Chapter 141
"What's wrong, Shengsi? Do you know what happened over there?" Diwen also saw something strange in the corridor, because Shengsi and the others came out later, so Diwen thought that Shengsi might know something.

"That's right. Actually, I'm not very clear about it!" Originally, Shengsi planned to tell what happened just now, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. Anyway, what he said has no other effect except to make Diwen worry. , so it is better not to say.

Hongzi on the side was a little puzzled when she saw Shengsi's refusal to tell the reason, but after thinking about it, she understood Shengsi's intention, so she wisely didn't speak.

"Oh, then let's go quickly! The magician conference will be held soon, let's go to the guest room to rest and recover our magic power!" Diwen didn't think much, and walked outside after saying a word.

Seeing this, Shengsi and Hongzi also walked out.

After a while, the three of them came to the outside of the hall. This was an open space that was neither too big nor too small. There were more than a dozen small teleportation arrays placed in the open space. This should be the small teleportation array that Di Wen just mentioned.

After leaving the hall, the three of them didn't stop. Hongzi and Shengsi followed Diwen straight to the seventh teleportation formation. Without thinking too much, the three of them stepped directly into the teleportation formation.

A few seconds later, the teleportation array was activated, and the next moment, the three of them had arrived in a modern hotel.

Huh!As soon as he stepped out of the teleportation array, Shengsi found that his telekinesis sensing range had recovered. With a slight sweep, Shengsi found that they were already in the lobby of a modern hotel named 'White Mountain'.

After the scanning range expanded, Shengsi found that they were not in the place hidden by the magic circle, but in downtown Los Angeles!

Originally, Shengsi thought that they would live in a castle like that of the William family, like the high-end spirit gathering array of the Koizumi family, but he did not expect this kind of hotel.

But that's right, there are so many magic families in the world, and the William family's place may not be able to live there, so they are allowed to live in this kind of hotel controlled by the William family.

Why is it controlled instead of bought? Because Shengsi discovered that the waiters, receptionists, chefs, etc. in this hotel were all controlled by a special senior magician with magic. Judging from the appearance of these people Look, it should be a puppetry trick, hence the name Siyi. Puppetry is to make the person cast the spell do things according to the order given by the spellcaster, like a puppet, absolutely obey the order!

It seems that this person should be from the Charm department, and at the same time, Shengsi estimated that this magician is also the person in charge of the William family in this hotel
While Shengsi was thinking for a while, Diwen and Hongzi both walked a few steps away. Seeing this, Shengsi hurriedly followed.

Room 4523 is on the fourth floor, and Shengsi and the others have to take the elevator.

In the elevator, Shengsi looked at the scene in front of him and felt a little embarrassed. For some reason, Shengsi found that the magicians were really reticent and almost never talked, because there were many magicians in this hotel, and there were not only magicians in the elevator. The three of Shengsi and the others, besides Shengsi and the others, there are two magicians, a man and a woman. Judging from the fluctuations in the magic power naturally exuded from them, the man is a great magician, while the woman is weaker. Just a senior magician.

Outside the elevator, Shengsi and Hongzi were quite happy talking, but once they got into the elevator, they didn’t know what was going on, everyone shut their mouths in unison, and stopped talking, except for the sound of the cable pulling the elevator. There was not even the slightest extraneous sound, which made Shengsi feel embarrassed to speak, for fear of destroying the tranquility.

In fact, apart from this slight embarrassment, Shengsi also felt a little awkward, that is, a group of magicians in magic robes in a modern hotel gave people as weird a feeling as possible.

Of course, Shengsi is the exception among these weird people. I don’t know why, Shengsi doesn’t like wearing magic robes very much, and Xiao Xi doesn’t like wearing magic robes like Shengsi. Diwen actually gave Shengsi a set of tailor-made magic last night. Robe, but Shengsi said no, and Diwen didn't force it.

Although Shengsi felt a little uncomfortable in the elevator, the discomfort only lasted for a short while. Soon, the three of Shengsi got out of the elevator and came to the door of Room 4523.

After opening the door, as Shengsi expected, this is an ordinary room with no bright spots at all.

"Shengsi, we are going to enter the arena at [-]:[-], there is still about an hour, go and have a rest." Diwen said to Shengsi as soon as he entered the door, and at the same time he sat down on the sofa , It looks like he is about to start meditating.

"En!" Shengsi nodded, and walked towards the bedroom beside him. He wanted to adjust his state and keep himself at the peak all the time!
And because Xiao Xi just came to see, so I just let her do whatever.

So, the three of them sat quietly in this room, waiting for the magician conference to start.

At the same time, in Japan, Kudo Shin's family, in the bedroom.

A woman in a brown fur coat with short brown hair was rummaging through the closet.

"Huh?" After a while, there was a sudden surprise in the quiet bedroom.

I saw a photo with a sense of age in the woman's hand. In the photo, there was a child with his hands wide open, laughing at the camera. It seemed that this photo surprised her, so she smiled slightly.

After seeing the photo, the woman smiled, put it back, and took out a transparent sheet from her pocket.

If Shengsi is here, he will definitely find out that the thing the woman is holding is specially used to absorb fingerprints
Ten minutes later, Didan Primary School.

Today is the weekend, so there is no one in the school, but in the classroom of Class B of the second year, an unexpected visitor came.

It was still the brown-haired woman, and she ran straight to Conan's seat after entering the classroom, only to see that she took out a transparent sheet from her pocket again and printed it on the desk.

One minute later, the woman grabbed the two sheets and compared them, and found that the fingerprints on them were exactly the same!
Seeing this, the corners of the woman's mouth turned up slightly, and it could be seen that she was very happy in her heart.

After finishing these, the girl quickly left the school and walked straight into a small alley. After a while, a black car rushed out of the small alley and ran towards the distance.

Forty minutes later, in a laboratory of a secret base.

The brown-haired woman was sitting in front of a computer, typing something on the keyboard with both hands.

After a while, Kudo Shinichi's name was displayed on the screen.

This is a list of people who have taken APTX-4869, and the result written behind everyone's name is death, except for Shinichi!An unknown was written behind his name, which seemed so abrupt among a group of deaths.

Looking at this list, the woman pondered. After a long time, the woman tapped the keyboard again and changed the unknown to death!

After finishing all this, the woman picked up the coffee she had made a long time ago by the computer, and took a sip with a smile on her lips.

PS: Appeared
(End of this chapter)

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