Chapter 119 Coffee
As soon as she heard that this was Shengsi's house, Sanye hurriedly looked around. After a few casual glances, Sanye was attracted by the environment inside the house.

"Brother Shengsi, this wardrobe is so beautiful. This desk is also many times better than mine. This bed is also so big and comfortable. Wow! I really like this pen!"

For a while, the sound of Sanye's joy sounded in the house.

Seeing this, Shengsi couldn't continue to pull her out, but watched her look around in the bedroom, and when she was looking, there were some things that Mitsuba didn't know, so Shengsi and Ayumi were in the room. Explaining its use aside, it made Sanye look suddenly enlightened every time, which was very interesting.

After a while, the bedroom door was suddenly opened.

It was my mother who came in. She was watching TV in the living room just now, when she heard someone talking in Shengsi's room, she thought it was Xiaoxi and Shengsi who were talking, but she suddenly remembered that Xiaoxi was still there. School, so come over and see what's going on.

Maybe a stranger came in and frightened Sanye. Just as the door was opened, Sanye quickly hid behind Shengsi like a startled rabbit, and looked at the person at the door with cat eyes. Mom.

"Hahaha don't be afraid Sanye, this is my mother, you can just call me Auntie Yexiang." Seeing Sanye like this, Sheng Si couldn't help laughing.

"Yeah, Aunt Yexiang." Sanye heard the words and came out from behind Shengsi, and called out timidly.

"Hello." Mom replied to Sanye, and then gave Shengsi a puzzled look.

"Her name is Mitsuha Miyamizu, she is a friend I met outside, and she will stay at our house for a few days this week." Shengsi explained.

After saying this, Seiji went on to say, "It's the first time for Sanye to come to Tokyo, so Mom, you have to take care of her."

"It turns out it's Miyamizu Sanye. It's such a nice name. Hello Sanye! I'm Shengsi's mother, and my name is Miyamizu Yexiang!" The mother said kindly after hearing the words.

"I didn't expect you to have the same surname as us. That's a coincidence. It's impolite to stand here. Let's go to the living room and continue talking!" Mom suddenly realized that standing in the bedroom was a bit impolite, so she said He suggested going to the living room to continue talking, and then took Sanye's hand and walked into the living room.

"Do you want something to drink? There are orange juice, cola, barley tea, and coffee." My mother said with a smile after seeing everyone sitting on the sofa.

"Coffee?!" Sanye was excited when she heard the word coffee, her big eyes blinked, full of longing.

Seeing Sanye's excited look, the mother stopped her words, and then smiled: "What? Sanye wants to drink coffee?"

"Yeah!" Sanye nodded her head enthusiastically when she heard the words, and looked at her mother expectantly. She looked so cute.

My mother was amused by Mitsuha's cute appearance, "Then I'll make you coffee right away." After saying this, my mother looked at Seiji and Ayumi, "Xiaosi, and Ayumi, What would you two like to drink?"

Because Ayumi often comes to Seiji's house, my mother no longer treats Ayumi as an outsider.

"Orange juice will be fine, thank you Aunt Yexiang." Ayumi said with a smile.

"I want orange juice too." Seiji had no special requirements on what to drink, as long as he could drink it.

Hearing this, my mother walked into the kitchen with a smile on her face.

"Sanye, do you like coffee?" Shengsi asked Sanye after his mother left.

"Well! I like drinking coffee the most. The teacher gave me a drink when I was in the nursery school last time. It was really delicious! The taste is unforgettable after drinking it once. It took me a long time to know that drink. It's called coffee, but Itomori doesn't have coffee at all, that's why I was so excited just now." Mitsuha said a little embarrassed.

Shengsi saw Shengsi's restraint, and said with a smile: "Don't be embarrassed, Sanye, just treat this place as your own home. Since you like drinking coffee, I will take you to a nearby coffee shop to drink it later. Let's drink some coffee!"

"Really?" Sanye said in surprise when she heard the words.

"Brother Shengsi never tells lies!" Ayumi emphasized again from the side.

After hearing Ayumi's words, Shengsi patted Ayumi's head lovingly, this girl said what she wanted to say first every time, it was no loss that she was her caring little padded jacket.

At this moment, my mother came out of the kitchen with a plate.

"Sanye, here is your coffee, and milk, here is sugar, you can add as much as you want." After saying these things, the mother handed the two glasses of orange juice on the plate to Seiji and Ayumi, " Here, here's your orange juice."

"Thank you, Aunt Yexiang." Sanye said shyly.

After Sanye finished speaking, she blushed and looked at the coffee in front of her. She didn't know how to drink this thing. There was a white cup and a black cup. Which cup should I drink first?Also, what does Aunt Yexiang mean by adding sugar?Put sugar in milk?No, milk is already very sweet, but if you put sugar in it, it will make you tired. Is that in this dark drink?It is possible, but Sanye is also afraid of misplacing it.

Because she came to an unfamiliar environment suddenly, Sanye was shy and didn't dare to ask, so Sanye looked at the few cups in front of her and didn't know what to do.

"Sanye? What's the matter? Why don't you drink?" Seeing Sanye's stunned look, Shengsi asked suspiciously.

"I, I." For some reason, when she came to this bustling Tokyo, Mitsuha suddenly felt a sense of inferiority, so she dared not tell the reason for fear of being laughed at.

Seemingly aware of Sanye's embarrassment, Shengsi said with a smile: "Sanye, don't you know how to drink this?"

Sanye blushed when she heard this, lowered her head, and stopped talking.

"It's okay, just tell me and I'll teach you." Shengsi looked at Mitsuha who lowered his head, and said softly.

The moment she heard this, Sanye raised her head, "Really?"

"Of course it's true! Come on, I'll teach you." Saying that, Seiji taught Sanye how to drink coffee.

"This black one is plain coffee, which is very bitter. The white one is milk, and this one is sugar. To make the coffee taste good, you need to add something to it, such as sugar and milk. No, first add two spoons of sugar, then add half a cup of milk , and finally stir it again. This way it’s almost done, if you still feel bitter, just add some milk and sugar.” Shengsi said while doing it, and he made a cup of sweet and delicious coffee in no time.

"Okay! Mitsuha, you have a taste!" After stirring for a while, Seiji took out the spoon, and at the same time used magic power to turn the coffee to room temperature, and then handed the coffee to Mitsuha who looked forward to it.

"Thank you Brother Shengsi!" Sanye happily took the coffee.

PS: Ask for a ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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