Chapter 122

"Sanye, try it!" Shengsi said with a smile.

"Hmm!" Mitsuha was already drool overwhelmed by the fragrance.

um. um.
"Wow! It's so delicious!" Sanye took another sip of a cup of coffee, and drank up the several cups of coffee in front of her in two or three strokes.

Because it has been brewed, the coffee is extremely sweet, drinking it is like eating sugar, very sweet!

Sanye's sip-to-cup gesture was extraordinarily heroic, causing the corners of Conan's mouth to twitch. He has gained a lot of knowledge today, and some people drink coffee by sip-by-cup
"Hey!" At this moment, a long-haired young man walked in the door. He was tall and dressed in white. He was rather handsome, which attracted Conan's attention frequently.

Shengsi also noticed Conan's strangeness. He also looked back and saw the long-haired youth.

"Conan? Is there something wrong with that person?" Seiji asked Conan suspiciously after seeing the young man.

"No! Very wrong!" Conan watched as the man walked straight towards the seat behind him, and his eyes never left him!
Conan suspects that the person Xiaolan wants to meet is this handsome young man, so he pays special attention to him.

After the young man sat down, he asked the waiter for a cup of black tea. After a while, he answered a phone call. He sounded like he was talking to a friend, and the content was showing off to his friend how attractive girls are. Category.

"Girls, coax them casually, and then do a little trick, so they won't be able to escape my palm!"

After hearing this sentence, Conan clenched his fists tightly, looking like he was going to hit someone.

hateful!Is this the person who met Xiaolan? !This kind of person should be taught a lesson!
"Eh?" Different from Conan's anger, Shengsi was attracted by a figure beside him.

With a blue dress and a slender figure, she must be beautiful!This was Shengsi's first feeling.

I saw that this person was walking towards the toilet, his swaying back gave Shengsi a familiar feeling.

I must have seen her somewhere!Otherwise there would be no such familiarity.

who is she?Why do you give yourself a sense of familiarity?

However, when Shengsi was thinking wildly, the man had already entered the toilet.

Seeing this, Shengsi shook his head, anyway, she will come out later, so that he can see her face clearly.

After Seiji withdrew his attention from the man, he turned to look at Conan.

Conan was adjusting his power shoes at this time, with a vicious look about to hit someone.

"Conan? What are you going to do?!" Shengsi was a little baffled by Conan's appearance, but when Shengsi asked this sentence, another voice came.

"Mr. Edogawa? Is there anyone named Edogawa here? Here is your number!"

Shengsi looked for his reputation and found that the waiter was holding a phone and calling.

"I am!" After hearing this sentence, Conan hurried over to listen to the phone.

While Conan went to answer the phone, the toilet door was opened.

The person who gave Shengsi a sense of familiarity just now came out!
is her!Fei Yingli!Xiaolan's mother!

No wonder it gave Shengsi a familiar feeling. Although Shengsi didn't watch Detective Conan in his previous life, he still knew the characters in it.

It seems that the important person Xiaolan is waiting for is her!

After Feiyingli came out of the toilet, she walked straight past Shengsi and sat on a table behind him.

Originally, Shengsi was going to greet her, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. I don't even know her now. Besides, when Xiaolan comes back later, it's not too late to introduce her.

Thinking of this, Seiji turned his head and talked with Mitsuha and Ayumi.

In the meantime, the waiter served a few more cups of coffee, seeing Sanye's eyes shine, very excited.

After a while, Conan came back.

"What's wrong?" Seiji asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that sister Xiaolan encountered a little problem at the cake shop, we'll just wait for her." Conan waved his hand to express his indifference.

"By the way, Shengsi, where's the guy in white?" Conan looked around, only to find that the handsome guy in white was gone.

However, just when Seiji was about to answer Conan'he went to the toilet', there was an uncontrollable scream from the toilet!
The moment he heard the scream, Conan's expression changed, and he quickly ran towards the toilet.

At the same time, a burly man who had just come out of the toilet also quickly turned around and walked towards the toilet.

This kind of cry is definitely a sound that can only be made when something terrible happens!

When Conan came to the toilet, he found that the handsome young man was sitting on the door of the toilet, looking in one direction with horror on his face.

Following the young man's line of sight, it was the last single room in the toilet. At this time, the door of that single room was closed, but a ball of red liquid was continuously dripping out from the crack of the door—blood!

Seeing this, Conan immediately ran towards the single room.

After shaking it twice, he found that the door was tightly locked and could not be opened at all, so Conan took a step back, turned on the switch of the power shoes at the same time, and then jumped hard!
Jumping directly over two meters high, Conan took advantage of this momentum, grabbed the top of the door, and hung on it.

After doing all this, Conan probed inside to take a look.

It's a corpse!It was the woman with a very vicious attitude from before!

Because Conan has been staring at the door, Conan has a deep impression on some people. This woman is the woman with a bit of a vicious attitude just now. She didn't expect to be killed in the toilet now!
And everything that Conan saw was seen by Shengsi with telepathy.

"Brother Shengsi, what happened over there?" Sanye should be a little bloated now because of drinking a few cups of coffee, so she is talking to Ayumi now.

Since their conversation was interrupted by the scream just now, Sanye was a little curious about what happened in the toilet.

"It's nothing, Sanye, just sit down and play with Ayumi obediently." After hearing Mitsuha's question, Seiji turned around and said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Sanye nodded obediently when she heard the words, and stopped paying attention to that side, and continued talking and laughing with Ayumi who was drinking coffee beside her.

Shengsi seemed very satisfied with Mitsuba's performance, he was really an obedient boy.

Seeing Ayumi and Mitsuha discussing the interesting topics in Tokyo, Seiji took a sip of coffee comfortably, and glanced casually in the coffee shop.

Because of the scream from the toilet, the people in the whole coffee shop were slightly disturbed.

Everyone went to the toilet one after another, wanting to know what happened there, while some people who already knew the news were calling the police.

PS: Xiao Ai appeared after the magician conference, but there will be a small appearance before.

(End of this chapter)

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