Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 129 Afternoon Tea at Yuanzi's House

Chapter 129 Afternoon Tea at Yuanzi's House

"Ah, that's it, that's such a pity." After hearing Shengsi's words, Sonoko said exaggeratedly.That expression is the same as losing millions.

Fuck, is it necessary to be so exaggerated? !Looking at Yuanzi's exaggerated expression, Shengsi felt as if he had said the wrong thing, so Shengsi thought for a while and said: "Although we have to go home early, it is still okay to go to your house for afternoon tea .”

Although Shengsi and the others wanted to go back early, it was only a little over 03:30, and there was still more than an hour of free time.

"That's really great!" Sonoko immediately changed into a smiling face when he heard the words, and the speed of changing his face was beyond the speed of Ayumi's flattery!

"Since everyone agrees, let's go!"

After Yuanzi said this, he walked in the front alone, like a general leading an army to fight, very imposing.

And Shengsi and the others are the little soldiers of the garden, following behind, step by step, it looks quite spectacular.So, everyone set off towards Yuanzi's house in a mighty way.

Along the way, Seiji and Ayumi have been explaining her doubts to Sanye. In fact, this is what Seiji requested, because Sanye just came to Tokyo, and Seiji doesn’t know what to teach her except for some common sense. So Shengsi asked Sanye to ask whenever she didn't understand, so along the way, Sanye asked no less than a hundred questions.

Not only Shengsi answered Sanye, but Xiaolan and the others would also say something from time to time. Soon, the relationship between the few people became familiar. When the one hundred and first question was answered, everyone just arrived at Yuanzi's house the door.

This is a luxurious big village, located between the suburbs of Tokyo and the urban area, with an area of ​​about ten acres, it looks very imposing.

The whole Zhuangzi was blocked by a wall, and it was the gate of this wall that everyone came to.

"Wow! Brother Shengsi, this Zhuangzi is so big!" Looking at the big yard, Sanye couldn't help but admire.

This is the biggest house she has ever seen. With such a big house, it would take a long time to walk through this place!
"That's right! It's relatively big." Shengsi said with a smile.

It is also the first time for him to come to Yuanzi's house, and he did not expect it to be so big, but Shengsi doesn't like a house that is too big, because it looks very empty, and it will be lonely if he stays in a big house for a long time, so Shengsi The houses I bought were very small, the largest of which was a villa, only about one mu of land.

And this Zhuangzi has at least ten acres of land, which is really too big, and this place can be said to be in the urban area, so it cost a lot of money to buy it!This also reflects the Yuanzi family's strong financial resources!

When Shengsi was thinking about this, Yuanzi had already rang the doorbell at the door, and after a while, the door opened.

"Okay, let's go in."

Seeing this, everyone hurried into the gate.

After entering the gate, everyone walked around the village for a few minutes before arriving at the real gate.

This is a white and yellow luxury villa, which looks grand and elegant. There are two women standing at the gate, who should be maids from the clothes.

"Miss Yuanzi, welcome back!" As soon as everyone came to the door, the two maids opened the door and shouted.

"En!" Yuanzi just nodded slightly at this, and then turned to everyone and said, "Everyone, go in quickly! I have already asked people to prepare afternoon tea!"

Seeing this, Shengsi's eyes flashed, sure enough, Yuanzi is not that simple, how could the daughter of a big consortium be as stupid as in the anime, Yuanzi knows a lot!It's just that he exposed his true nature when playing with Xiaolan and the others.

Because she is honest with her friends, Yuanzi always shows her true self in front of Xiaolan, which makes people feel very stupid
"Then I'll bother you." Everyone was disrespectful to Yuanzi's enthusiasm.

In a luxurious hall, Shengsi and a group of them sat around a rectangular dining table.

The dining table was full of tea and pastries, and everyone was talking to each other.

While talking, Aunt Eri changed the topic to Seiji again.

"Shengsi, I'm very curious, how did you find out that I was Xiaolan's mother?" This is another question, Fei Liying has been curious about it since just now, she just wants to know, she obviously has nothing He said, but why Shengsi can still deduce that he is Xiaolan's mother.

In fact, Shengsi had already guessed that Fei Liying would continue to ask this question, so Shengsi was thinking about how to answer all the way here.

"It's very simple. Conan told me that Xiaolan has an appointment with a very important person. How many important people does Xiaolan have? You can know her mother just by guessing, and Aunt Yingli, you just entered the coffee shop. When I said that I made an appointment with someone, the time, place, and age are all so consistent, and you also know Officer Megure, and Officer Megure and Uncle Mouri used to be colleagues, so the answer is very clear!" Seiji explained with a smile.

What he said was all thought up along the way just now. There are no loopholes in this way and it can be explained perfectly, but it took a lot of brain cells from Shengsi.

"So that's how it is!" Regarding Shengsi's explanation, everyone was suddenly enlightened.

"That's amazing!" Aunt Eri was obviously very satisfied with Seiji's answer.

In this way, this topic passed, and after that, everyone began to discuss other topics.

After more than half an hour, the afternoon tea time was over.

Yuanzi's family had already started cooking dinner, and Shengsi also bid farewell in due course, because the meal at home was almost ready, Shengsi and the others had to leave.

For Shengsi's departure, Yuanzi was not disappointed. Because of the reasons that were discussed before, Shengsi and the others left very simply. Besides, Xiaolan and the others stayed at Yuanzi's house for dinner, which was enough.

After leaving Yuanzi's house, Shengsi found a small corner with no one there, and returned home through the 'secret passage'.

"Mom, sister, we're back." After coming out of the bedroom, Shengsi saw the two people who were busy in the living room.

"Hey, you are back, Xiao Xi, look quickly, this is the Sanye I told you about." My mother first responded when she heard the words, and then pulled Xiao Xi aside and said.

Xiao Xi found them when Shengsi had just spoken, and she also saw Sanye at the same time.

"Hello Sanye, I am Shengsi's older sister, you can just call me older sister Xiao Xi." Xiao Xi said with a smile on her face.

"Sister Xiao Xi." After hearing Xiao Xi's words, Sanye called out sweetly. It seemed that Xiao Xi's smile gave Sanye a great impression.

(End of this chapter)

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