Chapter 120 Coffee Shop

After receiving the coffee, Sanye couldn't wait to taste it, because the scene of Sanye drinking coffee just now, everyone's attention was on Sanye at this time.

"Drink well!" Sanye drank the whole cup of coffee in one gulp.

After drinking the coffee, Sanye wiped her small mouth and looked at Shengsi with a satisfied face, "It's great! Brother Shengsi's coffee is really delicious!"

"The coffee I make is actually not very good. I'll take you to a coffee shop to drink authentic coffee, and then you will feel delicious!" Shengsi said with an embarrassed face, and he only added It's just an order of milk and sugar, it's embarrassing to be praised like that.

"The coffee shop tastes better than this?!" After hearing Shengsi's words, Sanye's eyes lit up.

"Of course!" Shengsi smiled.

Seeing this, my mother also smiled and said: "I didn't expect you, Sanye, to drink coffee so much, but the coffee I make is not as good as the coffee shop! The coffee in the coffee shop is much better than mine !"

After hearing this, Sanye was so excited instantly, she even put aside the little worries before, and her eyes were shining with golden stars!
Is there a better coffee than this? !Isn't that invincible delicious super coffee? !

Seeing Sanye's excited look, Shengsi said with a smile: "How about this, Sanye, put your things away first, and then we will take you outside for coffee!"

Speaking of this, Shengsi suddenly remembered something, pointed to a room and said, "That's right, Sanye, you have been sleeping with my sister for the past few days, and her room is over there."

"Is that sister Xiao Xi from last time?" Sanye said with some uncertainty.

Sanye and Xiaoxi met before, and they played together in Itomori last morning. Although they didn't say much, they both had a good impression of each other.

"Yes! How is it? Sanye, do you want to sleep here? If you don't like it, you can sleep at Ayumi's house!" Seiji said with a smile, he respected other people's opinions.

"You don't need to go to Ayumi's house, I'll just sleep here with Sister Xiaoxi!" Sanye nodded repeatedly when he heard this, he didn't want to cause trouble for Shengsi.

"That's it, Sanye, put your things on the cabinet in the room, we'll go out for coffee right away!" Seeing Sanye nodding, Shengsi led her to Xiaoxi's room.

"En!" Sanye nodded obediently, and put the things on the cabinet in the room as she said.

After Sanye finished putting away her things, Shengsi took her by the hand and came into the living room.

"Mom, Ayumi, let's go, let's go to that rice flower coffee shop!" Seiji shouted to the two people in the living room.

"Okay!" Ayumi immediately jumped off the sofa when she heard that, and walked towards Shengsi with a happy face.

The mother on the side waved her hand and said, "You guys go, Xiao Xi is coming back soon, I'll wait for her at home, and I'm going to prepare dinner by the way."

Shengsi thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay!"

"Let's go!" Shengsi waved to his mother and opened the door.

"Goodbye, Aunt Yexiang!" Sanye and Ayumi also said politely.

"Goodbye! Have fun!" Mom said with a smile.


After leaving home, the three of them walked straight towards the Mihua Coffee Shop.

The rice flower coffee shop is not very far from Shengsi's house, and Shengsi and the others can walk there in a few minutes.

As soon as she arrived at the door, Sanye said excitedly, "Brother Shengsi, I can smell the aroma of coffee!"

"In that case, let's go in quickly!" Seiji couldn't help but smiled seeing Sanye's excited expression.

On the way to the coffee shop just now, Sanye is really interesting, because it is the first time to come to a big city, and the things along the way are novel to Sanye, so Sanye will be curious every time she sees something Ask Shengsi questions, and some questions sound so silly that Shengsi can't stop laughing.

I saw Seiji holding Ayumi with his left hand and Mitsuha with his right hand, just like that, the three walked into the coffee shop hand in hand.

"Welcome! For the three of you, please go this way." Just after entering the door, the waiter at the door said with a smile, and pointed in a direction, signaling Shengsi to follow her.

"Huh?!" Shengsi nodded and planned to follow the waiter, but when he just took a few steps, he let out a surprised sound.

Every time he goes to a new location, Shengsi always observes the new environment, what does the place look like, how big is it, how many exits are there, etc. These are the things that Shengsi wants to observe, this is an instinct in his previous life .

After Shengsi entered the coffee shop, he scanned the surroundings casually. This coffee shop is not very big, about the size of a classroom. There is only one main entrance on the exit, but Shengsi knows that there are usually one or two of this kind of coffee shop. back door.

However, these are not the reasons for Shengsi's surprise, the main reason is that Shengsi met an acquaintance in this coffee shop - Conan!
What the hell? !Why is Conan in the coffee shop?Could it be that someone is going to die here?This is not a joke, where there is Conan, basically one person will die!This is based on 'science'!

Thinking of this, Shengsi pointed to Conan and said to the waiter, "Sister, don't bother you, we'll just sit there! That's our friend."

"Oh, okay, what do you want to order?" The waiter looked back at Conan, then nodded and smiled.

Following the direction pointed by Seiji, Ayumi also found Conan.

"Conan!" Ayumi yelled as soon as she saw Conan.

Seeing this, Shengsi didn't say anything, but said to the waiter, "Well, how many kinds of coffee do you have here?"

"Well, we have 43 kinds of coffee." Although he didn't know why Seiji asked this, the waiter said politely.

As a waiter, it is her duty to answer customers' questions. Even though Shengsi is only a child, she is not impatient with it.

"There are more than 40 kinds, then...give me a copy of all of them!" Shengsi said lightly.

"Okay. What?! Wait, you said all of them will be served?!" The waiter first smiled and agreed, but suddenly she seemed to remember something and said in surprise.

"En!" Shengsi nodded again.

"Brother Shengsi, what are you ordering so much for?" Sanye asked doubtfully from the side, ordered so much, could the three drink it all?
Unlike Mitsuha who was puzzled, Ayumi had a calm face, she was no stranger to this, the last time she liked to eat candy, Seiji bought all the candies in the candy store, and it was the same this time.
"Let you taste each one!" Hearing Sanye's question, Shengsi replied with a smile.

What? !Brother Sheng Si bought all the coffee just to let me taste it, how much does it cost!
Sanye was stunned by Shengsi's heroic behavior.

PS: I used up all the saved manuscripts during the Ching Ming Festival. This chapter is just coded, and it is slow to post, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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