Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 115 Hitting someone with an ax?

Chapter 115 Hitting someone with an ax?
On the balcony outside the room of the four of Shengsi and the others, a black figure with a huge ax in his hand quietly walked here.

There is a glass door between the room and the balcony, but because it is dark outside, it is impossible to see the outside clearly from the inside of the room.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed across, and the sky suddenly became as bright as day. Under the light of the lightning, the black shadow reflected a long and narrow figure on the wall of the house, which looked extremely terrifying!Like a god of death!
A few seconds later, the glass doors on the balcony were suddenly cut a small round hole by the black shadow with a tool. After quietly taking the piece of glass away, a bandaged hand reached in and locked the door. It was opened.


The door is open!
I saw that black shadow quietly pushed open the glass door, and then walked in with a huge axe!

After entering the door, the black shadow touched the front of the holy priest's bed. After seeing the holy priest on the bed clearly, the black shadow raised the giant ax high with both hands, and then slammed it towards the holy priest's head Cut it off, the ax flashed a sharp cold light under the lightning!Swift and fast!
The moment the ax was swung down, there was a gust of wind. It can be seen that the person who swung the ax was very powerful. If the ax hits hard, Shengsi will not escape the fate of death.

But will Shengsi be hit by this axe?Of course not, Shengsi was awakened when the black shadow just entered the door. After he saw that the person who came was the bandage weirdo that everyone said before, Shengsi did not act rashly, but just waited and watched. To see what this bandage freak is up to.

Seeing the man in black walking slowly to his bed and raising the ax in his hand, Shengsi was puzzled, what is this man going to do?Want to kill yourself?But why?I have a grudge against him?
Just as Shengsi was thinking, the bandaged man swung down the ax in his hand.

Although the Bandage Monster swung his ax very fast, in Shengsi's eyes, he was as slow as a snail!
Just when the ax was about to fall, Shengsi moved sideways, and the ax immediately hit the empty space on the bed. The vibration between the ax and the bed board directly shook Conan from the bed, and Shengsi dodged the ax Finally, it was a flying kick to the bandage monster's head!

Shengsi's little feet made intimate contact with the bandaged man's head.

"Boom! Tap, tap, tap."

I saw that the head of the bandage monster was kicked away by Shengsi, hitting the wall and bouncing on the floor.

What? !Shengsi realized that he kicked the man's head off!But I didn't use a lot of strength, Shengsi knew it well, this kick would only make people unconscious at most, instead of kicking people's head off directly!
But then Shengsi knew what was going on, it turned out that it was just a hood.

I saw the bandaged man showing a flustered and shocked fat face after being kicked off his head by Shengsi!
Although the vision was extremely limited in this pitch-black environment, Seiji could still see the man's face clearly.

The Bandage Man turned out to be the fat man named Takahashi!

Because the hood fell off, Takahashi suddenly panicked, pulled out the ax and wanted to run out of the balcony, he didn't even bother to pick up the hood that fell on the ground.

But, will Shengsi let him go?

of course not.

Seeing Takahashi wanting to run, Seiji rushed up and kicked him on the head again!
Because Takahashi's back was facing Shengsi, Shengsi's kick directly hit the back of his head, causing him to fall into the mud!

At this moment, someone turned on the light in the room. Shengsi looked back and found Conan standing at the door with a confused face, rubbing his eyes with one hand, while the other hand was placed on the switch.

"Holy Saint? What's wrong?" Conan asked confusedly after he found Shengsi after turning on the light.

Before Shengsi answered, Conan turned his head and found the bandage monster lying on the floor, and then exclaimed: "The bandage monster!!!"

"Saint! What happened?!" Scared by the bandage man, Conan woke up more than half of it in an instant, and he spoke more fluently.

This series of movements and the reason why the light was turned on, Xiaolan and Ayumi were also woken up.

"Brother Shengsi?" Ayumi sat up from the bed, rubbing her small eyes with a dazed expression.

And because of Xiaolan's height, she could just see the bandaged man on the floor after sitting up.

"Bandage weirdo??!!" Xiaolan was so frightened that she jumped up from the bed.

Seeing everyone's performance, Shengsi said helplessly: "He has fainted, he is fine now!"

"Really?" Xiaolan said with some uncertainty.

"En!" Shengsi replied again.

After Conan heard that the Bandage Man passed out, he ran over to take a look, and found that this man turned out to be Takahashi who was in charge of the props!Seeing this, Conan turned back to Shengsi and asked, "Shengsi, what's going on?!"

"It's nothing, he just came in and wanted to hit me, and then I'll hit him!" Shengsi said after pointing to himself and then to the bandage monster lying on the ground.

"You said he was going to hit you?! I think he is going to kill you!" Conan stared at the gap in his bed and said in disbelief. Hitting someone with an axe?you sure?

At the same time, Conan was still thinking, why did Takahashi kill Tomokako before, but now he wants to kill Seiji? !
"It's almost the same anyway!" Shengsi explained indifferently, in his eyes, these are actually meaningless.

Just when Conan was about to say something, the door of the room was opened.

Sonoko, Ayako, Ota, and Kakutani walked in in their pajamas.

"Xiaolan, what's the matter?" Yuanzi asked as soon as they entered the door. They heard Xiaolan's room was ringing all the time, so they rushed over to check.

"Bandage freak!!!"

Before Xiaolan answered, Ota and the others beside Sonoko exclaimed.

Seeing this, Xiao Lan didn't need to explain.

Because Takahashi fell on the ground on his stomach, everyone didn't see his face for a while.

After the initial surprise, everyone also found that the bandaged man seemed to have fainted.

"Why is the bandage weirdo here? Also, what's going on?" Kakuya said.

"This Uncle Takahashi has passed out!" Shengsi said calmly, pointing at the weird man with bandages.

"Taka Takahashi?! What are you talking about?! This bandage man is Takahashi?!" Kakutani said with a face of disbelief, and then rushed towards the bandage man. Seeing this, Ayako and the others hurriedly followed.

Seiji didn't answer, but ran to Ayumi to comfort Ayumi. The screams just now frightened Ayumi. Now Seiji just wants to talk to Ayumi so that she won't be nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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