Chapter 135
Just now Shengsi saw a lot of materials from monsters on the second floor of the castle, and also saw a lot of magical magic equipment. At the same time, he also saw a lot of records about this world!
It turns out that there are still many secrets in this world, and the world that Shengsi has seen is too little. For example, the Bermuda Triangle, it turns out that it is a large dimensional space!It is filled with a large number of monsters, and even indigenous people.

And the origin of this dimensional space is because of a space turmoil long ago on the earth. During that turmoil, a piece of space debris fell off the main world of the earth. For some reason, that piece of space debris inexplicably stabilized, and A tiny space channel has been established in the main space of the earth, thus forming the current dimensional space.

However, because the earth and the space channel there are extremely unstable, it is difficult to communicate between the two, and the reason why Shengsi can know this knowledge is because a magician of the space department went there a long time ago. This information was also dictated by the mage.

However, he also died for some reason after he finished speaking the information. Since then, no one has entered there again, because there are few magicians in the space system, and there are not even a single space magician at the level of a magician. No, and a space magician who has not reached the level of a magician in that place will be hanged to death by the space turbulence there!So people's understanding of it is limited to the dictation of the mage.

Of course, besides this one secret, there are many other secrets. For example, there are really vampires and werewolves in this world, but they are different from what we know. Also, the aliens that people talk about actually exist, but that Generally, it is just that a monster who has successfully cultivated is accidentally discovered by people, and this kind of monster is called a "god" in Japan!
In addition to these, there are many more, so I won't list them one by one, because Shengsi can't help but start reading the magic books on these bookshelves!Compared with the secrets of the world, learning more magic knowledge is more important for Shengsi!
Shengsi just scanned and found that he has read many of the books in these bookshelves, but the majority of them have not been read, so Shengsi started to swim in the sea of ​​books.

This travel is more than three hours!

At this time, it was past eleven o'clock in the evening, and the family ceremony at Diwen's side had long been finished. Most members of the family were almost asleep now, but Shengsi was still swimming in the sea of ​​books.

"Shengsi, it's time to go to bed! We have to go to America tomorrow morning!" Diwen's voice suddenly sounded in Shengsi's mind.

In fact, Diwen came to this castle after presiding over the family ceremony. At that time, Shengsi had been in for more than two hours. The purpose of Diwen coming to the castle was to call Shengsi and tell him what happened tomorrow. But when he came, he found that Shengsi was watching "The Essence of Magic and the Essence of Time" seriously. Seeing this, he didn't bother Shengsi. He said to the third elder who was guarding the gate, "Notify him when Shengsi comes out." then left.

However, more than an hour passed, because Diwen, who hadn't waited for Zhengsan's news for a long time, came to the castle again. After arriving here, Diwen didn't expect that Shengsi was still reading the magic book. Yinshu called Shengsi.

And Shengsi was stunned when he heard Diwen's voice, going to sleep?What time is it?

Thinking about this matter, Shengsi glanced at the time and found that it was past eleven o'clock in the evening!oops!It's already so late, it's time for me to go to bed, children will not grow taller if they go to bed late!

Thinking of this, Shengsi put down the magic book in his hand, rubbed his little swollen head, and walked out of the castle gate calmly.

It is worth mentioning here that a token is required to enter the castle, but not to exit.

After leaving the castle, Shengsi looked at the people in front of him and was taken aback, hehe, he hasn't left yet, in fact, Shengsi has already found out that these people have been waiting for him, at first Shengsi paid attention to them from time to time, but later Well, Shengsi didn't care about them after he sank into his studies. He didn't expect that they were still sitting here after more than three hours. What a panic!
"Uncle Diwen." Shengsi said while rubbing his head. Just now, Shengsi read nearly a hundred books at once, and now his head is a little dizzy.

"How is it? Is there any book you want to read?" Di Wen said with a smile.

The corner of Shengsi's mouth twitched when he heard this, isn't this nonsense?If there is no book I want to read, will I stay there for so long?
Although Shengsi complained a lot in his heart, he still smiled and said, "Well! I like to read all the books in it."

What Shengsi said is true, the books in it are really helpful to him, he not only saw the detailed explanation of the forbidden spell of the great magician, but also saw the books related to the wizard, and even the mystery of time. There are all records, which really fascinated Shengsi.

"Hehe. That's good, oh! It's very late now, go to bed now, you have to get up early tomorrow morning." Diwen originally wanted to tell Shengsi about tomorrow's affairs, but it's too late now So I can only go to the United States tomorrow to talk about it.

Because it was confirmed that Shengsi could not escape with his belongings, Elder Zhengsan, who was still sitting here just now, had already left, and the group of senior magicians also left with him.

Now only Shengsi and Diwen are left in front of the castle. After hearing Diwen's words, Shengsi smiled slightly, "Then I'll go to sleep now, goodbye Uncle Diwen!"

"En!" Diwen waved his hand.

Seeing this, Shengsi left.

A few minutes after Shengsi left, Diwen still stood there, as if waiting for someone.

Suddenly, three people appeared behind Diwen.

It was the three elders of the Koizumi family. They just appeared here out of thin air. In fact, they had been hiding here with invisibility just now, and Shengsi didn't find them because he was talking to Diwen.

"How is it?" the Great Elder said, and a gleam of wisdom flashed in his old eyes.

"It's just a child. As I said earlier, there is nothing wrong with him. I have also checked his details. He is very innocent. His mother's name is Miyamizu Yexiang, a housewife, and his father's name is Miyamizu Junye. An ordinary office worker, although they all have the surname Gongshui, they have nothing to do with the Gongshui family." Diwen said lightly.

In fact, he also doubted Shengsi before, but since he checked the details of Shengsi, his doubts about him have become much smaller. In addition, Shengsi's strength and personality have greatly increased his favor for Shengsi. Until now, Di Wen has no doubts about Shengsi.

PS: Call only at 07:30, send a chapter first, Chapter 2 is still coded, and send it later in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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