Chapter 117
Xiaolan was also shocked and inexplicable. What others saw was just the appearance. Maybe in the eyes of others, Shengsi was very powerful, but he didn't know how powerful he was, but Xiaolan knew how terrifying the strength of Shengsi was!
Tsukamoto Sumi, the leader of their school's karate club, every time Xiaolan fights with her, she will be abused miserably. That is the existence that can easily abuse Xiaolan, but Xiaolan feels that she is not good enough in front of Shengsi. I can't walk.

In Xiaolan's eyes, Shengsi's strength is no longer human, but a humanoid tyrannosaurus!
Especially Shengsi's terrifying control power, at such a fast speed, Shengsi can still control his own power!I have practiced karate for so many years, but I can't do this kind of light lifting, and how many years has Shengsi learned martial arts?It's only been three years at most, and it's reached this level in three years. In addition to Shengsi's terrifying talent, the mystery of Chinese martial arts also accounts for a large part!

So, Xiaolan is really convinced by Shengsi now!

Seeing Shengsi subdue Takahashi, everyone was amazed. At the same time, they also knew the reason why Takahashi was lying on the ground when he came in just now.

I really didn't expect that a small child like Shengsi would be so powerful!It's incredible!
Just when everyone was amazed at Shengsi's power, Kakutani walked into the room with a disappointed face.

Looking at the cheering crowd, Kakutani was a little puzzled, but he still said: "What Takahashi said is true! Atsuko's death is directly related to Tomokako!"

Although I really don't want to admit it, Kakutani has already asked Zhi Jiazi just now. Although she didn't say anything at first, she finally admitted that Atsuko's death was indeed related to her!
Although everyone was still a little surprised when they heard the words, they were no longer the initial shock.

Because they already have a result in their hearts, and now they just listen to it again.

After Takahashi finished speaking, he fell silent, and everyone was thinking about something, and for a while, a needle could be heard in the room.

" tie him up, and then go back to sleep! We're going to sleep too." Seiji said calmly, pointing at Takahashi on the ground. Although the voice was not loud, everyone in the room could hear him , Just now Ayumi woke up and kept yawning all day long. Children who don't sleep at night are not good for their health, so Seiji didn't want Ayumi to stay up late again.

"That's good." Ayako and the others were stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly responded, because of what happened before, the status of the saint has risen to a new height in the hearts of everyone.

Afterwards, things were simple. Everyone tied up the unconscious Takahashi with a rope and threw him on the bed next door. After making sure that he couldn't break free, everyone went to sleep, and Sonoko was the last one to leave Shengsi's room. She first talked to Xiaolan for a while, and then expressed her strong admiration for Shengsi. Shengsi was quite helpless for Yuanzi's excessive enthusiasm. Finally, Shengsi hid behind Xiaolan. Under Xiaolan's persuasion, Sonoko went back to his room to sleep.

When Sonoko left, it was past one o' clock, and Shengsi and the others fell asleep quickly after talking casually for a while, and just like that, the night passed quickly.

At eight o'clock the next morning, the person who delivered the ingredients came to the opposite side of the villa on time, and the people who had been waiting for a long time hurriedly asked him to call the police. After calling the police, the police rushed over and rescued everyone. Takahashi was taken away, and Zhijiazi was also sent to the hospital for treatment. Seeing that the matter was resolved, Xiaolan and Shengsi left in the farewell of everyone.

So far, this bad trip to the villa is completely over
Because of this incident, Shengsi and the others were already late when they arrived at the school. When they arrived at the school, it was already past ten o'clock in the morning, and the whole morning class was almost over.

After explaining to the teacher, Shengsi and the others returned to the classroom to continue the class. During the break, Shengsi would also explain yesterday's legendary experience to Yuantai and Mitsuhiko.

Under Shengsi's explanation, Yuantai and Mitsuhiko exclaimed from time to time, and shouted in shock when they heard Shengsi kick the weird bandage unconsciously, causing the whole class to look sideways. The morning time passed.

In the afternoon, Seiji went to the Koizumi family alone, because he was going to attend the magician's conference on the weekend, so Shengsi went to the Koizumi family to inquire about the situation.

For the arrival of Shengsi, Di Wen expressed his warm welcome.

Shengsi doesn't like detours, he likes to go straight. As soon as he arrived at Koizumi's family, Shengsi explained his purpose.

So, the two of them discussed the issue of the Magician Conference all afternoon. During this discussion, Shengsi learned a lot of news, such as the venue of the conference in Los Angeles, USA, and the time is at nine o'clock on Sunday morning. In addition, there are magicians from which families you will fight against, and the precautions for the conference.
At the same time, Diwen also told Shengsi that he should practice magic more in the past few days, so that it would be bad if he didn't get used to it during the competition.

After talking about the magician conference, the two discussed magic issues, because Shengsi's understanding of magic is completely different from other people's, so Shengsi's understanding of magic is very unique!

During the discussion, Shengsi's unique magic insights made Diwen's eyes shine. At the same time, Shengsi also asked Diwen a few questions about magic in a timely manner. These questions were encountered by Shengsi in the process of learning magic. Yes, Diwen also gave a detailed answer to the question of the holy priest. As a veteran great magician, Diwen's answer made the holy priest suddenly understand. Let Shengsi's understanding of magic deepen a lot.

At about 04:30, Shengsi ended this discussion, because the magician conference was held at [-] o'clock on Sunday morning, so the two agreed to meet here again at [-] o'clock on Saturday night.

After making a decision, Seiji left.

Originally, Shengsi planned to meet Koizumi Hongko, but found that she was still in class, so Shengsi didn't bother her and went home directly.

After arriving home, Shengsi told Xiao Xi that he would not come back for dinner today. After saying this, Shengsi found a deserted place and started his magic practice.

Time passed quickly, and it was Friday in a blink of an eye.

In the past two days, Shengsi threw himself into the ocean of magic. He reviewed the magic he had learned before several times, and at the same time he also matched many tactics according to the nature of these magics. Shengsi believed that when the magic During the division meeting, under his own tactics, the Ozawa Kawano of the Ozawa family could not survive a round in his hands!

However, Shengsi doesn't know the actual situation, and he is just estimating it now, but Shengsi has great confidence!

(End of this chapter)

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