Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 124 The murderer is...

Chapter 124 The Murderer Is
Just now after Shengsi went into the toilet, he stood quietly and watched everyone's vivid speech here, because he already knew who the murderer was, so it was very interesting for Shengsi to watch them solve the case here.

This feeling is like having a difficult problem for Xiao Ming and his friends to do, but Xiao Ming did it first by himself, and none of his friends did it. In this way, Xiao Ming will have a sense of superiority.

But this sense of superiority needs to be discovered by others. If you make this topic but no one knows, it will be very uncomfortable.

And Shengsi is that Xiaoming now.

Just now when Shengsi came in, everyone was doing their own things so they didn't find him, which is understandable, but Fei Liying who came in later didn't find him either, which was more embarrassing.

Because of the height difference, Fei Liying didn't see Shengsi at all when she came in. Although it was because of her height, it also made Shengsi very uncomfortable, so Shengsi coughed a few times to show everyone: Hey !I'm here.

After hearing Shengsi's cough, everyone in the toilet was stunned for a moment, then looked around at the same time, and found Shengsi who was slowly walking towards them.

"So it's Seiji, what do you mean when you said that the detective game is over?" After seeing that it was Seiji, Police Officer Meguro first smiled and then asked suspiciously.

"Why are you here, Seiji? Where are Ayumi and the others?" Conan also asked.

On the other hand, Fei Yingli smiled at the corner of her mouth and said nothing. She was looking at Shengsi with great interest, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Ayumi and the others are waiting outside, Conan, let's go, there are a lot of people here." Seiji said to Conan instead of talking to Police Officer Mumu.

On the one hand, Shengsi said this because of the appetite of Police Officer Twilight, and on the other hand, Shengsi really didn't like this kind of crowded environment, so Shengsi wanted to leave here.

"Let's go?! This is the scene of a murder! I am" Conan immediately retorted when he heard this.

Conan encountering this kind of case is like a cat encountering a mouse. He likes the feeling after successfully solving the case. In order to stay, he almost blurted out that he is Kudo Shinichi, but fortunately he held back in the end.

"What are you? Why didn't you say it? Huh?!" Shengsi hurriedly asked when he heard the words, he would not let this opportunity to embarrass Conan.

"I'm a member of the Boy Detective Team! Also, Seiji, you are also a young detective! We are duty-bound to meet this kind of case!" Conan was a little flustered when he was asked by Shengsi, but then he became more and more serious. The smoother the speech, the more he even took the initiative in the end.

After hearing this, Fei Liying's eyes lit up, and then said with a smile: "You two little brothers can't leave! You are both important witnesses!"

The Detective Boys, as I heard Xiaolan said, they are members of the Detective Boys, could it be Conan and Seiji?
"Witness? What witness?" Police officer Mumu still didn't understand the situation.

"Judging from the situation at the scene, this woman should have been killed by one of the few people who went into the toilet in the coffee shop, which means that the murderer was among the few people who went into the toilet just now!" Feili said angrily. He explained in a low voice.

After saying this, she said again: "You two little brothers were sitting not far from the toilet just now, so the two of you must have an impression of those who have been in the toilet!"

"I know there are those people!" Conan said loudly when he heard the words, and now diverted Shengsi's attention, so that he would not rush himself to leave.

Because he has been observing the door, Conan has paid attention to many people just now. As for those who have entered the toilet just now, Conan just saw them all.

"Eh?!" Conan's answer, everyone was slightly taken aback.

After a few minutes.

Conan identified four people respectively. The first one was a young man with a slightly wretched appearance. According to his self-introduction, he was a college student who came here to write a thesis.

The second one is the burly man who just ran into the toilet behind Conan. He said that he is a frequent visitor here and he likes to argue with the boss. It is very common to come here today, but it is worth mentioning that this There was a bandage on his left middle finger, which looked injured.

The third one was the handsome young man in white. He said that the reason he came to the coffee shop was to wait for a girl.

As for the fourth one, it's Fei Yingli!She came here because she made an appointment with someone here. As for the person she made an appointment with, of course it was Xiaolan. Speaking of Xiaolan, why didn't she come?
"Conan, how do you know that these people have been in the toilet?" After Conan identified those people who had been in the toilet, Police Officer Meguro asked with a puzzled face. He really admired this kind of person with an outstanding memory. really!None of the members of this young detective team are ordinary people. It seems that the matter of applying for positions for them as mentioned last time is still being fought for.

"I know that anyway!" Conan said awkwardly, he couldn't say that he paid attention to them because he wanted to see who Xiaolan's "important person" was.

"Uncle Mumu, can we go now?" Shengsi said at the right time.

As a polite, self-cultivated, and good-looking child of Sanyou, Shengsi will never interrupt others when they are talking, so Shengsi held back the sentence he wanted to say a long time ago until now. .

"Ah, Shengsi, you want to go? It's not good to go now, why don't you leave later!" Police officer Mu Mu hurriedly said when he heard that Shengsi was going to leave, but he planned to use Shengsi's clever little brain later !

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled. He actually saw the purpose of Police Officer Mumu at a glance, so he said calmly: "I have found the murderer, can I go now?"

"If you still want to leave... Wait! What?! You said just now that the murderer has been found?!" Police Officer Meguro yelled in shock at the news from Seiji.

Hearing the shout, everyone in the toilet immediately turned their attention.

"What did you say?! Who is the murderer?!" The burly man among the crowd asked in surprise.

"Shengsi, do you know who the murderer is?" Conan also asked with some doubts. At the same time, he was extremely surprised. Shengsi didn't seem like a nonsense person, that is to say, he had already found the murderer. !

However, how long did Shengsi come in?And why didn't he even observe the corpse, it can find the murderer, how terrifying is the reasoning ability of the holy priest? !

"Well, I've seen who the murderer is just now, and he is" Seiji nodded to Conan, and at the same time raised his arm, as if preparing to point out the murderer.

Shengsi doesn't like to procrastinate, and besides, Ayumi and Mitsuha have been waiting for him for almost ten minutes, so they must be in a hurry, so Shengsi is leaving now.

(End of this chapter)

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