Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 125 The murderer is a burly man

Chapter 125 The murderer is a burly man

Seeing this, everyone held their breath, waiting for the 'judgment' of Shengsi.

"It's you! This uncle!" When everyone held their breath, Shengsi pointed his fingers at the burly man.

Yes, this burly man is the murderer. After Shengsi used the source, the other end of the white line extending from the dagger was connected to the burly man, to be precise, his left hand.

Shengsi took a look just now and found that there was a bandage on the middle finger of the man's left hand, and there was a trace of blood stained in the bandage. With a slight sense, Shengsi knew that the bloodstain belonged to the victim!Therefore, Shengsi can be sure that this person is the murderer at this time!

After hearing Shengsi's words, everyone turned their eyes to the burly man.

"What?! It's me? I said, can you stop talking nonsense, you nasty little brat, Mr. Police Officer, why is this kid talking so casually?! I will sue him for slander!" The burly man was pointed at by Shengsi , hurriedly said to Shengsi with a ferocious face, and after speaking to Shengsi, he looked suspiciously at Police Officer Mumu, his tone seemed agitated.

"Well, Shengsi, how did you know that this gentleman is the murderer?" Officer Mumu was taken aback when he heard the words, and then asked with some doubts.

After hearing Police Officer Mumu, everyone in the toilet was lost in thought. How did Shengsi find out that this person was the murderer?Guess?Or is this kid talking nonsense?
A large part of them didn't know how powerful Shengsi was, so some people were skeptical of what Shengsi said.

"Who is this? How can you identify the murderer casually?"

"That's right, who does he think he is? That fat police officer didn't even speak, what is this kid talking nonsense?"

For a moment, the entire toilet was filled with voices of discussion.

Looking at the noisy crowd, Shengsi said solemnly: "It's very simple! Look at his left hand, is there a bandage on it?! The answer lies in that bandage!"

Although Shengsi's low shout was not loud, it hit people's hearts directly. The moment Shengsi said this, the toilet suddenly fell silent.

As soon as Shengsi finished speaking, the burly man's face changed drastically, and he quickly covered his left with his right hand.

At the same time, he said with a flustered face: "Don't listen to this kid's nonsense, I just accidentally scratched my finger today, so I wrapped it in a bandage."

bandage?Hearing what Shengsi said, Conan still noticed the bandage, because Conan had been observing the door just now, the strong man seemed to have told the boss about his hand injury when he entered the door, the original words seemed to be his The ring finger was hurt by the wedding ring, so it was bandaged.

etc!Ring finger? !
But now the bandaged finger on his hand is the middle finger!
It seems that Shengsi is right!This person must be the murderer, and the secret of his murder is on this person's bandage!
However, how did Shengsi discover this?He didn't look around much when he came in, and he didn't even look around the victim. Under such circumstances, the murderer could be found. I really don't understand how Shengsi did this. This made Conan very puzzled plus shock.

Although confused, Conan still has to cooperate with Seiji at this time.

"Uncle, I remember when you came in just now, you told the boss that your hand was injured by the wedding ring, but shouldn't the wedding ring be worn on the ring finger?" Conan asked innocently.

Originally, everyone looked at the burly man suspiciously, but now they became even more skeptical after hearing Conan's words, and even everyone slowly surrounded the burly man.

"Sir, can you please cooperate and let us see the bandage in your hand?" Officer Mu Mu asked as he approached, and at the same time, he gave the policeman next to him a wink, indicating to catch him.

Police officer Mu Mu knew in his heart that judging from the reaction of this burly man, he was probably the murderer, so he was ready to arrest him now.

"You can't see this bandage! This is personal privacy. What are you doing?! Don't come here!" Because the police in the toilet formed a circle, the people around the burly man walked away one after another. At this time He was being surrounded by a group of policemen and retreated towards the corner.

"Sir, we just want to see the bandage in your hand, please cooperate with our work?" Officer Takagi said.

Hearing this sentence again, the burly man who was already panicked collapsed.

"It's all about you! It's all about you, you nasty brat! That's why I was discovered! Ahhhhh!" the burly man yelled, and then rushed towards Shengsi with a vicious expression on his face.

Maybe it was because of his strong physique, the burly man broke through the police's encirclement at once, and rushed straight towards Shengsi.

"Senior, be careful!"

This was the call of Police Officer Megure. He didn't know how powerful Seiji was, so he issued a reminder.

Conan on the side sensibly gave up an open space for Shengsi to play. He knew that this person was going to be unlucky, and dared to rush towards Shengsi. He was looking for death!
Meanwhile, Fei Liying, who was also standing aside, put on a karate posture. She didn't know how powerful Sheng Si was, so she saw the burly and strong man rushing forward and was ready to make a move.

However, Seiji stood further forward than her.

Shengsi had long been annoyed at this strong man who kept calling him a brat, but he didn't expect him to rush over?Shengsi must give him a good beating now, and want to run away after killing someone? !See if I don't cripple you!

With this thought in mind, Seiji took another step forward!
At this moment, the burly man had already rushed in front of Shengsi. When the strong man rushed in front of Shengsi, Fei Liying realized that Shengsi had walked so far. At this time, she wanted to give There was nothing that could be done to help.

On the way to Shengsi, the strong man had three thoughts lingering in his mind.

Now that he is the murderer, he will definitely be found out, because his bandages are stained with the blood of the dead, and this can be found out with a single investigation, so now he has to find a way out for himself.

The first thought was to give Shengsi a good meal, and then get caught!

The second idea is to admit your mistakes well and strive for leniency. Because of Japanese law, as long as you admit your mistakes well, your sentence will be much shorter.

And the third idea, in the view of the strong man, is the most perfect, which is to take Shengsi as a hostage, then threaten the police to let him go, and then release Shengsi after escaping. I can beat him to vent my anger, and at the same time, I don't have to go to jail. Although I will be wanted, as long as I hide everywhere, I can still live a very comfortable life.

So at this moment, the strong man chose the third idea.

(End of this chapter)

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