Chapter 127
However, when Conan looked embarrassed and didn't know how to answer, Fei Yingli said: "I think you are the Ayumi that Xiaolan often mentioned to me, you are such a cute little friend!"

After hearing this, Ayumi, who was about to continue questioning Conan with a ferocious face, suddenly turned into a smiling face, "Who is this aunt?"

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Feiyingli, and I'm Xiaolan's mother. Please give me your advice!" Feiyingli said with a smile.

"Xiaolan's mother?! Hello, my name is Yoshida Ayumi, and this is Miyamizu Mitsuha, please give me your advice." Ayumi was a little puzzled at first, because she had never heard that Xiaolan had a mother, but she was very excited. Quickly reacting, he quickly introduced himself, and by the way, introduced Sanye next to him.

Seeing Ayumi's attention being diverted, Conan heaved a sigh of relief, he finally escaped a catastrophe and so on!If this Auntie Liying is the person Xiaolan is waiting for, then who is that handsome young man waiting for?But what the heck!Anyway, it has nothing to do with me, why pay attention to these things.

It turns out that Xiaolan's "important person" is her mother. Really, I should have said otherwise. It's disgusting to make myself so curious!

"Why don't we go out first, sister Xiaolan should be waiting at the door." Seeing that everyone knew each other, Shengsi quickly suggested.

Because the police blocked the coffee shop, Xiaolan was also stopped outside. Now Xiaolan probably waited outside for a while.

"Is Xiaolan outside? That's right. The police have sealed off the place. Xiaolan will definitely not be able to get in. Let's go out and find her." Fei Liying said hastily when she heard that Xiaolan was outside.

"En!" Shengsi nodded upon hearing this.

"Then let's go." Conan also expressed no objection.

As for Ayumi and Mitsuha, they were led by Shengsi one by one to the gate.

Because the police have been shuttling around just now, and because I met so many strangers and Seiji is not around, this makes Sanye very nervous, which makes Ayumi on the side also nervous, which is why Ayumi is angry one of the reasons.

The moment Shengsi held Sanye's little hand just now, she could clearly feel that her hand was shaking. This was obviously an expression of extreme nervousness. Although Sanye was extremely nervous inside, she did not show it at all. From this point, Shengsi can It can be seen that Sanye is a sensible child. In order not to worry others, she showed her strong side, which made Shengsi very pleased.

Due to excessive nervousness, the moment Sanye was held by Shengsi, her whole body couldn't help trembling.

Seeing this, Shengsi hastily tightened Sanye's little hand, smiled slightly, and signaled that I'm here, don't worry.

"Thank you, Brother Sheng Si."

When everyone walked towards the door, Sanye whispered.

Shengsi was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, then turned around and said with a smile, "En!"

Although Shengsi only said this word, seeing Shengsi's gentle smiling face, Sanye's whole heart warmed up, and the original tension was instantly swept away.

After a while, everyone came to the gate of the coffee shop.

At this moment, the entrance of the coffee shop can only be described in four words - a sea of ​​people!Yes, just these four words, the inner three circles and the outer three circles are all surrounded by people. People who don't know it think they are doing a supermarket promotion!
Sure enough, no matter in any place, in any country, there is no shortage of spectators.

Because the police have caught the murderer, the coffee shop is now free to enter and exit, and it is precisely because of this that there are more people!
As soon as everyone left the door, a slightly anxious cry came from their ears.


Everyone followed the prestige and found Xiao Lan who was rushing towards the door in the crowd with an anxious expression on her face.

"I'm here!" Conan responded quickly.

"You don't move there, I'll come right away." Because there were so many people at the entrance of the coffee shop, Xiaolan didn't see the situation of Conan clearly at all, she thought Conan was alone.

"Okay!" Hearing what Xiaolan said, Conan had no choice but to answer.

About ten seconds passed.

Xiaolan suddenly squeezed out from the crowd in front of Conan.

"Hey mom, and Sheng Shengsi, Ayumi? Why are you here?" Because she didn't expect to meet so many people, Xiaolan was stunned for a moment when she saw everyone.

"Xiaolan is here, I met your group of friends in the coffee shop just now, especially this kid named Shengsi, who can infer the relationship between the two of us, I didn't say it beforehand, but he did It can be seen, it's really amazing!" Seeing Xiaolan's stunned look, Fei Liying quickly explained, her tone full of admiration for Shengsi.

"Where is it?" Shengsi waved his hands modestly, and at the same time he quickly diverted everyone's attention, only to see Shengsi pull Mitsuha beside him, and then said with a smile: "Sister Xiaolan, this is Mitsuha Miyamizu, a new friend I met."

"Miyasui Sanye?" Xiaolan was taken aback again.

"En!" Shengsi nodded.

"Hello, sister Xiaolan." Seeing this, Sanye called out sweetly. For some reason, as long as she was by Shengsi's side, Sanye didn't feel nervous at all, and she spoke fluently.

"Hey, hello." Xiaolan said in a daze, she hadn't figured out the situation until now.

At this moment, a group of people came out from the door of the coffee shop behind everyone.

It was Police Officer Mumu and the others. They saw that the policemen were carrying the burly man who had passed out into the police car. When passing by Shengsi, the policemen all looked at Shengsi with admiration, mainly because of Shengsi's performance just now. It was amazing, and they really admired it from the bottom of their hearts.

"That, Seiji, thank you so much today." Police Officer Meguro said with a smile as he walked past Seiji.

"These are just trivial matters, you're welcome!" Shengsi waved his hand modestly.

"No, no, thank you for today's matter, we will go back to the police station, Shengsi, Conan, and Miss Concubine, goodbye!" The group of people looked like they were about to leave, so after he said a few words, he wisely stopped disturbing them.

"Well! Goodbye!"

After Officer Mumu and the others walked away, everyone continued to talk.

"Let's go to that coffee shop next door now, it's a good place for us to talk."

After talking for a while, Xiaolan proposed to go to a nearby coffee shop to continue the conversation.

This proposal was unanimously approved by all.

So, everyone walked towards the coffee shop together.

Just two steps away, a slightly surprised shout suddenly came from behind.

"Sage?! Xiaolan!"

(End of this chapter)

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