Chapter 147 Mutation
On the square of the William family.

Those densely packed tents have long since disappeared, and the square has returned to a flat land at this time, but!Not an open space!

At this time, the square is crowded with people, and the endless noise of people is everywhere!
"What are you William family doing?! Locking us up to make trouble?!"

"That's right! Isn't it because someone injured a young master of your family? Now you can't find anyone to vent your anger on us?!"

The people in the square were very excited and shouted non-stop.

And these shouting voices have been echoing in Diwen's ears, making him very annoying!
After breaking contact with Shengsi just now, Diwen remained calm and abnormal, and exchanged the magic materials he wanted with the old man without any panic.

But not long after he sent the old man away, a law enforcement magician from the William family rushed in and asked Di Wen which family he was from.

Diwen said something about the Koizumi family without panic, and after getting the answer from the Koizumi family, the man nodded and left.

Diwen knew that they didn't know the relationship between him and Shengsi at all. It seems that what Shengsi said was correct. The people in the William family should have believed Shengsi's words and went to find trouble with the Longquan family .

After knowing the news, Diwen waited in the tent more at ease, but a few minutes later, the square suddenly shook, and the tent where Diwen was located gradually became transparent and finally disappeared!
Seeing this, Diwen knew something was wrong.

The facts were exactly as Di Wen expected. When the tents disappeared completely, Di Wen found that all the tents on the square had disappeared!And a place not far from him was being surrounded by a group of law enforcement magicians from the William family.

Judging from the location of that area, the surrounded one should be a first-class magic family, and as can be seen from Diwen, the group of surrounded people is a group of white people, probably a European or American magic family .

And from the comments of the people around, Diwen can confirm that the family surrounded is called the Longquan family!And it seems that this Longquan family is protected by another top family 'Zhanlong'.

After listening to other people's discussion for a while, Diwen also roughly understood what happened.

It turned out that the members of the William family directly approached the Koizumi family and asked them to hand in people, which made the Longquan family look puzzled and didn't know what was going on, so they directly took the law enforcement team of the William family out of the tent. Ri kicked out.

Seeing the appearance of the Longquan family, it was okay, so the William family directly surrounded several tents of the Longquan family. Of course, the Longquan family was not a coward. Several elders immediately jumped out to reason with the members of the William family.

In the end, for some unknown reason, the law enforcement team of the William family clashed with the Longquan family. It seemed that the elders of the Longquan family were impatient and cast a few spells on the law enforcement team of the William family!It is precisely because of these spells that a large number of magic fluctuations were generated. The moment the magic fluctuations were generated, the magic circle on the square was automatically activated and all the tents were put away.

All the magicians in the square were extremely sensitive to magic fluctuations. The moment the tent disappeared, all the people in the square looked towards the center of the square, and Diwen was one of them.

It was terrible to see this, only to see that in the very center of the square, the law enforcement teams of the Longquan family and the William family formed a confrontation.

Because most of the William family's law enforcement team are senior magicians, they still can't defeat the Longquan family, which is dominated by great magicians, let alone a forced search, so they are now waiting for reinforcements in the square to come, waiting for more people Speak again.

And the top magic family on the side - the Bailong family, immediately surrounded them after seeing this scene!
The relationship between Bailong and the Longquan family is very close. It can be said that the Longquan family is a branch of the Bailong family, so seeing the Longquan family being surrounded, the Bailong family rushed over immediately.

When the members of the Bailong family gathered around, all the law enforcement magicians of the William family gathered in the square.

Now, a top-tier family plus a first-class family formed a confrontation with the William family!Because they are at home, the William family is very strong and has been forcing the Longquan family to hand over!They determined that Master Ren was definitely injured by those two members of the Longquan family!

But where are the two people they mentioned in the Longquan family, they can't even hand them over if they want to!Even if they had, they wouldn't hand it over. As a magic family, if they can't even protect their own family's magicians, what kind of magic family are they talking about!Besides, this is simply nonsense!They had a strong anger at the William family's behavior without evidence!And with the Bailong family around, they don't look down on the William family at all!

As more and more people came from the William family, the center of the square was gradually surrounded, and the Bailong family was also extremely strong. The confidence of the Magic family, so they are protecting the Longquan family, the members of the William family dare not act rashly, if they do this, it will not give the Bailong family face!
If there is a conflict between two top magic families, it will be big news in the magic world!It will cause changes in the structure of the entire magic world, so the two have been restraining themselves, just confronting each other.

This confrontation lasted until after twelve o'clock. During this period, the personnel of the two parties also had several conversations, but they all broke up unhappy.

But the strange thing is that, apart from a law enforcement elder, the top executives of the William family have not come out until now, which seems very weird.What's even more weird is that after twelve o'clock, the law enforcement team of the William family actually started to retreat slowly, as if they no longer planned to pursue those two people.

After a while, all members of the law enforcement team of the William family withdrew.

Seeing this, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. Looking at it like this, they should be allowed to leave.At the same time, the members of the Longquan family and the Bailong family also took off their guard and began to discuss what was going on!

However, just when everyone thought this matter was over and they could leave, suddenly!The whole square suddenly went dark!
A huge magic circle rose from the ground at a very fast speed, covering the entire square at once, as if it was night.

This sudden scene directly stunned everyone, what happened?The unsuspecting crowd began to panic again.

PS: There are still a few Xiaoai who will officially appear on the stage.
(End of this chapter)

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