Chapter 140

Now everyone will not think that it was Shengsi who did it. If you say that such a small brat can beat a high-level magician like this, no one will believe it!
And when Ren was sent flying just now, Sheng Si didn't even recite the spell, and there was no magic power fluctuation on his body. Therefore, everyone guessed that someone who didn't like the William family should have acted secretly!

As for whether it's the one named Hongzi, that's even more impossible. She seems to be only an intermediate magician, how can she beat a high-level magician of the Thunder system!

"Let's go! Let's go!" Shengsi didn't care about everyone's discussion, he was walking out of the hall with Hongzi on his own.

Because the people in this hall came from all over the world, most of them didn't know what Shengsi said, but it seemed like they were asking them to get out of the way.

Seeing this, everyone made way for Hongzi and Shengsi to walk all the way to the gate.

Although everyone was very curious about Shengsi and the others, they didn't dare to stop them, and they didn't look at the fate of the two on the wall. They haven't been detained yet!
In this way, Hongzi and Shengsi walked out of the hall unimpeded. After leaving the hall, there was a long metal corridor in front of them, about 50 meters away, because most people were watching the excitement in the hall just now. Because of this, the corridor seemed very empty at this moment.

Passing through this silent corridor, Shengsi's eyes suddenly brightened.

This is an even bigger hall, about the size of a football field. At the end of the hall are several long corridor exits. Shengsi and the others came out from the middle exit, and at the end of the hall are five huge halls. Crystal ball, there were five long lines in front of the crystal ball. Shengsi glanced and found that Diwen was in the second line from left to right, and it was still relatively front.

Seeing this, Shengsi wanted to probe the five huge crystal balls with his thoughts, and he wanted to see what they were.

But when Shengsi used his mind power, he found that he could only extend 50 meters around him!

What's going on here?Originally, my mind power could easily extend to a radius of more than five kilometers, but now it has shrunk by more than 100 times!what happened?
After glancing around, Shengsi discovered the problem. It turned out that a huge magic circle was arranged here, and Shengsi's thought power was suppressed in this magic circle, and the suppression was super obvious!

Although it was suppressed, Shengsi didn't panic at all, because although the distance of the telepathic induction was suppressed, its strength did not change at all. It seemed that the magic circle was acting as a disturbance.

"Look, Shengsi, there is a sign over there!" Just as Shengsi was thinking, Hongzi pointed to a place not far ahead and said.

Hearing this, Shengsi looked towards Hongzi and found out what brand he was talking about.

It was a long white line, extending from the left to the right of the hall, and there was a sign every ten meters. Shengsi glanced at it and found that there were five in total. The signs said, Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Oceania, these five signs correspond to five roads respectively, and Diwen entered the road with the Asian sign on it.

Seeing this, Shengsi turned his head to Hongzi and said, "Sister Hongzi, let's go there quickly!"

"En!" As they spoke, the two walked towards the second sign.

After approaching, Shengsi found that this brand is not just a simple brand. Based on Shengsi's understanding of the magic circle, he saw scanning magic, identification magic, isolation magic, etc. on it. Shengsi guessed that the function of this brand is to use to screen, but he doesn't know exactly how.

Shengsi thought for a while, and the two had already walked to the side of the sign.

When Shengsi and Hongzi passed the sign that said 'Asia', Shengsi could clearly feel a magical power coming towards him. The magic power entered, but after a few seconds, Shengsi found that this magic power was not offensive, so Shengsi took off his guard and let the magic power circle around his body. After a second, the magic power retreated up.

However. There was no reaction. Seiji thought there would be some special reaction, but there was nothing.

"What's the matter, Shengsi?" Hongzi looked puzzled when Shengsi suddenly stopped moving.

Hearing this, Shengsi shook his head in embarrassment, "It's nothing! Let's go!"

Saying that, Shengsi led Hongzi and walked forward.

It is worth mentioning that there is a transparent barrier around this line, which fundamentally eliminates the idea of ​​Shengsi going to the front to jump in line. No wonder the line is so neat, so it is.
Originally, Shengsi wanted to go directly to Diwen's place, but because of the wall, Shengsi and Hongzi had to line up in a respectful manner.

At the beginning of queuing, Shengsi first used the sound transmission technique to tell Di Wen their situation, and after getting a clear answer, Shengsi and Hongzian lined up with peace of mind.

The team walked quickly, about three or four minutes later, Shengsi and Hongzi arrived in front of the big crystal ball.

Diwen told him how to use this crystal ball. It is actually very simple. Just touch the crystal ball with your hand and silently recite your name and the name of the family it represents.

Soon, both Shengsi and Hongzi finished the process. At this time, Diwen had already been waiting for a long time.

"Shengsi, Hongzi, our room is at No. 4523. From this hall, we can take a short-distance teleportation array to directly reach the building where the room is located." Seeing Shengsi and Hongzi walking towards him, Diwen smiled said.

"That's it, then let's go!" Shengsi nodded, although his strength was not affected here, but Shengsi's telekinetic induction was suppressed, which still made him a little uncomfortable.

"En!" Di Wen led the two of them out of the hall upon hearing this.

Just two steps away, there was a sudden noise in the passage behind the three of them.

"Look, there is the law enforcement team of the William family in that corridor over there!"

"Yes, I heard that the young master of the William family was beaten!"

Looking back, Shengsi saw a large group of uniformed people gathered at the exit of the corridor, and an old man stood in front of the group, and the old man was saying something to the people in front of him. After a while, that The old man seemed to have finished speaking, and the group of uniformed people in front of him dispersed one after another and started patrolling the hall.

After the old man finished speaking, he turned back and entered the corridor. After a while, a large group of people came out of the corridor. Ryan and Jimmy.

Seeing this, Shengsi probably knew what happened there, probably someone from the William family came, and they were arresting the so-called 'murderer' right now!

(End of this chapter)

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