Chapter 138 Master Ryan
After Shengsi and Hongzi backed away, three people came out of the teleportation array. They were three white men, all in their 20s. They seemed to be Native Americans. The room is full of arrogance, a very great look!

Seeing this, Shengsi was very puzzled, is this also a magic family who came to participate in the magician conference?If so, then what they are wearing is really weird!If not, then who are they?
After the three of them left the teleportation formation, they first walked out normally, but after walking a few steps, the three of them suddenly turned around and walked towards Shengsi and the others!

"This beautiful lady, my name is William Wren. I don't know your name?" After approaching, one of the three white youths said to Hongzi. He spoke English and even brought a little accent.

This is to strike up a conversation?Seeing this person's elegant appearance, Shengsi couldn't help but think that this person probably came over to strike up a conversation because he fell in love with Sister Hongzi.

Because this person speaks English, but Hongzi has always hated learning English, and she usually listens to Japanese, so she was stunned for a while when she heard the English with a little accent!
As a result, the scene fell silent for a while, and the speaking Ren kept his extremely gentlemanly appearance, waiting for Hongzi's answer.

But Hongzi was thinking about what this man was talking about, but because he only said it once, Hongzi didn't remember it all, so she couldn't think of what Ren said.

After a long time, Ren waited for Hongzi to say something in Japanese: "What are you talking about?"

"Japanese woman?!" Ren said in surprise when he heard Hongzi's Japanese.

Maybe it was because Hongzi couldn't understand English, the companion next to Renn smiled and said, "How about it, Renn? Are you interested? If not, I'm going to do it!"

"Jimmy! Be careful what you say, this is my goal!" Ren heard the words and gave Jimmy a vicious look.

Seeing this, Jimmy shrugged resentfully: "OK! OK! Yours!"

Seeing Jimmy's fate, the man standing on the other side of Renn swallowed what he was about to say.

Seeing the three people in front of him discussing Hongzi's ownership right there, Shengsi shook his head slightly, how naive!

"Sister Hongzi, let's go find Uncle Diwen!" Sheng Si didn't pay attention to the three people in front of him at all, probably they were playboys from that family.

"En!" Hongzi nodded, and then led Shengsi out.

At first, Hongzi was curious about what these three people wanted her for, but now Shengsi had spoken, so Hongzi led Shengsi to the door.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Wait a minute!" Just after taking two steps, that Ren suddenly stopped in front of the two of them.

"What?" Hongzi gave Ryan a sideways look, showing impatience, he wanted to leave, but it was too impolite to stop him!

"I-want-to-get-acquainted-with-you." Ren stopped every word, and at the same time gestured while speaking, trying to let Hongzi understand what he meant. It seems that Ren can't speak Japanese either.

Seeing Ren's expression of struggling to express himself, Sheng Si couldn't help feeling a little funny.

"Sister Hongzi, he said he wanted to get to know you." Shengsi said to Hongzi, he really couldn't stand it anymore, so he helped this guy named Ren.

"Ah?! Shengsi, can you understand English?" Hongzi asked in surprise, she didn't expect that Shengsi could understand English.

"I know a little bit! In fact, I don't know much." Modesty is the habit of Shengsi. In fact, how can Shengsi only know a little English?His English is much better than that of the authentic British and Americans. Not only that, Shengsi can even speak English in dialects of many places!
"It's amazing, I don't know any English at all! Shengsi, you are much better than me!" Hongzi exclaimed.

"Where is it, sister Hongzi, you are also great!" Shengsi waved his hand and praised Hongzi instead.

This time, I praised Hongzi with a big red face
Shengsi and Hongzi couldn't stop talking and laughing here, but Ren's face in front of them gradually turned dark!
You really look down on me!I, William Ryan, am the son of the elder of the William family!A genius magician who became a senior magician at the age of 17!And you two were talking and laughing there, not taking yourself seriously at all!It's really disgusting!

"I said, did you two listen to me?!" Seeing that the two were about to continue talking, Ren's angry words sounded beside them.

"What did you say?" Shengsi said indifferently, this person is too rude, he just said a few words, so impatient to wait?What about the gentleman who picked up girls just now?Showing your playboy nature now?

"I said you brat, so you can understand me, then why didn't you speak just now, did you want to play tricks on me?" Ren said looking at Shengsi with a cannibalistic expression.

It turns out that this kid who was ignored by him just now can speak English, but he ignored him just now, it's really disgusting!

At this time, Ren had decided that Shengsi was playing tricks on him, so... he is very angry now!
Regarding Ren's rudeness, Shengsi frowned slightly, this person is really a wife or something, Shengsi didn't know what to say.

"Sage? What's wrong with him?" Hongzi also noticed Ren's anger, and she asked worriedly. This is the first time she participated in the magician conference, and it was because she introduced Shengsi into the family. That's why Diwen agreed to let her accompany her, but after all, this is her first time in a foreign country, and she is not familiar with the place, especially now that she has encountered such a thing, she feels a little flustered.

"Sister Hongzi, it's okay. Let's go to Uncle Diwen right away." Shengsi also saw that Hongzi was flustered, and he smiled to comfort him. Let's give way, okay? We're going over there!"

"Hahaha want to go?! You offended me, Master Ren, today! If you don't let this beautiful lady beside you accompany me, I will make your family not even eligible to participate in the Magician Conference!" Ren laughed, Said to Shengsi with a sneer on his face, he didn't hold back at all because Shengsi was a child, and a breath that only belonged to wanku (wanku) came over his face.

Because the voice of Ren's words was too loud, everyone in the hall looked over at this time, and even the people who had just left the space door and hadn't figured out the situation looked at Ren in surprise!
What is this for?embarrassing? !

PS: Today I was fascinated by playing the game, so I just coded it
(End of this chapter)

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