Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 121 Encounter with Conan

Chapter 121 Encounter with Conan
Not only Mitsuha was stunned, but even Conan who came over after seeing Shengsi was also stunned.

Conan is 'accompanying' Xiaolan to meet a very important person today, but Xiaolan doesn't say who this person is, only that it is a very important person, and Xiaolan doesn't want to take Conan with her.

Conan followed secretly. After Xiaolan entered the coffee shop, Conan followed.

For Conan's arrival, Xiao Lan seemed a little flustered and insisted on Conan leaving, but Conan just refused to leave, so he didn't want to leave. Conan was very curious about that "important person"!

Seeing Conan's helpless look, Xiao Lan immediately changed her face, turned from embarrassment into anger, and said, 'If you don't leave, I will make you look good! '

As soon as Conan was threatened, he was honest and said that he would leave immediately, but Conan would not be reconciled at all, so he wanted to delay time, so he told Xiaolan to go to the cake shop to buy some cakes to eat, and he would leave after eating .

In this way, Xiao Lan foolishly believed Conan and went out to buy cakes.

Because the very important person will come soon, so Conan has been staring at the door, but a few minutes passed, the important person did not come, but he found Seiji, Ayumi, and a strange girl leaving came in.

Afterwards, Conan found that Seiji pointed at him and said something to the waiter at the door, and then Ayumi greeted him, so Conan knew that Seiji had found him. Seeing this, Conan was about to walk over Say hello to Seiji.

Unexpectedly, just halfway through, Conan heard what Seiji said.

After hearing this sentence, Conan could only sigh: Shengsi, this brat, is really rich!
"Is your adult here, please?" The waiter was shocked by Shengsi's words, and ordered forty cups of coffee at once, not to mention whether these children could afford the money, the question was whether they had finished drinking?So the waiter guessed that Shengsi's parents asked him to order it, or it was just a simple prank.

After hearing what the waiter said, Shengsi could tell what she was thinking at a glance, wasn't she just afraid that she would not be able to pay after ordering?

Seeing this, Shengsi directly took out a [-] yuan bill from his pocket and stuffed it into the waiter's hand, and then said: "You don't have to ask so many questions, just do it, the extra is your tip! Also, I will give you all the coffee." I prepared it directly, not the original flavor!"

Shengsi's arrogant action made the corner of Conan's mouth twitch, and Sanye, who was already shocked beside him, was even more shocked, 1 yuan!My family's monthly food expenses are only a little over 1!
"Yes! I'll go and prepare coffee for you right away!" After receiving [-] yen, the waiter was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly said with a happy face.

Seeing the waiter walking away, Shengsi said to Sanye who still looked shocked: "Let's go and sit down!"

"Yeah!" Sanye nodded in a daze.

Saying that, Seiji and the others walked to Conan's original seat together with Conan beside him.

"Sage, who is this?" After walking a few steps, Conan asked suspiciously.

Seiji had seen Conan walking over just now, but because he wanted to talk to the waiter, Seiji just nodded to Conan as a greeting.

Now Seiji heard Conan's question, and said as he walked, "This is Mitsuha Miyamizu, a friend of mine!"

After introducing Mitsuha, Seiji pointed to Conan and said, "This is Conan Edogawa, my classmate!"

Hearing that Shengsi was introducing herself to others, Sanye hurriedly said politely, "Teach me a lot!"

"Teach me a lot!" Conan replied with a smile.

After several people were seated, Shengsi asked a question.

"Conan, why did you come to this coffee shop alone? Where's Xiaolan?"

He was very curious, why Conan came here alone, and why Xiaolan was not with him.

"Xiaolan went out to buy cakes. As for why she came here, it was because Xiaolan wanted to meet a very important person here, but she didn't tell me who that person was. I was very curious about it, so I came here !” Conan said with a strange expression.

"Oh! I got it! Conan, you are following sister Xiaolan!" Ayumi said with a smile when she heard this.

"Ayumi, no. That's not the case! That's right, Seiji, why are you here?" Conan quickly explained when Ayumi said this, and at the same time he quickly asked Seiji to divert everyone's attention.

"I came here to drink coffee with Sanye! Sanye likes drinking coffee very much, so I brought her to drink." Seiji looked at Mitsuha at the side, and then said with a smile.

Hearing Shengsi's words, Sanye looked embarrassed, "Brother Shengsi, why did you buy so much coffee just now?! I can't finish it! Why don't we tell the waiter to return more than half of it!"

"It's okay, we can pack what we can't finish, so, Sanye, you will try every kind of coffee obediently later, and then tell me the name of the coffee you like to drink, and I will make more Just buy some and go home!" Seiji responded to Sanye's question with a smile on his face.

Sanye, this girl, probably felt distressed seeing herself spending so much money all at once.

"Sanye, don't help him save money, he is always rich! You can order whatever is expensive, and spend his money like hell!" Watching this scene, Conan laughed beside him. Said.

Conan is very happy about pitting Shengsi.

After hearing Conan's words, Sanye blinked her cute big eyes and looked at Seiji blankly.

Seeing this, Shengsi laughed loudly, "Conan, you nasty brat! Don't spoil my Sanye!"

As he said that, he pretended to be vicious and gave Conan a look.

Being stared at by Shengsi, Conan didn't dare to speak immediately, and buried his head in drinking the juice he ordered just now with a face of fear. He still vividly remembered the horror of Shengsi!Conan was shocked by Seiji's appearance just now!
"Hahahaha." Conan's appearance made Ayumi laugh out loud.

Sanye also covered her mouth and laughed secretly.

At this moment, the waiter came over with several cups of coffee.

"Your coffee, this is latte, mocha. The rest will be served soon, please enjoy it slowly!"

After speaking, the waiter turned and left.

Because Shengsi is a rich man, the waiter served the coffee very quickly, and the coffee was served before Shengsi's butt was hot.

Looking at the coffee served, Seiji randomly picked it out, took out two cups, put them in front of himself and Ayumi respectively, and threw the rest of the coffee in front of Sanye.

Because drinking coffee for children is not good for health, Shengsi's coffee has been processed by him with magic. It is delicious and healthy, it will not cause harm to the body, and it may even be beneficial.

(End of this chapter)

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