Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 116 Takahashi is the bandage freak!

Chapter 116 Takahashi is the bandage freak!

"It really is Takahashi!" Kakutani ran to Takahashi, turned him over, and saw who it was.

"Takahashi is a bandage freak?! Then why did he hurt Tomokako? Also, why did he come to Xiaolan's room?" Ayako asked suspiciously, she still hasn't figured out what made her Takahashi does this.

"Could it be because of Atsuko's suicide two years ago?" Ayako said with some uncertainty.

"It must be!" Ota echoed from the side.


Yuanzi and Xiaolan heard this for the first time.

Seeing everyone's doubts, Ota began to tell about Atsuko.

"Atsuko is also a member of our film club, but two years ago, Atsuko hanged himself suddenly! Our relationship was good before, but because of this incident."

After talking halfway, Ota suddenly stopped talking.

Because Kakuya woke up Takahashi by shaking him, everyone's attention suddenly shifted to Takahashi.

Seeing this, Shengsi also cast his eyes on Takahashi curiously, he was very curious, he had no grievances with this Takahashi, why did he insist on killing himself?Just now Shengsi saw very clearly that this Takahashi definitely wanted to kill himself on purpose!If it wasn't for Shengsi who was afraid of killing people here and giving way to Ayumi to see, that Takahashi would be dead by now!

Gao Qiao just woke up, seeing so many people surrounding him, he was stunned.

"Takahashi! You hateful guy! How dare you hurt Tomokako!" Kakutani didn't care what Takahashi thought, and punched Takahashi in the face twice. Confused.

He was kicked unconscious by Shengsi just now, and his head was still hurting, but now Kakutani punched him twice again, it is really miserable.

After being punched twice, Takahashi was also angry. He pushed Kakutani away forcefully, then stood up and yelled at him, "Tomokako deserves to die! She killed Atsuko! If it wasn't for her, Atsuko wouldn't have died." Will commit suicide!"

"What?! That's impossible! How did Chikako do such a thing?!" Kakutani retorted with a look of disbelief.

"Back then, Atsuko secretly showed me the stories she wrote. She said that she would become a novelist in the future! But she committed suicide suddenly! At that time, I didn't know why Atsuko committed suicide, but now, in my After watching the Cyan Kingdom, which is currently being screened, I finally understand!"

"This cyan kingdom is exactly the same as the script that Atsuko showed me back then! Zhijiazi, a hateful woman, actually stole Atsuko's work! That's how, Zhijiazi won the Newcomer Screenplay Award with that script, and finally became a famous writer now, and Atsuko committed suicide because of this incident! I did all this for Atsuko! I will kill Zhijiazi, a hateful woman!"

Takahashi yelled wildly, even Tomokako in the opposite room could hear it!
"Impossible! Impossible! It's impossible for Tomokako not to be such a person!" Kakutani couldn't believe what Takahashi said, "You must be lying! You must be! I'll ask Tomokako, and she will definitely tell me the truth!" Kakutani walked out in a panic while talking, he didn't believe what Takahashi said at all, in his heart, Tomokako is definitely not such a person!

On the other hand, Ayako and Ota both seemed to understand, because they knew Tomokako better, and felt that what Takahashi said was probably true!At the same time, I was also shocked by this incident. I didn't expect that it was Tomokako who killed Atsuko!It's abominable!
Looking at Takahashi who was about to go crazy, Conan pushed his eyes, and then said in a deep voice: "Mr. Takahashi, although I am sorry for Atsuko's matter, but! Why did you come to attack Shengsi tonight? ?!"

Hearing what Conan said, a question also came to everyone's minds. Takahashi had his reasons for killing Tomokako, but why did he kill Seiji who had nothing to do with him?This made everyone very puzzled.

At the same time, how the child Shengsi escaped Takahashi's attack also made everyone very puzzled.

"Zhi Jiazi, who was originally immortal and crippled, was saved by this nasty kid. He dared to prevent me from avenging Atsuko! Anyone who stops me from avenging Atsuko will die! So I will kill him!" Takahashi The whole person's facial expression was distorted, and as he spoke, he picked up the ax beside him and rushed towards Shengsi.

Seeing Takahashi holding an ax and looking crazy, everyone backed away one after another, and Ayako was so frightened by this scene that she couldn't stop shouting.

Seeing this, Conan on the side hastily twisted a button on the power shoes, adjusted the power of the shoes to the maximum, and wanted to kick a water bottle not far away towards Takahashi.

But in the next second, Conan saw Shengsi's half-smile expression. At this moment, Conan also remembered Shengsi's terrifying strength.

With Shengsi around, Xiaolan will not be in danger at all!Thinking of this, Conan's heart immediately relaxed.

Seiji, who was sitting by the bed, was talking to Ayumi just now. After hearing the question Conan asked, Seiji looked back. He also wanted to know why Takahashi wanted to kill him.

And now Shengsi also knew the reason, it was because he indirectly prevented him from killing, so Takahashi wanted to kill himself!

Not only that, Takahashi even dared to charge towards him after he said such absurd reason, wanting to kill him!Now, Shengsi can't bear it anymore!Especially since he scared Ayumi, this is even more unforgivable!

At this moment, Seiji even had the idea of ​​killing Takahashi, but he was rejected by Seiji in the next second. With so many people watching, and Ayumi was still nearby, it was difficult for Seiji to do anything An outrageous move, so Seiji had to knock him out again.

Seeing Takahashi running towards him crazily, Seiji smiled disdainfully, he is so weak!

Who gave him the courage to rush towards him?Liang Jingru?kindness? !

Seiji suddenly jumped up from the bed and kicked Takahashi on the back of the head.

Shengsi's speed was extremely fast, and it was difficult for everyone to see Shengsi's movements clearly with the naked eye. All they saw was an afterimage.

Seiji's kick to Takahashi was still in the same place, and it was a familiar smell, so Takahashi still passed out in the same way.


This was the sound of the ax in Takahashi's hand falling to the ground. Due to inertia, the ax still had a little forward momentum, but Seiji quietly corrected it with his power of thought, so the ax fell straight to Takahashi's feet.

"Boom! Tap"

This is the sound of Takahashi falling to the ground, and another dog chewing mud. The scene is too beautiful to bear to look at.

Regardless of the many movements, the process from Seiji getting up to Takahashi falling to the ground took less than a second. Before everyone could react, Takahashi had already been subdued!

"That's great!" Yuanzi looked surprised after watching Takahashi fall!Little stars appeared in Shengsi's eyes!

It's so handsome!
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(End of this chapter)

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