiazi woke up.

Shengsi also nodded when he heard the words, and led Ayumi and Xiaoran to the living room together.

As soon as he arrived at the living room, Shengsi was greeted with warm applause!

"Seiji, because Zhijiazi is too weak to speak now, let me thank you on her behalf!" Kakutani's applause was the loudest.

Seiji just nodded with a smile when he heard the words, then took Ayumi's hand and sat down at the table beside him.

Seeing this, everyone sat down and started today's dinner.

At the dining table, everyone expressed their admiration and gratitude to Seiji, especially Sonoko, who stuck to Seiji's body, making Ayumi sulking alone, seeing this, Seiji repeatedly helped Ayumi to pick up vegetables and No Bird Sonoko, only then did Bu Meixi smile.

Soon, the meal was over, and because of Zhijiazi's accident, everyone was in no mood to play at night, and returned to their rooms early to rest.

Because of Tomokako's injury, Tomokako slept in Kakuya's room so Kakuya could take care of her.

So Tomokako's room was immediately vacated. Originally, Seiji planned to sleep with Ayumi (there were two beds in Tomokako's room), but she was strongly opposed by Xiaolan because she was so scared by the bandage weirdo. Scared, she felt very insecure now, so she didn't dare to sleep alone, and she couldn't sleep with Conan, so she had to sleep with Ayumi.

Ayumi also expressed that she wanted to sleep with Xiaolan, and Seiji didn't force her when she saw this.

In this way, after chatting in the room, everyone fell asleep one after another.

It is worth mentioning that before going to bed, because Conan and Shengsi were sleeping on the same bed, Conan was very upset, so he kept looking at Shengsi with a different look, but after Shengsi's demonstrative squeeze After clenching his fist, Conan suddenly remembered the terrifying power of Shengsi, and then Conan fell asleep obediently.

A few hours later, in the middle of the night.

A black figure holding a huge ax quietly appeared in the villa, quietly and lifelessly.
(End of this chapter)

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