Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 137 Arriving in Los Angeles

Chapter 137 Arriving in Los Angeles

After coming to the side of the teleportation array, Shengsi immediately saw Di Wen and the three elders standing not far away.

"Uncle Diwen, three old uncles, good morning!"

"I've met my father, I've met the three elders!" Shengsi and Hongzi walked over to say hello.

"Good morning." Diwen and the three elders all looked very happy after seeing Shengsi.

"How is it? Hongzi told you everything, right?" After saying hello, Diwen said with a smile. Because the Magician Conference will be held soon, Diwen is very concerned about this matter now.

"En! Sister Hongzi told me all about it." Shengsi nodded.

"That's good, let's set off now, the sooner we get there, the sooner this stone in my heart will fall." The slightly witty words came out of a serious mouth like Diwen, making Shengsi It felt very weird.

"Okay." Shengsi nodded.

Seeing this, Diwen turned around and walked to the side, and the rest of the people quickly followed.

Originally, Shengsi thought that there was only one teleportation array here, but in fact, there were four teleportation arrays here, and it was the fourth teleportation array that Diwen took Shengsi to.

Because the Koizumi family governs the entire magic family in Nagoya, there are a lot of magicians to be teleported today. The first three teleportation arrays are used to teleport them, and the fourth teleportation array is not open to the public. It is the Koizumi family. used internally.

When they walked to the fourth teleportation formation, everyone walked for more than three minutes. During these three minutes, Shengsi was constantly being questioned by the three elders. A look of bewilderment.

Fortunately, 3 minutes passed quickly, and Shengsi also broke away from the "magic sound" of the three elders.

This is a basement. Shengsi sensed it. It is about ten meters underground. The basement is not very big, about the size of a basketball court, but it is more than enough for a place to put a teleportation array.

The teleportation array is placed in the very center of this basement. It looks similar to the one on the other side of the valley. It is an ordinary stone platform. It looks like a stone on the side of the road except for its strange appearance.

Although it looks ordinary, Shengsi knows that the inside of this stone platform is definitely not ordinary. Shengsi found that the space power of this stone platform is more than seven times more active than when he cast the teleportation technique. The activity of the array is so high, but judging from its size, it is estimated that the ability of this teleportation array is not as strong as its own teleportation technique!
"Shengsi, come here quickly!" While Shengsi was still looking around, Hongzi was already standing on the teleportation array, and Hongzi was waving at Shengsi.

On the other hand, Diwen was explaining something to the three elders. From the looks of it, there were only three of them going to the magicians conference this time.

"En!" Shengsi came back to his senses and walked towards Hongzi.At this moment, after finishing talking to the three elders, Diwen turned around and walked towards them.

After Diwen and Shengsi came together, the three elders suddenly shouted.

"I wish the flag a victory!"

"I wish you more courage in the battle!"

"I wish you a triumphant return!"

The blessings of the three elders contained huge wood power, and these powers rushed towards Shengsi and Di Wen, attached to their bodies, and finally merged into their bodies.

So cool!After being blessed by the power of the three elders, Shengsi felt that his whole body was full of strength, and he could blow a bear to pieces with one punch!
Shengsi knows that this is a great magician level magic of the wood system. Shengsi can also use blessing, but he is not as skilled in using it as the elders.

The three elders can cast it just by saying a word, but Shengsi still needs to recite the spell and mobilize the magic power in his body, so that he can cast it.

"Thank you!" Shengsi said sincerely after receiving the blessing.

His thank you is not to thank them for the blessing technique just now, but to express their gratitude to their entire family. The fact that Shengsi can have today's strength has a lot to do with the help of the Koizumi family.

If it wasn't for Hongzi Koizumi, Seiji wouldn't have come to Jiang Gutian, so he wouldn't have met Xiao Xi, wouldn't have known about Koizumi's family, and wouldn't have learned magic to become a magician!
So, the first thing Shengsi wants to thank is the entire Koizumi family, and the second thing to thank is Koizumi Hongzi!
The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring, and Shengsi is a person who knows how to repay, so this magician conference is the beginning of Shengsi's repayment!

For Shengsi's thanks, the elders just smiled and nodded, did not say anything, just watched them all the time, they have done what they can, and now they can only encourage them in their hearts!

So under the watchful eyes of the elders, Diwen quietly activated the teleportation array!

Because of this kind of long-distance teleportation, there will be slight vibrations in the space. Before the teleportation, Hongzi held Shengsi's little hand to prevent him from being injured.

But will Shengsi get hurt? Of course not!His spatial attainments are not low. At the moment of teleportation, Shengsi directly used the power of space to protect the teleportation channel.

This also caused the three of them to transmit without a trace of shaking. Because of the relatively long distance, the three of them stayed in the space channel for half a second before they came out.

From this point, it can be seen that this teleportation array is really too weak!Shengsi's teleportation technique can be reached in an instant no matter where it goes, it is many times more advanced than this teleportation array!
After leaving the teleportation array, the three of them arrived in Los Angeles, USA.

This is a rectangular hall, very empty, and there are eight small teleportation arrays placed next to the wall in the hall, three on the left of Shengsi, three on the right, two behind him, and the exit in front of Shengsi. And Shengsi just came out of the teleportation array on the left behind him.Shengsi knows that this is the guiding teleportation array. As the name suggests, it is a space door used to locate the teleportation array. It is the same as the exit in the cave when Shengsi passed from the valley to the plain before. Called the space door.

The space door can only go out but not in, that is, one-way teleportation. If you want to teleport back, you probably have to take another teleportation array.

Because Shengsi was attracted by the surrounding scene as soon as he came out, so he didn't move his body after leaving the teleportation circle, and Diwen didn't say anything when he saw this, but went to the door to register alone. Hongzi was left here to accompany Shengsi.

However, just as Diwen went out, there was a space fluctuation behind Shengsi. It seemed that someone was about to come out from the teleportation array. Seeing this, Hongzi quickly took Shengsi back to the side.

In fact, the other teleportation arrays in this hall will produce a space fluctuation every ten seconds, and then someone will come out, and now it's just Shengsi's turn.

(End of this chapter)

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