Chapter 136 Decision
"That's what you said, but didn't you say that you invited a great magician from the divination department to check the holy priest last time, but when the great magician used magic to check the holy priest, he couldn't see anything!" Ozawa Tingtao said in surprise.

This situation is too weird. You must know that a great magician of the divination department and even a mage can divination some information, but the divination priest does not respond. This is really an impossible event!

It is precisely because of this incident that the three elders of the Koizumi family still have doubts about the origin of Shengsi.

"Why do you care about this? Shengsi is so young, you have seen his character now, and he still loves learning so much, and most importantly, he is still such a genius. If we train him in the future, this will definitely be our Koizumi. A great help to the family!" Diwen waved his hand to express that he did not want to discuss the previous topic.

In fact, Diwen has discussed Shengsi with the elders of the family many times. Diwen's opinion is to let Shengsi truly become the elder of the Koizumi family, and the opinion of the elders is to look at it again, because they are still there. Worried about the origin of Shengsi.

The fact that Diwen gave the jade card to Shengsi just now was the result of their previous discussion. It was to test Shengsi's character. Now the result is obvious, Shengsi passed!
"Diwen is right! I have been observing the child of Shengsi just now. Except for the first round in the castle, he has been reading there for the rest of the time. He is really a child who loves to learn!" The third elder pointed Nodding his head, he agrees with what Diwen said.

"Is that so?" The elder fell into deep thought.

Seeing this, everyone did not bother, and for a while, the open space in front of the castle became quiet.

After a long time, the Great Elder's vicissitudes of words resounded in this open space again: "Diwen, you have always been very accurate in seeing people, so let's do as you say this time."

"What? Great Elder, did you agree?" Diwen was a little surprised when he heard this, because the Great Elder had the most say in the family, so some important decisions in the family generally required the approval of the Great Elder.

And the Great Elder is a cautious and prudent person, so Di Wen thought that the Great Elder would hesitate, but he did not expect him to agree.

"En!" The Great Elder nodded slightly, indicating that Di Wen heard correctly.

"Okay, Diwen, go to bed too, you have to go to the United States tomorrow!" the elder continued to warn.

It's too late now, Di Wen is going to the United States to attend the Magician Conference tomorrow, so he has to go to bed early now.

"Okay!" Di Wen left happily after hearing this.

After Diwen left, the remaining three elders discussed again and then dispersed.

However, the holy priest didn't know all this. After he got to his guest room, he briefly recalled the knowledge he had read today, and then the holy priest went to sleep.

Because Shengsi learned nearly a hundred books of magic knowledge at one time this evening, which was not a small burden for him, so Shengsi almost went to bed right away.

Soon, the night was over.

The next day, Shengsi got up at seven o'clock in the morning. Seven o'clock is Shengsi's biological clock. No matter how late he goes to bed, Shengsi can always wake up at seven o'clock on time.

Shengsi thought that he got up at seven o'clock very early, but he didn't expect that there were people who got up earlier than him!And not alone!

When Shengsi came up, he found that there were people moving outside the window, and many people in strange clothes were walking in one direction, and that direction was the edge of the castle formation.

What is this for?Seeing the abnormal behavior of those people outside, Shengsi felt a little puzzled.

But Shengsi's doubts only lasted for a short while, and the next second, a rhythmic knock on the door interrupted Shengsi's doubts.

"Shengsi, is it convenient for me to come in now?"

Shengsi recognized that it was Hongzi's voice.

Hearing that Shengsi quickly used a cleansing technique on himself, and then with a thought, the whole room returned to the way it was before he came in yesterday, and at the same time, he also put on a suit of clothes that fit.

After finishing all this, Shengsi shouted to the outside: "Sister Hongzi, come in, the door is unlocked."

"Then I'll come in!" After hearing Shengsi's words, Hongzi walked in directly.

"Sister Hongzi, are you here to pick me up?" Shengsi asked as soon as Hongzi entered the door.

"Yes, the magician conference will be held at nine o'clock, and the magic family that has not arrived after eight o'clock will be disqualified. Our family has to get there more than an hour in advance, so we must prepare to leave now." Hong After explaining, Zizi smiled and said, "What? Shengsi, haven't you slept well yet?"

"Nope~ I've had enough sleep!" Shengsi's mouth twitched, didn't he get enough sleep?Really think of myself as a child, besides, is lack of sleep a problem for magicians?Meditate for a while and your spirit will recover immediately!

After saying this, Shengsi asked the doubts in his heart: "By the way, sister Hongzi, what do those people outside do?"

"Oh, you said them, those are magicians from third-rate and second-rate families, and they are going to attend the magician conference, but they don't have the kind of teleportation array to send to the United States, so they come to our family to use our The family's teleportation array!" Hongzi glanced at the people outside the window and said.

"That's right, but why don't they go by plane?" Shengsi asked.

"Flying takes a lot of time. The time of magicians is precious, and our teleportation array arrives in no time, and it is provided for free, so they all come to sit on our teleportation array." He was taken aback by the question, but quickly responded.

"So it is!"

"Senior, do you have any questions?"


"Then let's go to the teleportation formation, Dad is ready and waiting for you there!" Hongzi said and took the lead to walk outside.

Seeing this, Shengsi hurriedly followed.

The location of the teleportation array is on the edge of the castle array, which is where the people outside the window rushed to.

Along the way, Hongzi was talking to Shengsi about things in the United States, which Diwen told Hongzi to tell Shengsi, because it was too late yesterday, Diwen didn't have time to tell Shengsi, and today In the morning, he was busy with the teleportation array, so this task was handed over to Hongzi.

The place where Shengsi lived was not far from the teleportation array. After walking for about ten minutes, the two came to the side of the teleportation array.

For more than ten minutes, Shengsi had two minds, one was listening to Hongzi's talk, and the other was secretly sending a voice transmission to Xiao Xi, telling her that he would have to stay outside all night before going back. The task of Sanye going out to play is entrusted to Xiao Xi. Shengsi believes that Xiao Xi, Ayumi, and Sanye will have a lot of fun when they go out to play together!

PS: Xiao Ai will have a small appearance soon, everyone, don't worry, and after the Magician Conference, Xiao Ai will officially appear on the stage!

(End of this chapter)

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