Chapter 126 Surprised
Although the imagination of the strong man is beautiful, the reality is cruel.

Just when the strong man rushed towards Shengsi with an excited face, Shengsi smiled charmingly, took a step forward and stretched out his pair of small hands at the same time.

Looking at Shengsi's evil smile, the burly man suddenly felt a little bit in his heart, as if he had done something wrong.

Seeing that Shengsi quickly hugged his leg with both hands, and twisted it violently at an extremely fast speed, the big man suddenly yelled out in pain, and the whole person half-kneeled on the ground.

This is not over yet, Shengsi waited for him to half kneel down, stared at the ground forcefully, his legs flew into the air, and suddenly strangled the strong man's neck, then Shengsi turned around vigorously under the surprised eyes of everyone.

"Crack!" There was a crisp bone cracking sound.


By the time everyone reacted, the strong man was already lying on the ground, unconscious.

Shengsi is very measured in his actions. After being messed up like this, this person is at most just a vegetable, and he will not die!
"That's great!" Officer Mumu looked at this shocking scene, and didn't know what to say. He didn't expect Shengsi to be so strong!It is estimated that it is comparable to that of Miwako Sato.

Even Concubine Liying, who had already made up her posture, stroked her glasses in surprise at this time. It is true that people cannot be judged by appearances, and sea water cannot be measured!I didn't expect such a child to be so powerful. I thought he would be taken hostage, but now it's alright, Shengsi beat him so badly. Hearing the sound of bone cracking just now, at least it was a comminuted fracture Woolen cloth!Maybe Shengsi will have to pay for medical expenses instead!

Not only the two of them were shocked by this, but everyone in the restroom except Conan didn't expect Shengsi to be so strong!It's so strong, don't want it!Inhumans!
They were all shocked at this moment, and looked at Shengsi with surprise.

After Shengsi threw the burly man to the ground, he clapped his hands on the spot under the surprised eyes of everyone, and then said lightly: "Now. Can I go?"

"Yes!" Police officer Mu Mu said blankly, it was really the shock that Shengsi gave him too much!Haven't responded yet.

Who would have thought that a first-grade elementary school student could be so powerful, not to mention Police Officer Megure, in fact, when everyone saw Shengsi showing his strength for the first time, the shock in everyone's heart was not much less than that of Police Officer Megure at this time.

Even Fei Liying, who has always been known for her calmness, is no longer calm at this time. She has become very curious about Shengsi. Shi Xiaolan only heard about it from Conan, and now she has seen Shengsi's strength with her own eyes, so now she is very curious about why Shengsi is so powerful.

After hearing Officer Mumu's words, Seiji turned his head and said to Conan who was slightly dazed behind him, "Conan, can we go now?"

"That's good." Although Conan had already seen the strength of Sheng Si, he was still a little shocked to see it again now.

Now there is no need for Conan and Shengsi here, and there is no need for Conan to stay here.

Seeing Conan nodding in agreement, Seiji turned around and walked towards the door of the toilet. Seeing this, Conan hurriedly followed.

"This little brother called Shengsi, can we talk?" Seeing Shengsi and Conan walking away, Fei Liying hurriedly followed, and she said to Shengsi after leaving the toilet door.

Hearing this, Shengsi stopped his progress and smiled back: "Auntie Yingli, let's talk in another place, your daughter Xiaolan will also come later!"

Shengsi just looked at Feiyingli's curious expression and knew she would follow, looking at it now, sure enough!
"Xiaolan?! Haha, so you already knew it, you are such a powerful detective! Can you tell me how you found out?" After hearing Shengsi's words, Fei Liying said while applauding.

I didn't expect it to be found out. I have never said anything about Xiaolan, but Shengsi can know the relationship between himself and Xiaolan. It's amazing!
"How did you find out?" Shengsi was immediately stunned by this question, how else could he find out?Of course it was the reason that he already knew, but how could he say such words, so Shengsi was immediately stopped by the question.

Just when Shengsi was thinking about how to answer, Mitsuha and Ayumi came over to untie him.

"Brother Shengsi! Why did it take so long to go in?! We are all waiting!" Ayumi complained as soon as she came over.

It's been about ten minutes since Shengsi went in, and because the police were taking notes on the people in the coffee shop, the waiter didn't serve them coffee anymore, so the two had to discuss other things boringly there.

When Shengsi came out just now, the two found Shengsi instantly. They thought that Shengsi would come to them directly, so they quickly pretended to be a good baby and not in a hurry, sat on the seats and waited. With Shengsi.

But half a minute passed, and Shengsi hadn't come yet. Such a short distance should be there in a few steps, but why hasn't Shengsi come yet?

Thinking of this, the two quickly looked back and found that Shengsi was talking to a beautiful woman at this time. Now, Ayumi was not happy, and said that she would come back after a while. Unexpectedly, it would take more than ten minutes to go there. This is not a big deal, the most important thing is that Shengsi didn't come to them immediately after he came out, but was talking to other women, which made Ayumi even more unhappy.

Seeing this, Ayumi hurriedly took Mitsuha towards Seiji and the others, and there was a scene of rescuing Shengsi.

Shengsi is having a difficult time at this time, how should he answer Concubine Liying's question, and the arrival of Ayumi makes him very happy, although Ayumi's face is full of unhappiness.
"Ayumi, Sanye, I just had a little situation inside, that's why I came out so late, but a large part of the reason is because of Conan, that is, Conan, he insisted on not coming out, I was waiting for him, so I did this Come out late!" Seiji was still very enthusiastic about Rakonan's move into the water.

Sure enough, after hearing what Seiji said, Ayumi immediately turned her finger on Conan, "Conan, why don't you leave?! Do you know how long we have been waiting outside?"

"This. This." Conan expressed a look of bewilderment at this, and at the same time complained to Shengsi in his heart, what the hell are you saying that you transferred the topic to me?Although at the beginning I didn't want to leave, but then it was obviously you who procrastinated and beat people up like that, now Ayumi is blaming me again, what kind of trouble is this? !

Shengsi felt aggrieved, don't mention it!
(End of this chapter)

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