Chapter 133 Elder

After a while, the three of them flew to the front of the castle group not far away.

Just now in the distance, Shengsi hadn't looked carefully, but now that it's getting closer, Shengsi found that the open space in front of the first castle was full of people at this time, glanced slightly, Shengsi guessed that there were at least people standing here There are more than 1000 people!

Seeing this posture, Shengsi guessed that these people should have come to greet them.

I saw that they were all wearing magic robes in various styles, and they looked very formal. There were three old men standing in front of this group of people, exuding an aura that belonged to a great magician, and they looked very kind. It must be the three elders that Diwen mentioned.

To be honest, seeing so many people here, Shengsi was a little flustered.

After Shengsi followed Diwen to these people, he sensed the situation of these three old men. It turned out that Shengsi finally knew what Hongzi said that only her father could fight in the Koizumi family. It turns out that the three elders of their family are all magicians of the wood attribute!
Among the magicians of the five major departments of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, the wood magician is the most unsuitable for combat, and the three elders of the Koizumi family are all wood magicians.

Although I still don't know what kind of magician I belong to, there is no doubt that Shengsi's combat effectiveness is very strong.

Diwen also agrees with this very much. The last time the Ozawa family came to attack, he could see very clearly that the reason why Kawano retreated in such a humiliation was largely due to Shengsi!
After the three came to the front of the crowd, Diwen and Hongzi bowed at the same time and said, "Diwen (Hongzi) has met the three elders!"

"En!" The old man in the middle nodded.

The Shengsi at the side was slightly taken aback, "Damn it, this step is not in the plan, you two are bowing, and you are standing alone, although I am short, it is also very rude."

This embarrassment was only temporary, and Shengsi quickly reacted, and his immature voice sounded in the open space: "Hello, three old uncles."

Three old men, one fat and two thin, among them, the slightly fat old man standing on the far left heard Shengsi's words and said with a smile: "Hello, hello."

"This kid must be the genius saint that Diwen often mentioned to me, right?" The old man in the middle asked. Although he was asking, his tone was very certain.

"I don't dare to be a genius, but Shengsi is here." Shengsi cupped his fists and said modestly.

Although he is a genius, he must know how to be humble. This is Shengsi's way of dealing with people.

"Hehe, Shengsi, you are humble. You can reach the realm of a great magician at a young age. If this can't be regarded as a genius, how can we old men feel so embarrassed?" The thin old man on the right laughed. .

"That's right, that's right, Shengsi, you are too modest." Diwen also interjected with a smile.

After saying this, Diwen seemed to think of something, and continued: "By the way, I haven't introduced you to each other yet, this is Shengsi Gongshui, everyone must know it, and here, Shengsi I'm going to give you a good introduction."

"The one on the far left, his name is Koizumi Shozo, he is the previous patriarch of our Koizumi family, and he is a powerful wood magician."

"The one in the middle, named Koizumi Muramasa, is the elder of our Koizumi family. He is the one in our family who has been a great magician for the longest time. He is also a wood magician."

"The name on the right is Koizumi Tingtao. He is a very powerful magician. His formation skills are the deepest in our family. He participated in the construction of most of the magic formations in our family. Even The teleportation array just now was built by him. Not only that, but his combat ability is also very powerful. He is second only to me in the family. Although he is also a wood magician, his combat ability is very strong. If If he is a fire-type or gold-type magician, I probably won't be able to beat him!"

Hearing what Diwen said, Shengsi also had a basic impression of these three kind-faced old uncles. In fact, Diwen had already told him about these things, but it was not as detailed as it is now.

"The three old uncles are really amazing! I want to learn from you!" Shengsi said with a smile.


Hearing what Shengsi said, the three of them laughed, it seemed that what Shengsi said sounded very comfortable to them.

"He is a down-to-earth, humble and studious boy. We will try our best to teach you whatever you want to learn in the future!" The elder looked very excited when he heard Shengsi's words. After all, Shengsi is now a part of their family, and Di Wen also gave Shengsi an elder position.

Then the strength of Shengsi is stronger, that is to say, the strength of the Koizumi family is stronger, and the Koizumi family has a magician who loves to learn, how can it make people unhappy?

"Thank you, Great Elder!" Shengsi was overjoyed when he heard these words. In fact, the books he brought from Diwen have almost been learned by his terrifying learning ability. Now he is eager to learn new knowledge, and These words of the Great Elder are a timely help to Shengsi!
Several people talked again for a while, and the elders told Shengsi some things to pay attention to. A few minutes later, Diwen asked Hongzi to take Shengsi to the castle to rest. Along the way, Shengsi said to Hongzi He talked a lot, and through the conversation with Hongzi, Seiji learned more about the Koizumi family.

After a while, the two came to a guest room in the castle. In the guest room, Hongzi talked to Shengsi for a while before leaving.

Shengsi knew that Hongzi was going to participate in some family ceremony. Diwen told Shengsi that the priest could also participate in this ceremony, but Shengsi refused. He had already heard about the process of this ceremony. It was so boring, Shengsi didn't want to waste time, what he needed was magic knowledge, so he suggested to go to the book collection place to read books, and Di Wen readily agreed.

So, after staying in the guest room for a while, Shengsi went straight to the castle in the center of the castle group. Shengsi learned from Diwen that the castle in the center is the eye of the entire high-level spirit gathering formation, and it is a very Importantly, the family has arranged a powerful magic circle here to protect the safety of the castle. This magic circle is the strongest magic circle of the Koizumi family!Even the great magician can't please him in this battle, and he may even lose his life if he is not careful.

Because this castle is so safe, some important magic books, materials, inheritance, etc. of the Koizumi family, in short, many important things are placed in this castle.

And the members of the Koizumi family need a token every time they enter the castle. With this token, the magic circle protecting the castle will not attack you. This token is the most important thing for the Koizumi family. Only the family Only people with the status of senior elder or above can have it.

It can be said that with this token, the treasures of the entire Koizumi family are at your fingertips!
And Diwen gave Shengsi such a token. It can be seen from the side that the Koizumi family really regards Shengsi as the elder of their family now!
(End of this chapter)

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