Chapter 142
United States, Los Angeles, White Mountain Hotel, room 4523.

Diwen sat up from the sofa and shouted into the bedroom: "Shengsi, we have to go!"

"Okay, wait a minute, it will be ready soon!" Shengsi's voice came from the bedroom.

"It's already 38:[-], it's almost time to enter the arena, let's hurry up!" Diwen urged again, because the magician conference was about to be held, so Diwen was a little nervous.

But this time, Shengsi didn't respond, he was busy!
in the bedroom.

"Three eights and one pair of fours!" Shengsi excitedly tossed the cards in his hand, because he caught a good hand of cards, Shengsi was very happy.

"Shengsi, let's go, Dad is calling you!" Hongzi on the other side has been hesitant to play the card, she just has three nines in her hand to hold down Shengsi, but Dad is already calling them, so Hongzi At this time, the son didn't know whether he should continue playing.

Yes, the two Seiji are playing poker!Just now, Shengsi recovered completely after meditating for a few minutes. In the next ten minutes, he recalled his magic there. In the end, Shengsi was really bored, so he called Hongzi to fight against the landlord together. This hit hit this time.

"It's okay, let's go after we finish this game, sister Hongzi, hurry up and come out!" Shengsi was not at all anxious about the magician conference, anyway, there were still 10 minutes left.

"Okay. Three nine belts and one pair three." Hongzi was very helpless, unable to hold back Shengsi, so he continued to fight with him.

"your turn!"


"Crush to death!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Right! I only have one card! Haha."

"Sorry!" Hongzi threw the cards in his hand onto the bed, and said with a dejected expression.

"A little king! Hahaha, sister Hongzi, you lost again!" Shengsi laughed triumphantly. This is Hongzi's eighth consecutive loss.

The two played a total of eight games, and Hongzi never won.
"I don't play anymore, I lose every time! It's not fun at all!" Hongzi complained slightly because he lost eight games in a row.

"Hahaha" Seeing this, Shengsi laughed even more heartily.

However, at this moment, the door of the room was opened by Diwen.

As soon as he entered the room, Diwen saw two people sitting on the bed facing each other, and there was a pile of scattered playing cards between them.

"Shengsi, you...are you playing poker?" Diwen was expressionless when he asked this question, which made Shengsi and Hongzi feel a little uneasy.

No matter how you look at Diwen's bitter face, it looks like the calm before the storm. The Magician Conference held every five years, is such an important event, not as important as a small playing card?It is estimated that at this moment, Di Wen's heart exploded.

Hongzi can meet, Diwen should scold them, but in the next second, both of them are stupefied!

"It's disgusting! You guys didn't call me when you were playing poker! It's so disrespectful!" A look of chagrin appeared on Diwen's expressionless face, as if he had missed something important.

After hearing these words, Shengsi's worldview was overturned. Is this still the majestic head of the Koizumi family?What's wrong with this expression now?It's so weird!
"Then let's go together next time." Shengsi threw the playing cards into the dimensional space, got up and said, he was really surprised by Diwen's contrast, and even his speech became a little stuttering.

Hongzi on the side was not much better either, they all looked shocked.

Diwen seemed to realize that everyone's reaction was a bit exaggerated, and he said awkwardly: "Okay, let's go, the Magician Conference is about to be held!"

"Let's go." Shengsi didn't say anything, gave the embarrassed Diwen a step, and walked out of the door. Seeing this, Hongzi also followed out tactfully, leaving only Diwen messy at the door.

After arriving at the lobby of the hotel, Shengsi found that there were already many people here, because the number of people teleported by the teleportation array is limited at one time, so they had to queue up.

Although there are a lot of people here, the hall is very quiet except for some whispers, which can be seen from the side that the magicians are really indifferent.

Soon, Shengsi and the others also set foot on the teleportation array.

A few seconds later, the three of them came to a high platform. Looking around, Shengsi found an open-air square under the high platform. The first impression of this square is that it is big. If you take another look, you will find that it is very big. !It is so big that it can shock people!

Shengsi looked at the people in the square from this high platform, just like looking at ants, it was so small!
Scanning casually, Shengsi found that the square is surrounded by seats and stands that are the same as a football field. Shengsi and the others are on top of a stand, and there are seats on his left and right sides. Generally speaking, this square is an enlarged version football field!

Shengsi estimated that this square should be able to seat 10 people!even more!

What I mean here is being able to sit down, not accommodate. Although the two look similar, the meanings they express are very different. The meaning of accommodation is how many people can be squeezed in. It doesn’t matter what state you are in, standing, Sitting, lying down, or lying down is up to you, but sitting down means that everyone has a seat to sit, and only the number of people sitting in the seat is counted.

An ordinary football field can seat tens of thousands of people, but this field can seat at least [-]. It can be seen how big this field is!

Because it was the first time for Hongzi and Shengsi to see such a big scene, they were a little shocked for a while, but Diwen had indeed seen people with big scenes.

He looked at the two people standing there, pointed to a place not far to the right and said with a smile, "Let's go first, our seats are over there. After you sit in, you can look at it however you want!"

"En!" Hongzi and Shengsi came back to their senses, nodded towards Diwen, and then walked there with Diwen.

After a while, several people came to their seats.

Because they were delayed for a while, they came late. At this time, the stands on the square were almost full. On the way, Shengsi found that everyone in the seats looked at him with surprise. It seemed that he was surprised that such a little kid came to the Magician Conference.

Shengsi didn't care about these gazes at all, and just talked to Hongzi indifferently.

But when Shengsi came to their seat, Shengsi was taken aback, isn't this...isn't that that of the Ozawa family? !Why is he here?
Ozawa Ozawa Kawano, yes!Ozawa Kawano!It's that great magician named Ozawa Kawano, I met him at Seiji Jiang Guchuan last time, but I didn't expect him to be sitting beside me!
PS: If you don’t like to watch magic scenes, you can skip these few pictures. After the protagonist returns to Tokyo, Xiao Ai will officially appear on the stage. Just start watching from then on.

(End of this chapter)

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