Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 143 William Yakes

Chapter 143 William Yakes

Yes, Diwen told him just now that the order of the three of them is: Diwen, Hongzi, Shengsi, and the right side of Shengsi is Ozawa Kawano!
Not only that, Seiji found that basically all Japanese magicians were sitting in this place. Seiji originally thought that these seats were random, but now it seems that these seats have a deep meaning.

Thinking of this, Shengsi remembered that when he was at the Baishan Hotel just now, all he met seemed to be people of yellow race, not a single white person or black person. It is estimated that all the people living in that hotel were Japanese magicians.

Even though he thought so much, Sheng Si still kept his pace and walked towards his seat, there was no sign of strangeness on his face.

"Heh." After sitting down, Seiji greeted Kawano with a chuckle.

But regarding Shengsi's enthusiasm, that Kawano snorted coldly and turned his head away. He still remembers the scene where he fled in desperation from the Koizumi family, and now he still has the face to talk to Shengsi. If it was not allowed to change positions with others, he would have changed positions with others long ago.

Seeing this, Shengsi just smiled, since others don't want to talk to you, Shengsi will not put his hot face on other people's cold ass.

After curling his lips, Shengsi turned his head and talked with Hongzi about the magician conference. It was the first time for both of them to participate in this kind of conference, and they each had a lot of fresh topics. Almost.

Diwen on the side had already communicated with Kawano through sound transmission on the way here, and now, Diwen is chatting with people nearby. Seeing that they are talking happily, they probably know each other.

Originally, Diwen wanted to introduce these magicians around to Shengsi, but Shengsi didn't say no, Diwen didn't force it.

In this way, more than ten minutes passed, and at this time, it was already nine o'clock.

It is worth mentioning that the time referred to here does not refer to local time in the United States, but a general time in the magical world, referred to as magic time.

Because the magic time is very close to the local time in Japan, Seiji always thought that the holding of the magic time meeting was calculated according to the Japanese time. It was not until Di Wen explained to him just now that he knew that the magician meeting was held using magic. time.

At the moment when it was exactly nine o'clock, the entire square was silent.


There was a sudden boom in the middle of the square.

After hearing the sound, everyone's eyes instantly turned to the center of the square, only to see a high platform about ten meters high suddenly appeared there, and an old man in a black robe was standing on the high platform. It looked like it would fall off a high platform if it was blown by the wind.

"Today! It's the day of the magicians conference. First of all, I want to say that my name is William Topofel. On behalf of the William family, I welcome everyone to come. As the organizer of this magician conference, the William family feels that It's an honor! Today" the old man's energetic voice resounded throughout the square.

For this, Shengsi had to admire. He could see that the old man did not rely on magic power, nor did he rely on microphones to reach everyone's ears. He relied on his own Voice!
Although it was because the echo played a big role in it, the old man's own strength should not be underestimated!
"I don't have much to say, I announce that the magician's conference is officially held!" After talking for a while, the old man suddenly announced the holding of the magician's conference.

After saying this, the old man disappeared instantly from the high platform, and Shengsi sensed a wave of space from it. It seems that the old man left with space magic just now. The moment the space wave disappeared, another wave Stock space fluctuations rose.

In the next second, another old man appeared on the high platform. This is an old man wearing a big red robe. He is slightly fat. In the eyes of Shengsi, he is a little happy and makes people laugh. Although the old man's big red robe It looked like a laugh, but his sharp eyes swept across the audience, suppressing the slight commotion caused by the disappearance of No.1 old man.

When the arena was completely silent, the old man's hearty voice spread throughout the audience through a small magic.

"I, William Yax, a wizard of the water system! Today, the first session of the Magicians Conference, I will explain magic to everyone!"

Wizard? !This is the wizard?It's no wonder that Shengsi didn't sense the slightest magic fluctuation from this red-robed old man. After reaching the realm of a mage, his whole body's magic power is restrained, like a sealed container, without the slightest magic power leaking out. If he doesn't deliberately show his power Well, in the eyes of outsiders, this is an ordinary person, so Shengsi didn't see the strength of this person at all just now.

"Oh!~" After hearing Yax's words, the people burst into cheers.

For them, it is still very exciting to hear a magician of the wizard level give them a lecture.

Looking at the cheering crowd, Yax raised his hands up, and then pressed them down, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

Seeing this, everyone was very understanding, and the slightly noisy square fell silent within a few seconds.

"The time for this explanation is one hour. Because I am a water magician, I will mainly talk about the water element this time. Of course, I will also talk about other elements." After watching everyone quiet down, the old man in the red robe Sitting cross-legged.

And because the lecture was about to start, people's attention was all focused on the very center of the square.

After a pause, Yax's voice sounded slowly.

"Water magic can be said to be the most versatile magic, because... so... water, it is a kind of substance, and it is also fire as mentioned below. As the saying goes, water and fire are incompatible, but in fact, they are also compatible. As far as gold is concerned, it and wood are also the same. It has various uses. I don’t know much about earth, but I still talk about it. I can also talk about space in the special department. Yes, space is actually."

During Yax's step-by-step explanations, people were gradually fascinated. Although sometimes they couldn't understand what Yax said, magic always has something to learn from, so people can still learn a little knowledge from it.

Yax said that he only spoke for an hour, but after he finished speaking, he realized that he had spoken for a full hour, five and 10 minutes.

In fact, in this more than an hour, the saints can be said to have gained the most among the crowd, because the magic learned by the saints is very complicated, almost every department of magic has been learned, and the magic saints explained by Yax Si has learned it before, so Shengsi was fascinated by listening to it just now. The opinion of a magician is really different. After listening to this explanation, Shengsi has a deeper understanding of the essence of magic.

This is also thanks to Shengsi's strong soul and memory, otherwise he would have to burst his head to learn so much knowledge.

PS: This plot will pass soon.

(End of this chapter)

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