Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 131 Teleportation Array

Chapter 131 Teleportation Array
After leaving the house, Shengsi directly used a teleportation technique and came to the entrance of the valley of the Koizumi family.

After scanning around slightly, Shengsi saw the big tree with magical fluctuations at a glance.

Shengsi walked straight over and touched it, only to see that a second later, a snow-white circular light circle appeared on the side of the big tree, the circle was transparent at first, then gradually darkened, and finally formed a black light The door, the light door is spinning slowly, very mysterious.

Shengsi crossed the light gate and entered the valley of the Koizumi family.

Taking a closer look, Shengsi found that the castle was still in the valley, and those people were still at the gate, but at this time, those people were all wearing magic robes, with many styles and different patterns, but there was one thing they all had in common, that is, Under the support of the magic robes, they appear elegant and mysterious.

Standing at the front of those people was Hongzi Koizumi. At this time, she was wearing a dark red robe, and with her cold temperament, she looked very similar to the witch on TV.

Shengsi took a few steps in the air, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of everyone.

"Sister Hongzi!" Shengsi called out sweetly.

"Shengsi, you are finally here. Dad is waiting for you inside. We are all ready and ready to go!" Hongzi said with a smile, and then opened the door to signal Shengsi to enter.

Seeing this, Shengsi nodded to the people on the side, and then entered the castle with Hongzi under the eyes of everyone.

"Shengsi, you're here, how about this, you sit here for a while, I'll go get something and go!"

As soon as Shengsi entered the castle, Diwen's voice came over.

I saw that Diwen was standing at a door on the side of the hall at this time, and he seemed to be going in. He was wearing a dark purple robe, and a faint magic power surrounded him, giving people a sense of time and space disorder. Feeling is very strange.


Shengsi nodded and sat down on the chair next to him.

Seeing this, Hongzi also sat down next to Shengsi, and the two chatted.

A few minutes passed, and Diwen came out from the side door.

"Okay! Let's go!"

Hearing this, Shengsi and Hongzi stood up and followed Diwen out of the castle.

Shengsi had already talked with Diwen about the magician conference before, and he knew all the procedures. Now they are going to teleport from the teleportation array behind the valley to the headquarters of the Koizumi family, which is the Koizumi family in Nagoya. What kind of ceremony is going to be performed over there? After the ceremony is completed, it will be transmitted from the large teleportation array over there to Los Angeles, USA, and then rest in a branch of the top magic family there - the William family, waiting for the magician conference tomorrow held.

Knowing these procedures, Shengsi now only needs to follow Di Wen, and then wait until the Magician Conference to play. Some trivial matters in the process do not need Shengsi to worry about, and someone will help solve them.

After leaving the gate of the castle, Diwen led Shengsi and Hongzi to the back of the valley with the support of everyone.

This is where the teleportation array is located. It is wrapped by a huge magic array. This magic array is very magical. It is a transparent barrier. People will feel a huge repulsion when they approach the barrier. Shengsi tried it. , if you don’t use magic and mental power, he can’t even get close to 20 meters. Of course, repulsion is only one of the effects, and there is a more powerful effect that can rebound the magic below the great magician, and the magic of the great magician can also be blocked. Even forbidden spells can be blocked. Although the magic circle will disappear after blocking the forbidden spells, it can be seen how powerful this magic circle is!

Diwen led the crowd to a stop about 50 meters away from the magic circle. He waved his hands, a faint white light flashed past, and the repulsive force disappeared.

Diwen closed the magic circle.

At the same time, Diwen turned his head and shouted to the crowd: "Okay, you all go back to your posts and guard this valley, and we will leave first!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded with great momentum.

Diwen nodded, and then said to Shengsi and Hongzi, "Let's go."

After speaking, Diwen walked towards the teleportation array.

Seeing this, Shengsi and Hongzi hurriedly followed.

After walking into the teleportation array, Shengsi looked carefully at it. He had only read the introduction of the teleportation array in the book before, but he had never seen the real thing, so of course he had to take a good look at it now.

This is a circular platform with a radius of ten meters. There is nothing on it. It looks like a stone, very ordinary, but Shengsi discovered the extraordinaryness of this circular platform after careful sensing.

Shengsi sensed that the space power in the stone platform was extremely active, more than three times more active than when he released the teleportation technique, and the stone platform contained a large number of magic models of the teleportation technique, the models responded to each other, and the resonance of the space stone , resulting in such a huge space force.

"Uncle Diwen, how many people can this teleportation array transmit at one time? Also, how far is the teleportation distance?" Shengsi wanted to see how big the gap was between this teleportation array and his teleportation technique.

"Well, when it was built, it was able to teleport [-] people to Nagoya at one time. As for the distance, if only one person is teleported and there is a support circle in the United States, it can be directly teleported! But because of this The teleportation array has been used for decades, and part of the power of the space stone inside has been worn away, because it is very difficult to find such a large space stone now, and even if there is one, it is ridiculously expensive, so it has not been replaced. And the current teleportation capacity is estimated to be only five-sixths of what it used to be." Di Wen replied.

"That's right." Seiji nodded.

After listening to Di Wen's words, Shengsi couldn't help thinking, this teleportation array is not very good. Shengsi feels that this teleportation array is really weak. Although the space power of this teleportation array is very active, its strength is really too weak up.

The teleportation technique used by Shengsi himself can teleport at least a hundred people, and can appear anywhere on the earth. Although it will consume a lot of magic power, is Shengsi a person who lacks magic power?Because mind power can assimilate magic power, Shengsi's magic power is almost endless!
Compared with this teleportation array, Shengsi's teleportation technique is simply crushing!
"What's wrong? Shengsi?" Seeing Shengsi thinking, Diwen was not in a hurry to activate the magic circle, but asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I just feel that this teleportation array is not as powerful as my teleportation technique, it's really too weak." Shengsi said lightly, he looked down on this teleportation array too much, and his tone was a little proud.

In fact, Shengsi also has the capital to be proud of, a six-year-old great magician!God-like learning speed!Extremely strong thoughts!Which item would not shock the existence of the magic world?

"What?! Shengsi, you learned the teleportation technique?! You are a space magician?!" After hearing Shengsi's words, Diwen and Hongzi both shouted in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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