Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 123 Police Officer Megure Comes Again

Chapter 123 Police Officer Megure Comes Again

For a while, the cafe became a little noisy.

Seeing this, Shengsi frowned slightly, and arranged a sound-proof magic to squeeze the noisy human voices out of their area.

In this quiet environment, Shengsi is calmly searching for the murderer of this murder case!

That's right, it was the murderer. Shengsi knew that the woman was killed with a slight sense of touch, and the method of killing was quite unique.

However, these are not a problem for Shengsi, because Shengsi found that there was a murder weapon next to the corpse-a dagger.

Shengsi performed a source-seeking spell on the dagger, and saw a white line that only Shengsi could see appeared on the dagger.

The white line started from the dagger and extended to the murderer's body. In the next second, Shengsi already knew who the murderer was.

After a while, the police came.

"Hey! Shengsi, why are you here?" A fat figure in a shit-yellow coat appeared in front of Shengsi.

"Hi Uncle Mumu, I'm here to drink coffee with my friends." Shengsi said with a smile, and after saying this, Shengsi continued: "Yes, and Conan, he was here just now, but he is now went over there."

Seiji said and pointed in the direction of the toilet.

Although Shengsi was very happy on the surface, he was complaining endlessly in his heart.

I said, can you police in Tokyo stop being so frustrated? Every time something goes wrong, this instructor Meguro comes over. Is it because your police station is deserted?

"So that's the way it is. Let's pass by Shengsi first, so you can drink slowly!" Officer Mumu smiled and said.

After finishing speaking, he took a group of policemen behind him and walked towards the toilet. At the same time, Officer Meguro whispered to Officer Takagi next to him: "Brother Takagi, go and ask someone to seal up the coffee shop and keep the irrelevant Everyone is driven out and the cordon is set up. Oh, by the way, you don't need to worry about Shengsi and the others, just let them go."

"Yes!" The tall policeman named Takagi replied.

Because Seiji's ingenuity might be needed later to solve the case, so Police Officer Megure did not drive Seiji and the others out.

"Brother Shengsi, is there someone dead inside? Also, where is Conan? Are you solving a case?"

Ayumi asked tentatively, in fact, she already knew it in her heart, but she just wanted to ask again.

"Well, yes." Shengsi nodded.

"Ah! Dead man?! It's so scary!" When Sanye heard that someone was dead, the frightened coffee cup trembled, but it was Sheng Si who quickly held it up, otherwise the cup would probably shatter.

"It's okay, Mitsuha, you just have to wait obediently, this case will be solved immediately, then we will go home for dinner, and then take you to the tropical park tonight, I heard there will be a fireworks show there tonight! Shengsi stroked Sanye's hair and said with a smile.

"Tropical Paradise! Fireworks show!" Hearing these two words, Sanye was very excited.

She knows the tropical paradise. According to Ayumi's description, it is a very fun place, with pleasure boats, roller coasters, carousels, etc. Mitsuba has high expectations for it.

"Does Sanye want to play?" Shengsi asked with a smile.

"Yeah!" Sanye nodded repeatedly as if a chicken was pecking at rice.

"Then you two just stay here obediently, and I'll be right back." Shengsi said to the two of them.

After the two nodded in agreement, Shengsi turned and walked towards the toilet.

Because the place has been controlled by the police, those irrelevant people in the coffee shop have been kicked out, and only those who were in the coffee shop were confined aside.

"Shengsi is here? Please come in quickly." A policeman was guarding the door of the toilet, and he said with a smile when he saw Shengsi coming.

Seiji's name has long been spread in the Tokyo Police Department, so that everyone knows it. Of course, this policeman also knows Seiji.

"Thank you uncle!" Shengsi replied politely and then walked into the toilet.

There are six people in the toilet besides Seiji, police officer Megure, forensic doctor, Conan, officer Takagi, and an unknown policeman.

When Seiji came in, the forensic doctor was examining the body with the unknown policeman, Conan was looking for clues, and Officer Megure was explaining something to Officer Takagi.

Because everyone in the toilet was doing their work seriously, they didn't notice Shengsi's arrival.

"The deceased was stabbed in the heart and then fatally, and there were obvious strangle marks on the neck of the deceased." The forensic doctor said while examining the corpse. He said this to police officer Mu Mu.

"In this way, the murderer originally wanted to steal the victim's money, but later he wanted to kill after being seen." Officer Mumu nodded upon hearing this.

Because the victim was surrounded by her belongings, including a wallet that was emptied, Officer Meguro made this judgment.

After saying this, Officer Mumu pointed to the window of the single room and said: "I have just investigated, and there is an empty alley outside the window, and with these things around the victim, I can draw a conclusion."

"The murderer must have sneaked in from the window and crouched here all the time, and then killed the victim when he came in. Maybe the murderer had no intention of killing before, but because he was discovered by the victim, he put his head away in a panic. She was killed, and the murderer was very panicked after killing the person, so after taking the money away, he ran away from the window in a panic!"

Speaking of this, Police Officer Mu Mu suddenly shouted excitedly: "Let's talk! The murderer must be outside, brother Takagi, you immediately send someone to search the surrounding area!"

However, when Officer Takagi was about to answer, Conan said first: "Wait a minute, Officer Megure! Didn't you find that this window is very clean? There is no trace at all!"

Hearing what Conan said, Officer Meguro stared at the window and said with a smile: "Isn't it normal for the toilet to be so clean?"

"That's not what I'm talking about, but" Conan was about to defend himself but was interrupted by another voice just as he was about to speak.

"This little brother is right! Officer Megure."

Police officer Mu Mu immediately looked back when he heard the words, took a closer look, and found that the person who spoke was a big beauty, standing there with arms folded, very cold and arrogant, this person was Fei Liying.

"You are a lawyer concubine?!" Officer Mumu said in surprise.

Fei Liying, Uncle Mao Li's wife, as Uncle Mao Li's former colleague, Police Officer Mu Mu and Fei Liying still know each other.

"Well, I didn't expect you to be a sheriff now." Fei Liying responded lightly.

"Cough! Cough! Well, the detective game is over." Shengsi coughed twice.

Seeing that the crowd kept treating him like air, Shengsi seemed rather embarrassed, so now he coughed twice to show his sense of existence.

(End of this chapter)

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