Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 130 Playing with Sanye for a Day

Chapter 130 Play with Sanye for a day

"Hey! So good! Come on, everyone sit down, we're going to eat soon." After hearing Sanye calling her name, Xiao Xi responded excitedly, then patted the seat beside her and said.

Xiao Xi has always liked children, especially those who look cute. Now that she sees the three cute children in front of her, she is so happy that she is about to jump up.

"En!" The three of Shengsi responded in unison, and then each found a seat and sat down.

They had already moved their index fingers a long time ago when they saw the table full of dishes, and now Xiao Xi asked them to sit down, which really suited their wishes.

After a while, Mom and Xiao Xi brought out the rest of the dishes.

"Okay! Let's start!" After the last dish was served, my mother said happily.

"We're moving!."

"Aunt Yexiang, what kind of food did you cook? It's really delicious! I can't bear it!" After dinner, Sanye sat on the sofa and patted her round belly.

"This is Chinese cuisine. Shengsi asked me to learn it before!" Mom said with a smile. Up to now, I have been obsessed with this feeling of cooking.

"I've heard of Chinese food before! But I've never seen it. It turns out that it's Chinese food. It's really delicious." Under the temptation of food, Sanye finally let go, and she couldn't speak. She is no longer as cautious as she was when she first came here, and now she still has endless aftertaste for the delicious food just now.

Just then, the door was opened.

"I am back!"

It was the father who came back, and the mother hurried over to help him pick up the things when she saw this, and at the same time told him about Xiao Xi.

It is worth mentioning that because my father always leaves work late, the main reason is that he always likes to work overtime, so my father's dinner is often a lunch box made by my mother. In fact, Shengsi also persuaded my father to not use I'm working overtime, but this father, he must not listen!Just work!

In Dad's eyes, there is no difference between a man not working and a salted fish, so Shengsi will let him go, as long as he is happy.

After Mom talked to Dad for a while, the two walked towards Shengsi and the others together.

"Hello, Uncle Junye." Shengsi had told Sanye his father's name before, so Sanye called out first.

"Hello, Sanye, how are you doing? Are you still used to staying in Tokyo?" Dad smiled and sat beside Sanye.

"It's great here! There are so many interesting things, I like it so much!" When Sanye talked about this topic, she was very excited.

"That's really nice."

After a while, Sanye became acquainted with her father.

After more than half an hour, everyone also rested.

Because they had promised to take Sanye to the tropical paradise to play at night, so now everyone is going to go out together.

Originally Seiji planned to go out with Sanye only with him and Ayumi, but after Mom and the others heard about it, they planned to go out together.

In this way, Shengsi's family of four plus Ayumi and Mitsuha, a group of six rushed to the tropical paradise.

Because Ayumi spent the most time introducing the roller coaster to Sanye, in Ayumi's mouth, the roller coaster is a fun ride, so Sanye proposed to be the first to play the roller coaster.

When getting on the roller coaster, Sanye was still looking left and right with excitement, his face was full of curiosity, because the roller coaster had to climb a high slope before diving, and when it was crawling, Sanye’s mood was also She was still excited, but at the moment when the roller coaster dived, the palpitating weightlessness frightened Sanye into a daze, and she was so frightened that she even forgot to shout.


After the roller coaster made a circle on the track, Mitsuba's belated scream resounded through the sky.

A few minutes later, Sanye was carried out of the car by Shengsi. She was like an octopus, tightly stuck to Shengsi's body, and she never let go.

Mitsuba was terrified!

After a few minutes, under the consolation of everyone, Sanye slowly let go of Shengsi, and stood aside with a blushing face without saying a word.

It was really embarrassing just now, Sanye wanted to find a crack in the ground to get down, she had proposed to ride the roller coaster with a face of excitement before, but she didn't expect it to be so scary, and she won't ride in the future even if she is killed!
Seeing this, Shengsi hurriedly comforted her softly, and everyone also gave encouragement, especially Ayumi, who spoke the most words of encouragement. Soon, Sanye regained her mood under the encouragement of everyone.

After finishing the roller coaster, everyone accompanied Sanye to play the merry-go-round, followed by the pinch dolls, and then the Ferris wheel.
A few hours later, Sanye had played with most of the equipment in the tropical park. At this time, Sanye and Ayumi were also tired from playing, so everyone sent Ayumi home first and then returned home together.

After arriving home, each of them took a shower, and then everyone sat on the sofa together, talked for a while, and then went back to their rooms to sleep.

In this way, one day passed.

The next morning, Shengsi got up early and dragged Mitsuba to find Ayumi. They made an appointment yesterday, and they were going to the zoo and botanical garden this morning.

Because she seldom sees the outside world, when Sanye heard Seiji said that there is a place in Tokyo where many animals are locked up yesterday, she said she really wanted to go, so Seiji took her there today.

In the zoo, Sanye looked at the strange animals and exclaimed from time to time.

Seeing the snake, Mitsuba screamed in fright.

Seeing the tiger, Sanye exclaimed.

Seeing the orangutan, Sanye was curious.

Seeing the crocodile, Sanye was afraid.

In the botanical garden, Sanye turned into a curious baby.

"Brother Shengsi, what is the grass with flowers on its head for?"

"Ayumi, what is this beautiful flower for?"

"Brother Shengsi, why does that flower have two heads?"

Soon, the morning time passed.

Shengsi told his mother that he would not go back to eat at noon, so they directly found a pizza shop outside and ate there.

Sanye has never eaten pizza, which is the main reason why Shengsi chooses a pizzeria. Shengsi wants to take Sanye to eat more things that he has never eaten before.

Seeing Mitsuha and Ayumi happily eating pizza, Seiji also laughed happily. As long as Mitsuha and Ayumi are happy, Seiji is also happy.

After going to the zoo and botanical garden in the morning, Seiji took the two of them to Tokyo Tower and Tokyo Museum in the afternoon. Originally, Seiji planned to go to the art museum, but because it was almost the time agreed with Di Wen , so Seiji went back after visiting these two places.

After arriving home, Shengsi ate a hasty meal and went out.

Because Shengsi had already greeted him before, no one was puzzled by Shengsi going out this time.

(End of this chapter)

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