Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 134 Central Castle

Chapter 134 Central Castle
However, although Diwen gave the holy commander a card, he still doesn't fully trust the holy commander, which can be seen from the fact that someone is following him.

Yes, Shengsi used telekinesis to detect it just now. On the way to the castle, he was surrounded by at least seven or eight senior magicians, and even the fat elder just followed.

Looking at this posture, he was afraid that he would run away with his treasure, but Shengsi understood after a little thought, even though Koizumi's family admitted that he was their elder, they would not trust such a 'stranger' as Shengsi.

It takes time to build trust. Now Shengsi is a complete stranger in their eyes. Can they safely show their lair to this stranger?Of course, you won’t be at ease. If you insist on visiting, you will definitely need someone to accompany you, and this elder named Koizumi Masamune is the one who will accompany you!

Thinking of this, Shengsi didn't care about those anymore. Anyway, as long as he didn't act out of line, I believe no one would do anything to him.

With this in mind, Shengsi went straight to the central castle.

After a while, Shengsi came to the gate of the castle.

This is a standard European-style castle, three stories high, with snow-white walls, it looks like new, without leaving any traces of time.

It seems that this is a very ordinary castle, but Shengsi knows that every brick in the wall of this castle is engraved with runes, and the runes on the walls are hidden, so they cannot be seen normally. The power of the text, so the wall will not be eroded by the years, making it look like new now.

And these runes are part of the magic circle that protects the castle. These runes that cover the entire castle are interrelated to form a powerful magic circle.

The power of this magic circle is extremely powerful, and people below the great magician will die immediately!So there is a taboo in the Koizumi family, that is, it is forbidden to touch this castle unless you hold the token!

This taboo holy priest knows, so he won't be stupid to push the door open with his hands.

I saw that Shengsi took out a simple jade tablet from the dimension space, about the size of an adult's palm, and Shengsi needed two hands to grasp it. The jade tablet was emitting a faint green light at this time, which was very soft. It looks very comfortable, the word 'Spring' on the card flashes under the light, it is very mysterious, this is the token of the Koizumi family!

Shengsi didn't look at it carefully when he took the jade card from Diwen just now. Now it seems that this jade card is very strange, because Shengsi feels soft and warm when holding it in his hand, not that kind of jade card. The coolness of the jade, and after Shengsi held the jade card, he could clearly feel that the jade card was absorbing the magic elements in the air all the time, and even the concentration of magic power near Shengsi increased a lot.

Originally, the concentration of magic power was twice that of the outside world, but now the saint holding the jade card can sense that the concentration of magic power around him is even three times that of the outside world!
Wow Kaka, this jade token is an amazing treasure!At this moment, Shengsi even had the idea of ​​taking the jade card back for Xiaoxi to use, but Shengsi gave up after thinking about it, not to mention whether Shengsi could escape under the siege of the four great magicians, Just because the Koizumi family has such great kindness towards him, Shengsi would not do such a thing against his conscience!

Thinking of this, Shengsi shook his head, and put the glowing jade tablet in front of the gate according to the method Di Wen taught him.

I saw the jade card in Shengsi's hand suddenly flashing three times. At the same time, the castle in front of Shengsi seemed to come alive. The runes on the wall seemed to be alive, flashing non-stop there, very dazzling. Until then, Only then did Shengsi see what the castle really looked like.

Just a few seconds after the runes started to flash, a round door of light suddenly appeared in front of Shengsi's eyes.

The gate of light was very faint at first, and then slowly took shape over time, finally forming a rectangular gate of light. When the gate of light was formed, the runes on the castle also faded, and finally disappeared, becoming exactly the same as before. If it weren't for the light door that was spinning around in front of him, Shengsi would have doubted whether what happened just now had happened.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi was taken aback for a moment, then thought of something, took back the jade token in his hand, and stared curiously at the light door in front of him. The door is very big for Shengsi, about three meters long. Looking inside from the door, you can see the scene inside the castle.

The first floor is a row of bookshelves, and the bookshelves are full of magic books. At a glance, there are at least hundreds of thousands of books, and beside the bookshelves are all kinds of magic materials and magic equipment. Shengsi saw it at a glance. The space stone and staff, besides these, there are many familiar and unknown magic materials and magic equipment, and because the second floor is blocked, Shengsi can't see it, but for what he sees, Shengsi only has one thought in his heart : This. This is simply a super treasure trove!
Although Shengsi is mentally prepared and knows that this is a very important place, there must be some important things inside, but... these things are really too important, the wealth inside is simply too rich, Shengsi I'm a little tempted.

Although these treasures are very important, in the eyes of Shengsi, those books are the priceless treasures!If I could read all these books, how much knowledge would I have to learn? !Maybe I can become a legendary sage after learning this knowledge!Although the sage is a legend, Shengsi firmly believes that it exists, and this is also a goal of Shengsi!
Thinking of this, Shengsi directly stepped into the door in front of him, he couldn't wait to read these magic books quickly.

A few seconds after Shengsi entered the light gate, the light gate suddenly began to shrink, first slowly, then gradually faster, and finally turned into a puff of green smoke.

At the same time, several people suddenly rushed out from around the castle, and the leader was the third elder who was following Shengsi just now.

I saw that he took a deep look at the castle first, then sat down cross-legged not far from the gate of the castle, and began to meditate, and the rest of the people also sat down behind the old man, looking at this Stance, they are going to wait until Shengsi comes out.

Look at Shengsi again, because Shengsi hadn't seen the whole picture of the castle clearly outside just now, after entering now, Shengsi directly swam inside!

After visiting the third floor of the castle, Shengsi's vision broadened a lot in an instant. It turned out that this world is so wonderful, and what he knew before was really too little!
Now, Shengsi felt that he had really understood the world!
PS: I haven’t been in a good state in the past few days, and I feel uncomfortable when I write. These are all forced out. I am adjusting myself now, hoping to write more fluently.

(End of this chapter)

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