Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 139 The people who eat melons who don't know the truth

Chapter 139 The people who eat melons who don't know the truth

"What are you looking at! Master Ren of the William family is just teaching a child who has no eyes! What's so interesting?! Go! Go!" The man named Jimmy saw someone approaching, waved his hand and shouted, saying Jimmy's tone was full of pride when he was in William's family, and he didn't take Shengsi, a brat, seriously.

In fact, Jimmy also has the capital to be proud of. Who doesn't know that the William family is one of the four top magic families in the world, but there are wizards, and they are all superior in speaking!
Hearing that the young master of the William family was teaching people here, everyone left the hall and walked out. They didn't dare to watch the excitement of the William family. You must know that the general organizer of this year's Magician Conference is the William family. The young master of the William family, who knows if he will trip up his family at the Magicians Conference!
Looking at the people who were scared away by the name of the William family, Jimmy smiled triumphantly.A group of country bumpkins fled under the name of my William family!
"Hmph!" Looking at the proud Jimmy, Sheng Si snorted coldly.

This guy named Jimmy dared to say that he didn't have eyes, it was really disgusting, Shengsi was a shock to him.

"Bang!" The man named Jimmy was still proudly driving everyone away one second, and the next second, he was directly sent flying to the wall by the holy priest's thought power. Because of enough force, he still couldn't buckle it down. kind of.

Because of this sudden scene, everyone who was about to leave turned around after hearing the sound.


Seeing Jimmy's miserable appearance, everyone gasped. At least he suffered a powdery fracture all over his body. If he didn't treat him quickly, he might die!

"Jimmy!" Ryan screamed first, and then roared to everyone: "Who?! Who did it?! Who is it? How dare you hurt someone from my William family! Don't you want to live?!"

Jimmy was suddenly beaten like this, which made Ren extremely flustered. What made Ren flustered was not the strength of the assailant, but that he didn't realize who Jimmy was beaten like this at all!

unknown!That's the most frightening thing!
"Roz! You are a wood magician, go and save Jimmy!" Ren shouted in panic for a while, and found that everyone was shaking their heads. At this moment, he remembered that Jimmy had been printed on the wall and passed out, so He quickly shouted to another young man in white beside him.

"En!" The man named Luoz nodded quickly and walked towards Luoz. He was also frightened by this scene. After all, they were just playboys who had never seen blood. The territory injured the people of the William family!This is really beyond his imagination.

After Luoz went to rescue Jimmy, Ren continued to question everyone: "Did anyone see what happened to Jimmy just now?!"

"do you know?!"

"And you?!"

"how about you?!"

Ren pointed at people and asked one by one, but everyone shook their heads in response, let alone whether they knew who did it, even if they knew, judging by Jimmy's arrogant look just now, would they say that It's a problem, and besides, they never found out who did it.

"Shengsi, did you do this?" Hongzi asked Shengsi in a low voice, seeing that Ren was about to go crazy.

"He was too arrogant just now, and he scolded me! I'll teach him a lesson." Shengsi nodded and said indifferently.

A lesson is a lesson, but this is too... too scary, it almost killed him!Hongzi labeled Shengsi as a violent person in his heart.

Seeming to see through what Hongzi was thinking, Shengsi continued: "Don't worry, I acted with discretion, I didn't let him leave a drop of blood, and he won't die due to excessive blood loss, at most it will be one It's just paralyzed, but if there is a magician to treat it, it should be the same as ordinary people, but the magic power. It will be very difficult to recover in the future!"

This is the case where Jimmy only scolded Shengsi. If Jimmy scolded not Shengsi but his family, then Jimmy would not have been printed on the wall just now, but would have disappeared completely!

"Hehe. Hehe." Hongzi heheed a little embarrassedly.

A magician has been crippled. Is there any difference from killing him? Hongzi's label for Shengsi has been upgraded again, from a violent person to a devil!

After Hongzi and Shengsi had just finished discussing this topic, they found that at some point, the eyes of everyone and Ren were focused on him.

It turned out that when Ryan found out that everyone said that they did not hurt Jimmy, a ridiculous idea emerged in his heart, that is—Sheng Si did it!
So he turned his gaze to Shengsi, and everyone looked at Shengsi after seeing this.

"Is it you?!" Ren's face was distorted at this time, as if he was about to kill someone.

Although Ren's appearance was extremely scary, Ren didn't wait for Shengsi's response. Shengsi looked at Ren in front of him and just smiled, then took Hongzi's hand and walked out.

Shengsi extremely dislikes crowded environments, and now in this hall, since the space door keeps flashing, many people have already surrounded it.

As for the angry Ren in front of him?Oh, Shengsi has never looked at him directly. In Shengsi's eyes, he is just a clown!

"It's you! It must be you! You want to run away after beating someone in my William family?! Go to hell!" Seeing that Shengsi and Hongzi are 'running away', Ren has already determined that Shengsi and the others are the ones who injured Jimmy People, at this time, Ren's brain has been filled with anger, he has no time to think about the strength of Shengsi, he just wants to kill Shengsi now!
I saw Ren leaping high, the thunderball flashed in his hand, and his whole body was covered with lightning. At this moment, Ren was like a god of thunder!
From the looks of it, Ren is a senior magician of the Thunder Department.

Ren's attack was very ferocious. If this thunder ball fell on Shengsi, everyone believed that such a brat would definitely be burnt to nothing!

However, things did not go as everyone imagined.


In the next second, there was another mark on the wall not far from Jimmy, and it was Ren who was left on the side!
This is Shengsi's gift in response to Rennes - Psychic Shock!
Because this happened so suddenly, the loud noise startled Roz, who was using magic to rescue Jimmy.

Looking at Shengsi and Hongzi again, except for Hongzi who turned his head because of the strange noise behind him, the two of them didn't stop walking outwards!
"what happened?!"

"Who did it?!"

A group of melon-eating people who didn't know the truth were talking there.

(End of this chapter)

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